
8.6 KiB


The easiest way to install Coder is to use our install script for Linux and macOS.

To install, run:

curl -fsSL | sh

You can preview what occurs during the install process:

curl -fsSL | sh -s -- --dry-run

You can modify the installation process by including flags. Run the help command for reference:

curl -fsSL | sh -s -- --help

System packages

Coder publishes the following system packages in GitHub releases:

  • .deb (Debian, Ubuntu)
  • .rpm (Fedora, CentOS, RHEL, SUSE)
  • .apk (Alpine)

Once installed, you can run Coder as a system service:

 # Set up an external access URL or enable CODER_TUNNEL
sudo vim /etc/coder.d/coder.env
# Use systemd to start Coder now and on reboot
sudo systemctl enable --now coder
# View the logs to ensure a successful start
journalctl -u coder.service -b


Before proceeding, please ensure that you have both Docker and the latest version of Coder installed.

See our docker-compose file for additional information.

  1. Clone the coder repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate into the coder folder and run docker-compose up:

    cd coder
    # Coder will bind to localhost:7080.
    # You may use localhost:7080 as your access URL
    # when using Docker workspaces exclusively.
    #  CODER_ACCESS_URL=http://localhost:7080
    # Otherwise, an internet accessible access URL
    # is required.
    docker-compose up

    Otherwise, you can start the service:

    cd coder
    docker-compose up

    Alternatively, if you would like to start a temporary deployment:

    docker run --rm -it \
    -e CODER_DEV_MODE=true \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to create your first template and workspace

If the user is not in the Docker group, you will see the following error:

Error: Error pinging Docker server: Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket

The default docker socket only permits connections from root or members of the docker group. Remedy like this:

# replace "coder" with user running coderd
sudo usermod -aG docker coder
grep /etc/group -e "docker"
sudo systemctl restart coder.service

Kubernetes via Helm

Before proceeding, please ensure that you have both Helm 3.5+ and the latest version of Coder installed. You will also need to have a Kubernetes cluster running K8s 1.19+.

See our Helm README file for additional information. Check the values.yaml file for a list of supported Helm values and their defaults.

⚠️ Warning: Helm support is new and not yet complete. There may be changes to the Helm chart between releases which require manual values updates. Please file an issue if you run into any issues.

Additionally, the Helm chart does not currently automatically configure a Service Account and workspace template for use in Coder. See #3265.

  1. Create a namespace for Coder, such as coder:

    $ kubectl create namespace coder
  2. Create a PostgreSQL deployment. Coder does not manage a database server for you.

    • If you're in a public cloud such as Google Cloud, AWS, Azure, or DigitalOcean, you can use the managed PostgreSQL offerings they provide. Make sure that the PostgreSQL service is running and accessible from your cluster. It should be in the same network, same project, etc.

    • You can install Postgres manually on your cluster using the Bitnami PostgreSQL Helm chart. There are some helpful guides on the internet that explain sensible configurations for this chart. Example:

      $ helm repo add bitnami
      $ helm install postgres bitnami/postgresql \
          --namespace coder \
          --set auth.username=coder \
          --set auth.password=coder \
          --set auth.database=coder \
          --set persistence.size=10Gi

      The cluster-internal DB URL for the above database is:


      Ensure you set up periodic backups so you don't lose data.

    • You can use Postgres operator to manage PostgreSQL deployments on your Kubernetes cluster.

  3. Download the latest coder_helm package from GitHub releases.

  4. Create a values.yaml with the configuration settings you'd like for your deployment. For example:

      # You can specify any environment variables you'd like to pass to Coder
      # here. Coder consumes environment variables listed in
      # `coder server --help`, and these environment variables are also passed
      # to the workspace provisioner (so you can consume them in your Terraform
      # templates for auth keys etc.).
      # Please keep in mind that you should not set `CODER_ADDRESS`,
      # they are already set by the Helm chart and will cause conflicts.
        - name: CODER_ACCESS_URL
          value: ""
              # You'll need to create a secret called coder-db-url with your
              # Postgres connection URL like:
              # postgres://coder:password@postgres:5432/coder?sslmode=disable
              name: coder-db-url
              key: url
        secretName: my-tls-secret-name

    You can view our Helm README for details on the values that are available, or you can view the values.yaml file directly.

  5. Run the following commands to install the chart in your cluster.

    $ helm install coder ./coder_helm_x.y.z.tgz \
        --namespace coder \
        --values values.yaml

You can watch Coder start up by running kubectl get pods. Once Coder has started, the coder-* pods should enter the Running state.

You can view Coder's logs by getting the pod name from kubectl get pods and then running kubectl logs <pod name>. You can also view these logs in your Cloud's log management system if you are using managed Kubernetes.

To upgrade Coder in the future, you can run the following command with a new coder_helm_x.y.z.tgz file from GitHub releases:

$ helm upgrade coder ./coder_helm_x.y.z.tgz \
    --namespace coder \
    -f values.yaml


We publish self-contained .zip and .tar.gz archives in GitHub releases. The archives bundle coder binary.

  1. Download the release archive appropriate for your operating system

  2. Unzip the folder you just downloaded, and move the coder executable to a location that's on your PATH

    # ex. macOS and Linux
    mv coder /usr/local/bin

    Windows users: see this guide for adding folders to PATH.

  3. Start a Coder server

    # Automatically sets up an external access URL on *
    coder server --tunnel
    # Requires a PostgreSQL instance and external access URL
    coder server --postgres-url <url> --access-url <url>

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