
61 lines
1.8 KiB

# bin
a paste bin.
A paste bin that's actually minimalist. No database requirement, no commenting functionality, no self-destructing or time bomb messages and no social media integration—just an application to quickly send snippets of text to people.
[bin]( is written in Rust in around 300 lines of code. It's fast, it's simple, there's code highlighting and you can ⌘+A without going to the 'plain' page. It's revolutionary in the paste bin industry, disrupting markets and pushing boundaries never seen before.
##### so how do you get bin?
Download the latest version from the [releases]( page, extract it and run the `./bin` executable. You can also compile it from source using Cargo if you swing that way:
# nix-shell provides an environment with rust/cargo installed
$ nix-shell
[nix-shell:~/Code/bin]$ cargo build --release
Compiling bin v1.0.0 (/Users/jordanjd/Code/bin)
Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 3.61s
[nix-shell:~/Code/bin]$ ./target/release/bin
##### how do you run it?
$ ./bin
##### funny, what settings are there?
$ ./bin
Usage: bin [<bind_addr>] [--buffer-size <buffer-size>] [--max-paste-size <max-paste-size>]
a pastebin.
Positional Arguments:
bind_addr socket address to bind to (default:
--buffer-size maximum amount of pastes to store before rotating (default:
--max-paste-size maximum paste size in bytes (default. 32kB)
--help display usage information
##### is there curl support?
$ curl -X PUT --data 'hello world'
$ curl
hello world
##### how does syntax highlighting work?
To get syntax highlighting you need to add the file extension at the end of your paste URL.