
2629 lines
174 KiB

# Templates
## Get templates by organization
### Code samples
# Example request using curl
curl -X GET http://coder-server:8080/api/v2/organizations/{organization}/templates \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Coder-Session-Token: API_KEY'
`GET /organizations/{organization}/templates`
### Parameters
| Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
| -------------- | ---- | ------------ | -------- | --------------- |
| `organization` | path | string(uuid) | true | Organization ID |
### Example responses
> 200 Response
"active_user_count": 0,
"active_version_id": "eae64611-bd53-4a80-bb77-df1e432c0fbc",
"activity_bump_ms": 0,
"allow_user_autostart": true,
"allow_user_autostop": true,
"allow_user_cancel_workspace_jobs": true,
"autostart_requirement": {
"days_of_week": ["monday"]
"autostop_requirement": {
"days_of_week": ["monday"],
"weeks": 0
"build_time_stats": {
"property1": {
"p50": 123,
"p95": 146
"property2": {
"p50": 123,
"p95": 146
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"created_by_id": "9377d689-01fb-4abf-8450-3368d2c1924f",
"created_by_name": "string",
"default_ttl_ms": 0,
"deprecated": true,
"deprecation_message": "string",
"description": "string",
"display_name": "string",
"failure_ttl_ms": 0,
"icon": "string",
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"max_port_share_level": "owner",
"max_ttl_ms": 0,
"name": "string",
"organization_id": "7c60d51f-b44e-4682-87d6-449835ea4de6",
"provisioner": "terraform",
"require_active_version": true,
"time_til_dormant_autodelete_ms": 0,
"time_til_dormant_ms": 0,
"updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"use_max_ttl": true
### Responses
| Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | --------------------------------------------------------- |
| 200 | [OK]( | OK | array of [codersdk.Template]( |
<h3 id="get-templates-by-organization-responseschema">Response Schema</h3>
Status Code **200**
| Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `[array item]` | array | false | | |
| `» active_user_count` | integer | false | | Active user count is set to -1 when loading. |
| `» active_version_id` | string(uuid) | false | | |
| `» activity_bump_ms` | integer | false | | |
| `» allow_user_autostart` | boolean | false | | Allow user autostart and AllowUserAutostop are enterprise-only. Their values are only used if your license is entitled to use the advanced template scheduling feature. |
| `» allow_user_autostop` | boolean | false | | |
| `» allow_user_cancel_workspace_jobs` | boolean | false | | |
| `» autostart_requirement` | [codersdk.TemplateAutostartRequirement]( | false | | |
| `»» days_of_week` | array | false | | Days of week is a list of days of the week in which autostart is allowed to happen. If no days are specified, autostart is not allowed. |
| `» autostop_requirement` | [codersdk.TemplateAutostopRequirement]( | false | | Autostop requirement and AutostartRequirement are enterprise features. Its value is only used if your license is entitled to use the advanced template scheduling feature. |
| `»» days_of_week` | array | false | | Days of week is a list of days of the week on which restarts are required. Restarts happen within the user's quiet hours (in their configured timezone). If no days are specified, restarts are not required. Weekdays cannot be specified twice. |
| Restarts will only happen on weekdays in this list on weeks which line up with Weeks. |
| `»» weeks` | integer | false | | Weeks is the number of weeks between required restarts. Weeks are synced across all workspaces (and Coder deployments) using modulo math on a hardcoded epoch week of January 2nd, 2023 (the first Monday of 2023). Values of 0 or 1 indicate weekly restarts. Values of 2 indicate fortnightly restarts, etc. |
| `» build_time_stats` | [codersdk.TemplateBuildTimeStats]( | false | | |
| `»» [any property]` | [codersdk.TransitionStats]( | false | | |
| `»»» p50` | integer | false | | |
| `»»» p95` | integer | false | | |
| `» created_at` | string(date-time) | false | | |
| `» created_by_id` | string(uuid) | false | | |
| `» created_by_name` | string | false | | |
| `» default_ttl_ms` | integer | false | | |
| `» deprecated` | boolean | false | | |
| `» deprecation_message` | string | false | | |
| `» description` | string | false | | |
| `» display_name` | string | false | | |
| `» failure_ttl_ms` | integer | false | | Failure ttl ms TimeTilDormantMillis, and TimeTilDormantAutoDeleteMillis are enterprise-only. Their values are used if your license is entitled to use the advanced template scheduling feature. |
| `» icon` | string | false | | |
| `» id` | string(uuid) | false | | |
| `» max_port_share_level` | [codersdk.WorkspaceAgentPortShareLevel]( | false | | |
| `» max_ttl_ms` | integer | false | | Max ttl ms remove max_ttl once autostop_requirement is matured |
| `» name` | string | false | | |
| `» organization_id` | string(uuid) | false | | |
| `» provisioner` | string | false | | |
| `» require_active_version` | boolean | false | | Require active version mandates that workspaces are built with the active template version. |
| `» time_til_dormant_autodelete_ms` | integer | false | | |
| `» time_til_dormant_ms` | integer | false | | |
| `» updated_at` | string(date-time) | false | | |
| `» use_max_ttl` | boolean | false | | Use max ttl picks whether to use the deprecated max TTL for the template or the new autostop requirement. |
#### Enumerated Values
| Property | Value |
| ---------------------- | --------------- |
| `max_port_share_level` | `owner` |
| `max_port_share_level` | `authenticated` |
| `max_port_share_level` | `public` |
| `provisioner` | `terraform` |
To perform this operation, you must be authenticated. [Learn more](
## Create template by organization
### Code samples
# Example request using curl
curl -X POST http://coder-server:8080/api/v2/organizations/{organization}/templates \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Coder-Session-Token: API_KEY'
`POST /organizations/{organization}/templates`
> Body parameter
"activity_bump_ms": 0,
"allow_user_autostart": true,
