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2020-05-28 23:06:45 +00:00
# WireGuard
# Work in progress
###### guide-by-example
# Purpose & Overview
When you need to connect to a machine/network over the internet, securely.<br>
* [Official site](
* [Github](
* [Arch wiki](
WireGuard is an opensource extremely simple, fast and modern VPN.
Written in C, with userspace implementation written in Go.<br>
WireGuard is included in linux kernel version 5.6 and newer.
While with WireGuard there is no server-clients model, there are just peers
connecting to each other, this setup will consider peer_A a server,
and clients will be connecting to it.
This setup runs directly on the host machine, not in a container.<br>
Most of the stuff here is based on Arch wiki and
[this tutorial](
# Files and directory structure
└── wireguard/
└── wg0.conf
# Installation
### on linux server
Install `wireguard-tools` or whatever is the equivalent in your distro.<br>
The package should provide two command line utilities
* `wg` - utility for configuration and management of WireGuard tunnel interfaces
* `wg-quick` - script for bringing up or down a WireGuard interface
### on linux client
Same as server
### on Windows or macOS clients
[Install the official application.](
*extra info:*<br>
Might be of interest server setup on
### on Android or iOS
Install the official app from the stores.
# Configuration on linux server
* switch to root and go in to in /etc/wireguard<br>
`cd /etc/wireguard`
* generate a private key<br>
`wg genkey > peer_A.key`
* create a public key from the private key<br>
`wg pubkey < peer_A.key >`
Use the generated keys in the wg0.conf, in the `[Interface]` section.
PrivateKey = AA9q7CkUG3MuKP1eyyJFGgKzACIJ1rRIkkWYAi3p3WM=
# PublicKey = fuCKVQU+x/jukZq3WH5yorJ4mE665dkv2HKN/0mH5hQ=
Address =
ListenPort = 51820
PostUp = iptables -A FORWARD -i %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -A FORWARD -o %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
PostDown = iptables -D FORWARD -i %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -D FORWARD -o %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
# PrivateKey = kGqwq/+xy8CISBLfOZVOa8Za02MRzg5bN3Ddcf5KV2M=
PublicKey = eVolUbiYj1kY8neKiDnA+NPB2hhCcsGs7LNIhMvUYj0=
AllowedIPs =
# PrivateKey = QNc0dunuRQAjuKpFmRPqvPAysqpklctcdblqrazUT0o=
PublicKey = CAt7g42pPxgU5Lcc3uyNh5BmkITJS1K6XAoFbkhN6Qk=
AllowedIPs =
This configuration when run creates a new network interface on the machine.
* PrivateKey - the key that was generated, will be used to encrypt traffic
* \# PublicKey - just a note, what is the public key of the private key
* Address - IP address on the created wireguard interface network,
`/24` defines its mask as ``
* ListenPort - port
* PostUp/PostDown - define what should be done after interface is turned on and off
in this case firewall rules to let traffic through,
only ipv4 in this setup
* [Peer] - section defining a peer, its public key
* AllowedIPs -
### Start and enable the service
`sudo systemctl enable --now wg-quick@wg0`
# Configuration on clients
PrivateKey = kGqwq/+xy8CISBLfOZVOa8Za02MRzg5bN3Ddcf5KV2M=
Address =
PublicKey = fuCKVQU+x/jukZq3WH5yorJ4mE665dkv2HKN/0mH5hQ=
AllowedIPs =,
Endpoint =
PersistentKeepalive = 25
# Troubleshooting
# Update
During host linux packages update.
# Backup and restore
#### Backup
Using [borg](
that makes daily snapshot of the /etc directory which contains the config file.
#### restore
Replace the content of the config file with the one from the backup.