# WireGuard # Work in progress ###### guide-by-example ![logo](https://i.imgur.com/IRgkp2o.png) # Purpose & Overview VPN.
When you need to connect to a machine/network over the internet, securely.
* [Official site](https://www.wireguard.com/) * [Github](https://github.com/WireGuard) * [Arch wiki](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/WireGuard) WireGuard is an opensource extremely simple, fast and modern VPN. Written in C, with userspace implementation written in Go.
WireGuard is included in linux kernel version 5.6 and newer. While with WireGuard there is no server-clients model, there are just peers connecting to each other, this setup will consider peer_A a server, and clients will be connecting to it. This setup runs directly on the host machine, not in a container.
Most of the stuff here is based on Arch wiki and [this tutorial](https://securityespresso.org/tutorials/2019/03/22/vpn-server-using-wireguard-on-ubuntu/). # Files and directory structure ``` /etc/ └── wireguard/ └── wg0.conf ``` # Installation ### on linux server Install `wireguard-tools` or whatever is the equivalent in your distro.
The package should provide two command line utilities * `wg` - utility for configuration and management of WireGuard tunnel interfaces * `wg-quick` - script for bringing up or down a WireGuard interface ### on linux client Same as server ### on Windows or macOS clients [Install the official application.](https://www.wireguard.com/install/) *extra info:*
Might be of interest server setup on [Windows](https://www.henrychang.ca/how-to-setup-wireguard-vpn-server-on-windows/) ### on Android or iOS Install the official app from the stores. # Configuration on linux server * switch to root and go in to in /etc/wireguard
`cd /etc/wireguard` * generate a private key
`wg genkey > peer_A.key` * create a public key from the private key
`wg pubkey < peer_A.key > peer_A.pub` Use the generated keys in the wg0.conf, in the `[Interface]` section. `wg0.conf` ```bash [Interface] PrivateKey = AA9q7CkUG3MuKP1eyyJFGgKzACIJ1rRIkkWYAi3p3WM= # PublicKey = fuCKVQU+x/jukZq3WH5yorJ4mE665dkv2HKN/0mH5hQ= Address = ListenPort = 51820 PostUp = iptables -A FORWARD -i %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -A FORWARD -o %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE PostDown = iptables -D FORWARD -i %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -D FORWARD -o %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE [Peer] # TESTER-1 # PrivateKey = kGqwq/+xy8CISBLfOZVOa8Za02MRzg5bN3Ddcf5KV2M= PublicKey = eVolUbiYj1kY8neKiDnA+NPB2hhCcsGs7LNIhMvUYj0= AllowedIPs = [Peer] # TESTER-2 # PrivateKey = QNc0dunuRQAjuKpFmRPqvPAysqpklctcdblqrazUT0o= PublicKey = CAt7g42pPxgU5Lcc3uyNh5BmkITJS1K6XAoFbkhN6Qk= AllowedIPs = ``` This configuration when run creates a new network interface on the machine. * PrivateKey - the key that was generated, will be used to encrypt traffic * \# PublicKey - just a note, what is the public key of the private key * Address - IP address on the created wireguard interface network, `/24` defines its mask as `` * ListenPort - port * PostUp/PostDown - define what should be done after interface is turned on and off in this case firewall rules to let traffic through, only ipv4 in this setup * [Peer] - section defining a peer, its public key * AllowedIPs - ### Start and enable the service `sudo systemctl enable --now wg-quick@wg0` # Configuration on clients `TESTER-1.conf` ```bash [Interface] PrivateKey = kGqwq/+xy8CISBLfOZVOa8Za02MRzg5bN3Ddcf5KV2M= Address = [Peer] PublicKey = fuCKVQU+x/jukZq3WH5yorJ4mE665dkv2HKN/0mH5hQ= AllowedIPs =, Endpoint = PersistentKeepalive = 25 ``` ![windows-client](https://i.imgur.com/T5oA2No.png) # Troubleshooting # Update During host linux packages update. # Backup and restore #### Backup Using [borg](https://github.com/DoTheEvo/selfhosted-apps-docker/tree/master/borg_backup) that makes daily snapshot of the /etc directory which contains the config file. #### restore Replace the content of the config file with the one from the backup.