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# _Send it_, with [PairDrop](
Local file sharing <a href=""><strong>in your web browser</strong></a>.
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<a href="">Report a bug</a>
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<a href="">Request feature</a>
## Features
File sharing on your local network that works on all platforms.
- A multi-platform AirDrop-like solution that works.
- Send images, documents or text via peer-to-peer connection to devices on the same local network.
- Internet transfers
- Join temporary public rooms to transfer files easily over the Internet.
- Web-app
- Works on all devices with a modern web-browser.
Send a file from your phone to your laptop?
<br>Share photos in original quality with friends using Android and iOS?
<br>Share private files peer-to-peer between Linux systems?
<img src="docs/pairdrop_screenshot_mobile.gif" alt="Screenshot GIF showing PairDrop in use" style="width: 300px">
## Differences to the [Snapdrop]( it is based on
<details><summary>List view</summary>
### Paired Devices and Public Rooms — Internet Transfer
* Transfer files over the Internet between paired devices or by entering temporary public rooms.
* Connect to devices in complex network environments (public Wi-Fi, company network, iCloud Private Relay, VPN, etc.).
* Connect to devices on your mobile hotspot.
* Devices outside of your local network that are behind a NAT are auto-connected via the PairDrop TURN server.
* Devices from the local network, in the same public room, or previously paired are shown.
#### Persistent Device Pairing
Always connect to known devices
* Pair devices via a 6-digit code or a QR-Code.
* Paired devices always find each other via shared secrets independently of their local network.
* Pairing is persistent. You find your devices even after reopening PairDrop.
* You can edit and unpair devices easily.
#### Temporary Public Rooms
Connect to others in complex network situations, or over the Internet.
* Enter a public room via a 5-letter code or a QR-code.
* Enter a public room to temporarily connect to devices outside your local network.
* All devices in the same public room see each other.
* Public rooms are temporary. Closing PairDrop leaves all rooms.
### [Improved UI for Sending/Receiving Files](
* Files are transferred after a request is accepted. Files are auto-downloaded upon completing a transfer, if possible.
* Multiple files are downloaded as a ZIP file
* Download, share or save to gallery via the "Share" menu on Android and iOS.
* Multiple files are transferred at once with an overall progress indicator.
### Send Files or Text Directly From Share Menu, Context Menu or CLI
* [Send files directly from context menu on Ubuntu (using Nautilus)](docs/
* [Send files directly from the context menu on Windows](docs/
* [Send directly from the "Share" menu on iOS](docs/
* [Send directly from the "Share" menu on Android](docs/
* [Send directly via the command-line interface](docs/
### Other Changes
* Change your display name to easily differentiate your devices.
* [Paste files/text and choose the recipient afterwards ](
* [Prevent devices from sleeping on file transfer](
* Warn user before PairDrop is closed on file transfer
* Open PairDrop on multiple tabs simultaneously (Thanks [@willstott101](
* [Video and audio preview]( (Thanks [@victorwads](
* Switch theme back to auto/system after dark or light mode is on
* Node-only implementation (Thanks [@Bellisario](
* Auto-restart on error (Thanks [@KaKi87](
* Lots of stability fixes (Thanks [@MWY001]( [@skiby7]( and [@willstott101](
* To host PairDrop on your local network (e.g. on Raspberry Pi): [All peers connected with private IPs are discoverable by each other](
* When hosting PairDrop yourself, you can [set your own STUN/TURN servers](docs/
* Translations.
## Translate PairDrop on [Hosted Weblate](
<a href="">
<img src="" alt="Translation status" style="width: 300px" />
## Built with the following awesome technologies:
* Vanilla HTML5 / JS ES6 / CSS 3 frontend
* [WebRTC]( / WebSockets
* [Node.js]( backend
* [Progressive web app (PWA)]( unified functionality
* [IndexedDB API]( storage handling
* [zip.js]( library
* [cyrb53]( super-fast hash function
* [NoSleep]( display sleep, add wake lock ([MIT](licenses/MIT-NoSleep))
* [heic2any]( HEIC/HEIF to PNG/GIF/JPEG ([MIT](licenses/MIT-heic2any))
* [Weblate]( web-based localization tool
[Host your own instance with Docker or Node.js](docs/
## Support
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src="" alt="Buy me a coffee" style="height: 60px !important;width: 217px !important;" >
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PairDrop is libre, and always will be. \
If you find it useful and want to support free and open-source software, please consider donating using the button above. \
I footed the bill for the domain and the server, and you can help create and maintain great software by supporting me. \
Thank you very much for your contribution!
## Contributing
Feel free to [open an issue]( or a
[pull request](, following the
[Contributing Guidelines](