"allow_user_autostop": true,
"allow_user_cancel_workspace_jobs": true,
"autostart_requirement": {
"days_of_week": ["monday"]
"autostop_requirement": {
"days_of_week": ["monday"],
"weeks": 0
"default_ttl_ms": 0,
"delete_ttl_ms": 0,
"description": "string",
"disable_everyone_group_access": true,
"display_name": "string",
"dormant_ttl_ms": 0,
"failure_ttl_ms": 0,
"icon": "string",
"max_ttl_ms": 0,
"name": "string",
"require_active_version": true,
"template_version_id": "0ba39c92-1f1b-4c32-aa3e-9925d7713eb1"
### Parameters
| Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
| -------------- | ---- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | --------------- |
| `organization` | path | string | true | Organization ID |
| `body` | body | [codersdk.CreateTemplateRequest]( | true | Request body |
### Example responses
> 200 Response
"active_user_count": 0,
"active_version_id": "eae64611-bd53-4a80-bb77-df1e432c0fbc",
"activity_bump_ms": 0,
"allow_user_autostart": true,
"allow_user_autostop": true,
"allow_user_cancel_workspace_jobs": true,
"autostart_requirement": {
"days_of_week": ["monday"]
"autostop_requirement": {
"days_of_week": ["monday"],
"weeks": 0
"build_time_stats": {
"property1": {
"p50": 123,
"p95": 146
"property2": {
"p50": 123,
"p95": 146
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"created_by_id": "9377d689-01fb-4abf-8450-3368d2c1924f",
"created_by_name": "string",
"default_ttl_ms": 0,
"deprecated": true,
"deprecation_message": "string",
"description": "string",
"display_name": "string",
"failure_ttl_ms": 0,
"icon": "string",
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"max_port_share_level": "owner",
"max_ttl_ms": 0,
"name": "string",
"organization_id": "7c60d51f-b44e-4682-87d6-449835ea4de6",
"provisioner": "terraform",
"require_active_version": true,
"time_til_dormant_autodelete_ms": 0,
"time_til_dormant_ms": 0,
"updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"use_max_ttl": true
### Responses
| Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
| 200 | [OK]( | OK | [codersdk.Template]( |
To perform this operation, you must be authenticated. [Learn more](
## Get template examples by organization
### Code samples
# Example request using curl
curl -X GET http://coder-server:8080/api/v2/organizations/{organization}/templates/examples \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Coder-Session-Token: API_KEY'
`GET /organizations/{organization}/templates/examples`
### Parameters
| Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
| -------------- | ---- | ------------ | -------- | --------------- |
| `organization` | path | string(uuid) | true | Organization ID |
### Example responses
> 200 Response
"description": "string",
"icon": "string",
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"markdown": "string",
"name": "string",
"tags": ["string"],
"url": "string"
### Responses
| Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 200 | [OK]( | OK | array of [codersdk.TemplateExample]( |
<h3 id="get-template-examples-by-organization-responseschema">Response Schema</h3>
Status Code **200**
| Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
| --------------- | ------------ | -------- | ------------ | ----------- |
| `[array item]` | array | false | | |
| `» description` | string | false | | |
| `» icon` | string | false | | |
| `» id` | string(uuid) | false | | |
| `» markdown` | string | false | | |
| `» name` | string | false | | |
| `» tags` | array | false | | |
| `» url` | string | false | | |
To perform this operation, you must be authenticated. [Learn more](
## Get templates by organization and template name
### Code samples
# Example request using curl
curl -X GET http://coder-server:8080/api/v2/organizations/{organization}/templates/{templatename} \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Coder-Session-Token: API_KEY'
`GET /organizations/{organization}/templates/{templatename}`
### Parameters
| Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
| -------------- | ---- | ------------ | -------- | --------------- |
| `organization` | path | string(uuid) | true | Organization ID |
| `templatename` | path | string | true | Template name |
### Example responses
> 200 Response
"active_user_count": 0,
"active_version_id": "eae64611-bd53-4a80-bb77-df1e432c0fbc",
"activity_bump_ms": 0,
"allow_user_autostart": true,
"allow_user_autostop": true,
"allow_user_cancel_workspace_jobs": true,
"autostart_requirement": {
"days_of_week": ["monday"]
"autostop_requirement": {
"days_of_week": ["monday"],
"weeks": 0
"build_time_stats": {
"property1": {
"p50": 123,
"p95": 146
"property2": {
"p50": 123,
"p95": 146
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"created_by_id": "9377d689-01fb-4abf-8450-3368d2c1924f",
"created_by_name": "string",
"default_ttl_ms": 0,
"deprecated": true,
"deprecation_message": "string",
"description": "string",
"display_name": "string",
"failure_ttl_ms": 0,
"icon": "string",
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"max_port_share_level": "owner",
"max_ttl_ms": 0,
"name": "string",
"organization_id": "7c60d51f-b44e-4682-87d6-449835ea4de6",
"provisioner": "terraform",
"require_active_version": true,
"time_til_dormant_autodelete_ms": 0,
"time_til_dormant_ms": 0,
"updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"use_max_ttl": true
### Responses
| Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
| 200 | [OK]( | OK | [codersdk.Template]( |
To perform this operation, you must be authenticated. [Learn more](
## Get template version by organization, template, and name
### Code samples
# Example request using curl
curl -X GET http://coder-server:8080/api/v2/organizations/{organization}/templates/{templatename}/versions/{templateversionname} \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Coder-Session-Token: API_KEY'
`GET /organizations/{organization}/templates/{templatename}/versions/{templateversionname}`
### Parameters
| Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
| --------------------- | ---- | ------------ | -------- | --------------------- |
