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coder ssh

Start a shell into a workspace

coder ssh <workspace> [flags]


  -A, --forward-agent                      Specifies whether to forward the SSH agent specified in $SSH_AUTH_SOCK.
                                           Consumes $CODER_SSH_FORWARD_AGENT
  -G, --forward-gpg                        Specifies whether to forward the GPG agent. Unsupported on Windows workspaces, but supports all clients. Requires gnupg (gpg, gpgconf) on both the client and workspace. The GPG agent must already be running locally and will not be started for you. If a GPG agent is already running in the workspace, it will be attempted to be killed.
                                           Consumes $CODER_SSH_FORWARD_GPG
  -h, --help                               help for ssh
      --identity-agent string              Specifies which identity agent to use (overrides $SSH_AUTH_SOCK), forward agent must also be enabled.
                                           Consumes $CODER_SSH_IDENTITY_AGENT
      --no-wait                            Specifies whether to wait for a workspace to become ready before logging in (only applicable when the delay login until ready option is enabled). Note that the workspace agent may still be in the process of executing the startup script and the workspace may be in an incomplete state.
                                           Consumes $CODER_SSH_NO_WAIT
      --stdio                              Specifies whether to emit SSH output over stdin/stdout.
                                           Consumes $CODER_SSH_STDIO
      --workspace-poll-interval duration   Specifies how often to poll for workspace automated shutdown.
                                           Consumes $CODER_WORKSPACE_POLL_INTERVAL (default 1m0s)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --global-config coder   Path to the global coder config directory.
                              Consumes $CODER_CONFIG_DIR (default "~/.config/coderv2")
      --header stringArray    HTTP headers added to all requests. Provide as "Key=Value".
                              Consumes $CODER_HEADER
      --no-feature-warning    Suppress warnings about unlicensed features.
                              Consumes $CODER_NO_FEATURE_WARNING
      --no-version-warning    Suppress warning when client and server versions do not match.
                              Consumes $CODER_NO_VERSION_WARNING
      --token string          Specify an authentication token. For security reasons setting CODER_SESSION_TOKEN is preferred.
                              Consumes $CODER_SESSION_TOKEN
      --url string            URL to a deployment.
                              Consumes $CODER_URL
  -v, --verbose               Enable verbose output.
                              Consumes $CODER_VERBOSE


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 27-Jan-2023