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To use Coder you will need to install the Coder server on your infrastructure. There are a number of different ways to install Coder, depending on your needs.

This page is rendered on Refer to the other documents in the `install/` directory for per-platform instructions.

Install Coder


Install Script

The easiest way to install Coder on Linux is to use our install script.

curl -fsSL | sh

You can preview what occurs during the install process:

curl -fsSL | sh -s -- --dry-run

You can modify the installation process by including flags. Run the help command for reference:

curl -fsSL | sh -s -- --help


To install Coder on Linux, you can use the Homebrew package manager that uses our official Homebrew tap.

brew install coder/coder/coder

System Packages

Coder officially maintains packages for the following Linux distributions:

  • .deb (Debian, Ubuntu)
  • .rpm (Fedora, CentOS, RHEL, SUSE)
  • .apk (Alpine)

Debian, Ubuntu

For Debian and Ubuntu, get the latest .deb package from our GitHub releases and install it manually or use the following commands to download and install the latest .deb package.

# Install the package
sudo apt install ./coder.deb

RPM Linux

For Fedora, CentOS, RHEL, SUSE, get the latest .rpm package from our GitHub releases and install it manually or use the following commands to download and install the latest .rpm package.

# Install the package
sudo yum install ./coder.rpm


Get the latest .apk package from our GitHub releases and install it manually or use the following commands to download and install the latest .apk package.

# Install the package
sudo apk add ./coder.apk


Get the latest .tar.gz package from our GitHub releases page and install it manually.

  1. Download the release archive appropriate for your operating system

  2. Unzip the folder you just downloaded, and move the coder executable to a location that's on your PATH

mv coder /usr/local/bin



To install Coder on macOS, you can use the Homebrew package manager that uses our official Homebrew tap.

brew install coder/coder/coder

Install Script

The easiest way to install Coder on macOS is to use our install script.

curl -fsSL | sh

You can preview what occurs during the install process:

curl -fsSL | sh -s -- --dry-run

You can modify the installation process by including flags. Run the help command for reference:

curl -fsSL | sh -s -- --help



To install Coder on Windows, you can use the winget package manager.

winget install Coder.Coder


Download the Windows installer from our GitHub releases and install it.


Get the latest .zip package from our GitHub releases page and extract it to a location that's on your PATH or add the extracted binary to your PATH.

Windows users: see this guide for adding folders to PATH.

Verify installation

Verify that the installation was successful by opening a new terminal and running:

coder --version
Coder v2.6.0+b3e3521 Thu Dec 21 22:33:13 UTC 2023

Full build of Coder, supports the  server  subcommand.

Start Coder

  1. After installing, start the Coder server manually via coder server or as a system package.


    # Automatically sets up an external access URL on *
    coder server
    # Requires a PostgreSQL instance (version 13 or higher) and external access URL
    coder server --postgres-url <url> --access-url <url>

    System Package (Linux)

    Run Coder as a system service.

    # (Optional) Set up an access URL
    sudo vim /etc/coder.d/coder.env
    # To systemd to start Coder now and on reboot
    sudo systemctl enable --now coder
    # View the logs to see Coder URL and ensure a successful start
    journalctl -u coder.service -b

    Set CODER_ACCESS_URL to the external URL that users and workspaces will use to connect to Coder. This is not required if you are using the tunnel. Learn more about Coder's configuration options.

    By default, the Coder server runs on and uses a public tunnel for workspace connections.

  2. Visit the Coder URL in the logs to set up your first account, or use the CLI to create your first user.

    coder login <access url>

Next steps