
2.1 KiB

coder scaletest cleanup

Cleanup any orphaned scaletest resources


Cleanup scaletest workspaces, then cleanup scaletest users. The strategy flags will apply to each stage of the cleanup process.

coder scaletest cleanup [flags]


      --cleanup-concurrency int        Number of concurrent cleanup jobs to run. 0 means unlimited.
                                       Consumes $CODER_LOADTEST_CLEANUP_CONCURRENCY (default 1)
      --cleanup-job-timeout duration   Timeout per job. Jobs may take longer to complete under higher concurrency limits.
                                       Consumes $CODER_LOADTEST_CLEANUP_JOB_TIMEOUT (default 5m0s)
      --cleanup-timeout duration       Timeout for the entire cleanup run. 0 means unlimited.
                                       Consumes $CODER_LOADTEST_CLEANUP_TIMEOUT (default 30m0s)
  -h, --help                           help for cleanup

Options inherited from parent commands

      --global-config coder   Path to the global coder config directory.
                              Consumes $CODER_CONFIG_DIR (default "~/.config/coderv2")
      --header stringArray    HTTP headers added to all requests. Provide as "Key=Value".
                              Consumes $CODER_HEADER
      --no-feature-warning    Suppress warnings about unlicensed features.
                              Consumes $CODER_NO_FEATURE_WARNING
      --no-version-warning    Suppress warning when client and server versions do not match.
                              Consumes $CODER_NO_VERSION_WARNING
      --token string          Specify an authentication token. For security reasons setting CODER_SESSION_TOKEN is preferred.
                              Consumes $CODER_SESSION_TOKEN
      --url string            URL to a deployment.
                              Consumes $CODER_URL
  -v, --verbose               Enable verbose output.
                              Consumes $CODER_VERBOSE


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 27-Jan-2023