| `organization` | path | string(uuid) | true | Organization ID |
| `templatename` | path | string | true | Template name |
| `templateversionname` | path | string | true | Template version name |
### Example responses
> 200 Response
"archived": true,
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"created_by": {
"avatar_url": "",
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"username": "string"
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"job": {
"canceled_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"completed_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"error": "string",
"file_id": "8a0cfb4f-ddc9-436d-91bb-75133c583767",
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"queue_position": 0,
"queue_size": 0,
"started_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"status": "pending",
"tags": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"worker_id": "ae5fa6f7-c55b-40c1-b40a-b36ac467652b"
"message": "string",
"name": "string",
"organization_id": "7c60d51f-b44e-4682-87d6-449835ea4de6",
"readme": "string",
"template_id": "c6d67e98-83ea-49f0-8812-e4abae2b68bc",
"updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
### Responses
| Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 200 | [OK]( | OK | [codersdk.TemplateVersion]( |
To perform this operation, you must be authenticated. [Learn more](
## Get previous template version by organization, template, and name
### Code samples
# Example request using curl
curl -X GET http://coder-server:8080/api/v2/organizations/{organization}/templates/{templatename}/versions/{templateversionname}/previous \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Coder-Session-Token: API_KEY'
`GET /organizations/{organization}/templates/{templatename}/versions/{templateversionname}/previous`
### Parameters
| Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
| --------------------- | ---- | ------------ | -------- | --------------------- |
| `organization` | path | string(uuid) | true | Organization ID |
| `templatename` | path | string | true | Template name |
| `templateversionname` | path | string | true | Template version name |
### Example responses
> 200 Response
"archived": true,
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"created_by": {
"avatar_url": "",
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"username": "string"
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"job": {
"canceled_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"completed_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"error": "string",
"file_id": "8a0cfb4f-ddc9-436d-91bb-75133c583767",
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"queue_position": 0,
"queue_size": 0,
"started_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"status": "pending",
"tags": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"worker_id": "ae5fa6f7-c55b-40c1-b40a-b36ac467652b"
"message": "string",
"name": "string",
"organization_id": "7c60d51f-b44e-4682-87d6-449835ea4de6",
"readme": "string",
"template_id": "c6d67e98-83ea-49f0-8812-e4abae2b68bc",
"updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
### Responses
| Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 200 | [OK]( | OK | [codersdk.TemplateVersion]( |
To perform this operation, you must be authenticated. [Learn more](
## Create template version by organization
### Code samples
# Example request using curl
curl -X POST http://coder-server:8080/api/v2/organizations/{organization}/templateversions \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Coder-Session-Token: API_KEY'
`POST /organizations/{organization}/templateversions`
> Body parameter
"example_id": "string",
"file_id": "8a0cfb4f-ddc9-436d-91bb-75133c583767",
"message": "string",
"name": "string",
"provisioner": "terraform",
"storage_method": "file",
"tags": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"template_id": "c6d67e98-83ea-49f0-8812-e4abae2b68bc",
"user_variable_values": [
"name": "string",
"value": "string"
### Parameters
| Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
| -------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------------------------- |
| `organization` | path | string(uuid) | true | Organization ID |
| `body` | body | [codersdk.CreateTemplateVersionRequest]( | true | Create template version request |
### Example responses
> 201 Response
"archived": true,
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"created_by": {
"avatar_url": "",
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"username": "string"
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"job": {
"canceled_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"completed_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"error": "string",
"file_id": "8a0cfb4f-ddc9-436d-91bb-75133c583767",
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"queue_position": 0,
"queue_size": 0,
"started_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"status": "pending",
"tags": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"worker_id": "ae5fa6f7-c55b-40c1-b40a-b36ac467652b"
"message": "string",
"name": "string",
"organization_id": "7c60d51f-b44e-4682-87d6-449835ea4de6",
"readme": "string",
"template_id": "c6d67e98-83ea-49f0-8812-e4abae2b68bc",
"updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
### Responses
| Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 201 | [Created]( | Created | [codersdk.TemplateVersion]( |
To perform this operation, you must be authenticated. [Learn more](
## Get template metadata by ID
### Code samples
# Example request using curl
curl -X GET http://coder-server:8080/api/v2/templates/{template} \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Coder-Session-Token: API_KEY'
`GET /templates/{template}`
### Parameters
| Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
| ---------- | ---- | ------------ | -------- | ----------- |
| `template` | path | string(uuid) | true | Template ID |
### Example responses
> 200 Response
"active_user_count": 0,
"active_version_id": "eae64611-bd53-4a80-bb77-df1e432c0fbc",
"activity_bump_ms": 0,
"allow_user_autostart": true,
