
735 B

Usage: coder scaletest cleanup [flags]
Cleanup scaletest workspaces, then cleanup scaletest users.
The strategy flags will apply to each stage of the cleanup process.
--cleanup-concurrency int, $CODER_SCALETEST_CLEANUP_CONCURRENCY (default: 1)
Number of concurrent cleanup jobs to run. 0 means unlimited.
--cleanup-job-timeout duration, $CODER_SCALETEST_CLEANUP_JOB_TIMEOUT (default: 5m)
Timeout per job. Jobs may take longer to complete under higher
concurrency limits.
--cleanup-timeout duration, $CODER_SCALETEST_CLEANUP_TIMEOUT (default: 30m)
Timeout for the entire cleanup run. 0 means unlimited.
Run `coder --help` for a list of global options.