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Provision remote development environments with Terraform.


  • Automate development environments for Linux, Windows, and MacOS in your cloud
  • Start writing code with a single command
  • Use one of many examples to get started

Getting Started

Install the latest release.

To tinker, start with dev-mode (all data is in-memory, and is destroyed on exit):

$ coder start --dev

To run a production deployment with PostgreSQL:

$ CODER_PG_CONNECTION_URL="postgres://<username>@<host>/<database>?password=<password>" \
    coder start

To run as a system service, install with .deb or .rpm:

# Edit the configuration!
$ sudo vim /etc/coder.d/coder.env
$ sudo service coder restart

Your First Workspace

In a new terminal, create a new project (eg. Develop in Linux on Google Cloud):

$ coder projects init
$ coder projects create

Create a new workspace and SSH in:

$ coder workspaces create my-first-workspace
$ coder ssh my-first-workspace

Working with Projects

You can edit the Terraform from a sample project:

$ coder projects init
$ cd gcp-linux/
$ vim
$ coder projects update gcp-linux


The code structure is inspired by Basics of Unix Philosophy and Effective Go.

Coder requires Go 1.18+, Node 14+, and GNU Make.

  • make bin builds binaries
  • make install installs binaries to $GOPATH/bin
  • make test
  • make release dry-runs a new release
  • ./ hot-reloads for frontend development