"allow_user_autostop": true,
"allow_user_cancel_workspace_jobs": true,
"autostart_requirement": {
"days_of_week": ["monday"]
"autostop_requirement": {
"days_of_week": ["monday"],
"weeks": 0
"build_time_stats": {
"property1": {
"p50": 123,
"p95": 146
"property2": {
"p50": 123,
"p95": 146
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"created_by_id": "9377d689-01fb-4abf-8450-3368d2c1924f",
"created_by_name": "string",
"default_ttl_ms": 0,
"deprecated": true,
"deprecation_message": "string",
"description": "string",
"display_name": "string",
"failure_ttl_ms": 0,
"icon": "string",
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"max_port_share_level": "owner",
"max_ttl_ms": 0,
"name": "string",
"organization_id": "7c60d51f-b44e-4682-87d6-449835ea4de6",
"provisioner": "terraform",
"require_active_version": true,
"time_til_dormant_autodelete_ms": 0,
"time_til_dormant_ms": 0,
"updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"use_max_ttl": true
### Responses
| Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
| 200 | [OK]( | OK | [codersdk.Template]( |
To perform this operation, you must be authenticated. [Learn more](
## Delete template by ID
### Code samples
# Example request using curl
curl -X DELETE http://coder-server:8080/api/v2/templates/{template} \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Coder-Session-Token: API_KEY'
`DELETE /templates/{template}`
### Parameters
| Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
| ---------- | ---- | ------------ | -------- | ----------- |
| `template` | path | string(uuid) | true | Template ID |
### Example responses
> 200 Response
"detail": "string",
"message": "string",
"validations": [
"detail": "string",
"field": "string"
### Responses
| Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
| 200 | [OK]( | OK | [codersdk.Response]( |
To perform this operation, you must be authenticated. [Learn more](
## Update template metadata by ID
### Code samples
# Example request using curl
curl -X PATCH http://coder-server:8080/api/v2/templates/{template} \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Coder-Session-Token: API_KEY'
`PATCH /templates/{template}`
### Parameters
| Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
| ---------- | ---- | ------------ | -------- | ----------- |
| `template` | path | string(uuid) | true | Template ID |
### Example responses
> 200 Response
"active_user_count": 0,
"active_version_id": "eae64611-bd53-4a80-bb77-df1e432c0fbc",
"activity_bump_ms": 0,
"allow_user_autostart": true,
"allow_user_autostop": true,
"allow_user_cancel_workspace_jobs": true,
"autostart_requirement": {
"days_of_week": ["monday"]
"autostop_requirement": {
"days_of_week": ["monday"],
"weeks": 0
"build_time_stats": {
"property1": {
"p50": 123,
"p95": 146
"property2": {
"p50": 123,
"p95": 146
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"created_by_id": "9377d689-01fb-4abf-8450-3368d2c1924f",
"created_by_name": "string",
"default_ttl_ms": 0,
"deprecated": true,
"deprecation_message": "string",
"description": "string",
"display_name": "string",
"failure_ttl_ms": 0,
"icon": "string",
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"max_port_share_level": "owner",
"max_ttl_ms": 0,
"name": "string",
"organization_id": "7c60d51f-b44e-4682-87d6-449835ea4de6",
"provisioner": "terraform",
"require_active_version": true,
"time_til_dormant_autodelete_ms": 0,
"time_til_dormant_ms": 0,
"updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"use_max_ttl": true
### Responses
| Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
| 200 | [OK]( | OK | [codersdk.Template]( |
To perform this operation, you must be authenticated. [Learn more](
## Get template DAUs by ID
### Code samples
# Example request using curl
curl -X GET http://coder-server:8080/api/v2/templates/{template}/daus \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Coder-Session-Token: API_KEY'
`GET /templates/{template}/daus`
### Parameters
| Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
| ---------- | ---- | ------------ | -------- | ----------- |
| `template` | path | string(uuid) | true | Template ID |
### Example responses
> 200 Response
"entries": [
"amount": 0,
"date": "string"
"tz_hour_offset": 0
### Responses
| Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | -------------------------------------------------------- |
| 200 | [OK]( | OK | [codersdk.DAUsResponse]( |
To perform this operation, you must be authenticated. [Learn more](
## List template versions by template ID
### Code samples
# Example request using curl
curl -X GET http://coder-server:8080/api/v2/templates/{template}/versions \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Coder-Session-Token: API_KEY'
`GET /templates/{template}/versions`
### Parameters
| Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
| ------------------ | ----- | ------------ | -------- | ------------------------------------- |
| `template` | path | string(uuid) | true | Template ID |
| `after_id` | query | string(uuid) | false | After ID |
| `include_archived` | query | boolean | false | Include archived versions in the list |
| `limit` | query | integer | false | Page limit |
| `offset` | query | integer | false | Page offset |
### Example responses
> 200 Response
"archived": true,
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"created_by": {
"avatar_url": "",
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"username": "string"
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"job": {
"canceled_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"completed_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"error": "string",
"file_id": "8a0cfb4f-ddc9-436d-91bb-75133c583767",
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"queue_position": 0,
"queue_size": 0,
"started_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"status": "pending",
"tags": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"worker_id": "ae5fa6f7-c55b-40c1-b40a-b36ac467652b"
"message": "string",
"name": "string",
"organization_id": "7c60d51f-b44e-4682-87d6-449835ea4de6",
"readme": "string",
"template_id": "c6d67e98-83ea-49f0-8812-e4abae2b68bc",
"updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
### Responses
| Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 200 | [OK]( | OK | array of [codersdk.TemplateVersion]( |
<h3 id="list-template-versions-by-template-id-responseschema">Response Schema</h3>
Status Code **200**
| Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
| -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------- | ------------ | ----------- |
| `[array item]` | array | false | | |
| `» archived` | boolean | false | | |
| `» created_at` | string(date-time) | false | | |
| `» created_by` | [codersdk.MinimalUser]( | false | | |
| `»» avatar_url` | string(uri) | false | | |
| `»» id` | string(uuid) | true | | |
| `»» username` | string | true | | |
| `» id` | string(uuid) | false | | |
| `» job` | [codersdk.ProvisionerJob]( | false | | |
| `»» canceled_at` | string(date-time) | false | | |
| `»» completed_at` | string(date-time) | false | | |
| `»» created_at` | string(date-time) | false | | |
| `»» error` | string | false | | |
| `»» error_code` | [codersdk.JobErrorCode]( | false | | |
| `»» file_id` | string(uuid) | false | | |
| `»» id` | string(uuid) | false | | |
| `»» queue_position` | integer | false | | |
| `»» queue_size` | integer | false | | |
| `»» started_at` | string(date-time) | false | | |
| `»» status` | [codersdk.ProvisionerJobStatus]( | false | | |
| `»» tags` | object | false | | |
| `»»» [any property]` | string | false | | |
| `»» worker_id` | string(uuid) | false | | |
| `» message` | string | false | | |
| `» name` | string | false | | |
| `» organization_id` | string(uuid) | false | | |
| `» readme` | string | false | | |
| `» template_id` | string(uuid) | false | | |
| `» updated_at` | string(date-time) | false | | |
| `» warnings` | array | false | | |
#### Enumerated Values
| Property | Value |
| ------------ | ----------------------------- |
| `status` | `pending` |
| `status` | `running` |
| `status` | `succeeded` |
| `status` | `canceling` |
| `status` | `canceled` |
| `status` | `failed` |
To perform this operation, you must be authenticated. [Learn more](
## Update active template version by template ID
### Code samples
# Example request using curl
curl -X PATCH http://coder-server:8080/api/v2/templates/{template}/versions \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Coder-Session-Token: API_KEY'
`PATCH /templates/{template}/versions`
> Body parameter
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
### Parameters
| Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
| ---------- | ---- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------------------- |
| `template` | path | string(uuid) | true | Template ID |
| `body` | body | [codersdk.UpdateActiveTemplateVersion]( | true | Modified template version |
### Example responses
> 200 Response
"detail": "string",
"message": "string",
"validations": [
"detail": "string",
"field": "string"
### Responses
| Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
| 200 | [OK]( | OK | [codersdk.Response]( |
To perform this operation, you must be authenticated. [Learn more](
## Archive template unused versions by template id
### Code samples
# Example request using curl
curl -X POST http://coder-server:8080/api/v2/templates/{template}/versions/archive \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Coder-Session-Token: API_KEY'
`POST /templates/{template}/versions/archive`
> Body parameter
"all": true
### Parameters
| Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
| ---------- | ---- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | --------------- |
| `template` | path | string(uuid) | true | Template ID |
| `body` | body | [codersdk.ArchiveTemplateVersionsRequest]( | true | Archive request |
### Example responses
> 200 Response
"detail": "string",
"message": "string",
"validations": [
"detail": "string",
"field": "string"
### Responses
| Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
| 200 | [OK]( | OK | [codersdk.Response]( |
To perform this operation, you must be authenticated. [Learn more](
## Get template version by template ID and name
### Code samples
# Example request using curl
curl -X GET http://coder-server:8080/api/v2/templates/{template}/versions/{templateversionname} \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Coder-Session-Token: API_KEY'
`GET /templates/{template}/versions/{templateversionname}`
### Parameters
| Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
| --------------------- | ---- | ------------ | -------- | --------------------- |
| `template` | path | string(uuid) | true | Template ID |
| `templateversionname` | path | string | true | Template version name |
### Example responses
> 200 Response
"archived": true,
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"created_by": {
"avatar_url": "",
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"username": "string"
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"job": {
"canceled_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"completed_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"error": "string",
"file_id": "8a0cfb4f-ddc9-436d-91bb-75133c583767",
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"queue_position": 0,
"queue_size": 0,
"started_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"status": "pending",
"tags": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"worker_id": "ae5fa6f7-c55b-40c1-b40a-b36ac467652b"
"message": "string",
"name": "string",
"organization_id": "7c60d51f-b44e-4682-87d6-449835ea4de6",
"readme": "string",
"template_id": "c6d67e98-83ea-49f0-8812-e4abae2b68bc",
"updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
### Responses
| Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 200 | [OK]( | OK | array of [codersdk.TemplateVersion]( |
<h3 id="get-template-version-by-template-id-and-name-responseschema">Response Schema</h3>
Status Code **200**
| Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
| -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------- | ------------ | ----------- |
| `[array item]` | array | false | | |
| `» archived` | boolean | false | | |
| `» created_at` | string(date-time) | false | | |
| `» created_by` | [codersdk.MinimalUser]( | false | | |
| `»» avatar_url` | string(uri) | false | | |
| `»» id` | string(uuid) | true | | |
| `»» username` | string | true | | |
| `» id` | string(uuid) | false | | |
| `» job` | [codersdk.ProvisionerJob]( | false | | |
| `»» canceled_at` | string(date-time) | false | | |
| `»» completed_at` | string(date-time) | false | | |
| `»» created_at` | string(date-time) | false | | |
| `»» error` | string | false | | |
| `»» error_code` | [codersdk.JobErrorCode]( | false | | |
| `»» file_id` | string(uuid) | false | | |
| `»» id` | string(uuid) | false | | |
| `»» queue_position` | integer | false | | |
| `»» queue_size` | integer | false | | |
| `»» started_at` | string(date-time) | false | | |
| `»» status` | [codersdk.ProvisionerJobStatus]( | false | | |
| `»» tags` | object | false | | |
| `»»» [any property]` | string | false | | |
| `»» worker_id` | string(uuid) | false | | |
| `» message` | string | false | | |
| `» name` | string | false | | |
| `» organization_id` | string(uuid) | false | | |
| `» readme` | string | false | | |
| `» template_id` | string(uuid) | false | | |
| `» updated_at` | string(date-time) | false | | |
| `» warnings` | array | false | | |
#### Enumerated Values
| Property | Value |
| ------------ | ----------------------------- |
| `status` | `pending` |
| `status` | `running` |
| `status` | `succeeded` |
| `status` | `canceling` |
| `status` | `canceled` |
| `status` | `failed` |
To perform this operation, you must be authenticated. [Learn more](
## Get template version by ID
### Code samples
# Example request using curl
curl -X GET http://coder-server:8080/api/v2/templateversions/{templateversion} \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Coder-Session-Token: API_KEY'
`GET /templateversions/{templateversion}`
### Parameters
| Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
| ----------------- | ---- | ------------ | -------- | ------------------- |
| `templateversion` | path | string(uuid) | true | Template version ID |
### Example responses
> 200 Response
"archived": true,
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"created_by": {
"avatar_url": "",
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"username": "string"
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"job": {
"canceled_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"completed_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"error": "string",
"file_id": "8a0cfb4f-ddc9-436d-91bb-75133c583767",
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"queue_position": 0,
"queue_size": 0,
"started_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"status": "pending",
"tags": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"worker_id": "ae5fa6f7-c55b-40c1-b40a-b36ac467652b"
"message": "string",
"name": "string",
"organization_id": "7c60d51f-b44e-4682-87d6-449835ea4de6",
"readme": "string",
"template_id": "c6d67e98-83ea-49f0-8812-e4abae2b68bc",
"updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
### Responses
| Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 200 | [OK]( | OK | [codersdk.TemplateVersion]( |
To perform this operation, you must be authenticated. [Learn more](
## Patch template version by ID
### Code samples
# Example request using curl
curl -X PATCH http://coder-server:8080/api/v2/templateversions/{templateversion} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Coder-Session-Token: API_KEY'
`PATCH /templateversions/{templateversion}`
> Body parameter
"message": "string",
"name": "string"
### Parameters
| Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
| ----------------- | ---- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------------------------ |
| `templateversion` | path | string(uuid) | true | Template version ID |
| `body` | body | [codersdk.PatchTemplateVersionRequest]( | true | Patch template version request |
### Example responses
> 200 Response
"archived": true,
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"created_by": {
"avatar_url": "",
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"username": "string"
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"job": {
"canceled_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"completed_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"error": "string",
"file_id": "8a0cfb4f-ddc9-436d-91bb-75133c583767",
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"queue_position": 0,
"queue_size": 0,
"started_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"status": "pending",
"tags": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"worker_id": "ae5fa6f7-c55b-40c1-b40a-b36ac467652b"
"message": "string",
"name": "string",
"organization_id": "7c60d51f-b44e-4682-87d6-449835ea4de6",
"readme": "string",
"template_id": "c6d67e98-83ea-49f0-8812-e4abae2b68bc",
"updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
### Responses
| Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 200 | [OK]( | OK | [codersdk.TemplateVersion]( |
To perform this operation, you must be authenticated. [Learn more](
## Archive template version
### Code samples
# Example request using curl
curl -X POST http://coder-server:8080/api/v2/templateversions/{templateversion}/archive \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Coder-Session-Token: API_KEY'
`POST /templateversions/{templateversion}/archive`
### Parameters
| Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
| ----------------- | ---- | ------------ | -------- | ------------------- |
| `templateversion` | path | string(uuid) | true | Template version ID |
### Example responses
> 200 Response
"detail": "string",
"message": "string",
"validations": [
"detail": "string",
"field": "string"
### Responses
| Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
| 200 | [OK]( | OK | [codersdk.Response]( |
To perform this operation, you must be authenticated. [Learn more](
## Cancel template version by ID
### Code samples
# Example request using curl
curl -X PATCH http://coder-server:8080/api/v2/templateversions/{templateversion}/cancel \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Coder-Session-Token: API_KEY'
`PATCH /templateversions/{templateversion}/cancel`
### Parameters
| Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
| ----------------- | ---- | ------------ | -------- | ------------------- |
| `templateversion` | path | string(uuid) | true | Template version ID |
### Example responses
> 200 Response
"detail": "string",
"message": "string",
"validations": [
"detail": "string",
"field": "string"
### Responses
| Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
| 200 | [OK]( | OK | [codersdk.Response]( |
To perform this operation, you must be authenticated. [Learn more](
## Create template version dry-run
### Code samples
# Example request using curl
curl -X POST http://coder-server:8080/api/v2/templateversions/{templateversion}/dry-run \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Coder-Session-Token: API_KEY'
`POST /templateversions/{templateversion}/dry-run`
> Body parameter
"rich_parameter_values": [
"name": "string",
"value": "string"
"user_variable_values": [
"name": "string",
"value": "string"
"workspace_name": "string"
### Parameters
| Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
| ----------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------------- |
| `templateversion` | path | string(uuid) | true | Template version ID |
| `body` | body | [codersdk.CreateTemplateVersionDryRunRequest]( | true | Dry-run request |
### Example responses
> 201 Response
"canceled_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"completed_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"error": "string",
"file_id": "8a0cfb4f-ddc9-436d-91bb-75133c583767",
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"queue_position": 0,
"queue_size": 0,
"started_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"status": "pending",
"tags": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"worker_id": "ae5fa6f7-c55b-40c1-b40a-b36ac467652b"
### Responses
| Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 201 | [Created]( | Created | [codersdk.ProvisionerJob]( |
To perform this operation, you must be authenticated. [Learn more](
## Get template version dry-run by job ID
### Code samples
# Example request using curl
curl -X GET http://coder-server:8080/api/v2/templateversions/{templateversion}/dry-run/{jobID} \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Coder-Session-Token: API_KEY'
`GET /templateversions/{templateversion}/dry-run/{jobID}`
### Parameters
| Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
| ----------------- | ---- | ------------ | -------- | ------------------- |
| `templateversion` | path | string(uuid) | true | Template version ID |
| `jobID` | path | string(uuid) | true | Job ID |
### Example responses
> 200 Response
"canceled_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"completed_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"error": "string",
"file_id": "8a0cfb4f-ddc9-436d-91bb-75133c583767",
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"queue_position": 0,
"queue_size": 0,
"started_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"status": "pending",
"tags": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"worker_id": "ae5fa6f7-c55b-40c1-b40a-b36ac467652b"
### Responses
| Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 200 | [OK]( | OK | [codersdk.ProvisionerJob]( |
To perform this operation, you must be authenticated. [Learn more](
## Cancel template version dry-run by job ID
### Code samples
# Example request using curl
curl -X PATCH http://coder-server:8080/api/v2/templateversions/{templateversion}/dry-run/{jobID}/cancel \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Coder-Session-Token: API_KEY'
`PATCH /templateversions/{templateversion}/dry-run/{jobID}/cancel`
### Parameters
| Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
| ----------------- | ---- | ------------ | -------- | ------------------- |
| `jobID` | path | string(uuid) | true | Job ID |
| `templateversion` | path | string(uuid) | true | Template version ID |
### Example responses
> 200 Response
"detail": "string",
"message": "string",
"validations": [
"detail": "string",
"field": "string"
### Responses
| Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
| 200 | [OK]( | OK | [codersdk.Response]( |
To perform this operation, you must be authenticated. [Learn more](
## Get template version dry-run logs by job ID
### Code samples
# Example request using curl
curl -X GET http://coder-server:8080/api/v2/templateversions/{templateversion}/dry-run/{jobID}/logs \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Coder-Session-Token: API_KEY'
`GET /templateversions/{templateversion}/dry-run/{jobID}/logs`
### Parameters
| Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
| ----------------- | ----- | ------------ | -------- | --------------------- |
| `templateversion` | path | string(uuid) | true | Template version ID |
| `jobID` | path | string(uuid) | true | Job ID |
| `before` | query | integer | false | Before Unix timestamp |
| `after` | query | integer | false | After Unix timestamp |
| `follow` | query | boolean | false | Follow log stream |
### Example responses
> 200 Response
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"id": 0,
"log_level": "trace",
"log_source": "provisioner_daemon",
"output": "string",
"stage": "string"
### Responses
| Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 200 | [OK]( | OK | array of [codersdk.ProvisionerJobLog]( |
<h3 id="get-template-version-dry-run-logs-by-job-id-responseschema">Response Schema</h3>
Status Code **200**
| Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
| -------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------- |
| `[array item]` | array | false | | |
| `» created_at` | string(date-time) | false | | |
| `» id` | integer | false | | |
| `» log_level` | [codersdk.LogLevel]( | false | | |
| `» log_source` | [codersdk.LogSource]( | false | | |
| `» output` | string | false | | |
| `» stage` | string | false | | |
#### Enumerated Values
| Property | Value |
| ------------ | -------------------- |
| `log_level` | `trace` |
| `log_level` | `debug` |
| `log_level` | `info` |
| `log_level` | `warn` |
| `log_level` | `error` |
| `log_source` | `provisioner_daemon` |
| `log_source` | `provisioner` |
To perform this operation, you must be authenticated. [Learn more](
## Get template version dry-run resources by job ID
### Code samples
# Example request using curl
curl -X GET http://coder-server:8080/api/v2/templateversions/{templateversion}/dry-run/{jobID}/resources \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Coder-Session-Token: API_KEY'
`GET /templateversions/{templateversion}/dry-run/{jobID}/resources`
### Parameters
| Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
| ----------------- | ---- | ------------ | -------- | ------------------- |
| `templateversion` | path | string(uuid) | true | Template version ID |
| `jobID` | path | string(uuid) | true | Job ID |
### Example responses
> 200 Response
"agents": [
"api_version": "string",
"apps": [
"command": "string",
"display_name": "string",
"external": true,
"health": "disabled",
"healthcheck": {
"interval": 0,
"threshold": 0,
"url": "string"
"icon": "string",
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"sharing_level": "owner",
"slug": "string",
"subdomain": true,
"subdomain_name": "string",
"url": "string"
"architecture": "string",
"connection_timeout_seconds": 0,
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"directory": "string",
"disconnected_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"display_apps": ["vscode"],
"environment_variables": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"expanded_directory": "string",
"first_connected_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"health": {
"healthy": false,
"reason": "agent has lost connection"
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"instance_id": "string",
"last_connected_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"latency": {
"property1": {
"latency_ms": 0,
"preferred": true
"property2": {
"latency_ms": 0,
"preferred": true
"lifecycle_state": "created",
"log_sources": [
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"display_name": "string",
"icon": "string",
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"workspace_agent_id": "7ad2e618-fea7-4c1a-b70a-f501566a72f1"
"logs_length": 0,
"logs_overflowed": true,
"name": "string",
"operating_system": "string",
"ready_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"resource_id": "4d5215ed-38bb-48ed-879a-fdb9ca58522f",
"scripts": [
"cron": "string",
"log_path": "string",
"log_source_id": "4197ab25-95cf-4b91-9c78-f7f2af5d353a",
"run_on_start": true,
"run_on_stop": true,
"script": "string",
"start_blocks_login": true,
"timeout": 0
"started_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"startup_script_behavior": "blocking",
"status": "connecting",
"subsystems": ["envbox"],
"troubleshooting_url": "string",
"updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"version": "string"
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"daily_cost": 0,
"hide": true,
"icon": "string",
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"job_id": "453bd7d7-5355-4d6d-a38e-d9e7eb218c3f",
"metadata": [
"key": "string",
"sensitive": true,
"value": "string"
"name": "string",
"type": "string",
"workspace_transition": "start"
### Responses
| Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 200 | [OK]( | OK | array of [codersdk.WorkspaceResource]( |
<h3 id="get-template-version-dry-run-resources-by-job-id-responseschema">Response Schema</h3>
Status Code **200**
| Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
| ------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------- | ------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `[array item]` | array | false | | |
| `» agents` | array | false | | |
| `»» api_version` | string | false | | |
| `»» apps` | array | false | | |
| `»»» command` | string | false | | |
| `»»» display_name` | string | false | | Display name is a friendly name for the app. |
| `»»» external` | boolean | false | | External specifies whether the URL should be opened externally on the client or not. |
| `»»» health` | [codersdk.WorkspaceAppHealth]( | false | | |
| `»»» healthcheck` | [codersdk.Healthcheck]( | false | | Healthcheck specifies the configuration for checking app health. |
| `»»»» interval` | integer | false | | Interval specifies the seconds between each health check. |
| `»»»» threshold` | integer | false | | Threshold specifies the number of consecutive failed health checks before returning "unhealthy". |
| `»»»» url` | string | false | | URL specifies the endpoint to check for the app health. |
| `»»» icon` | string | false | | Icon is a relative path or external URL that specifies an icon to be displayed in the dashboard. |
| `»»» id` | string(uuid) | false | | |
| `»»» sharing_level` | [codersdk.WorkspaceAppSharingLevel]( | false | | |
| `»»» slug` | string | false | | Slug is a unique identifier within the agent. |
| `»»» subdomain` | boolean | false | | Subdomain denotes whether the app should be accessed via a path on the `coder server` or via a hostname-based dev URL. If this is set to true and there is no app wildcard configured on the server, the app will not be accessible in the UI. |
| `»»» subdomain_name` | string | false | | Subdomain name is the application domain exposed on the `coder server`. |
| `»»» url` | string | false | | URL is the address being proxied to inside the workspace. If external is specified, this will be opened on the client. |
| `»» architecture` | string | false | | |
| `»» connection_timeout_seconds` | integer | false | | |
| `»» created_at` | string(date-time) | false | | |
| `»» directory` | string | false | | |
| `»» disconnected_at` | string(date-time) | false | | |
| `»» display_apps` | array | false | | |
| `»» environment_variables` | object | false | | |
| `»»» [any property]` | string | false | | |
| `»» expanded_directory` | string | false | | |
| `»» first_connected_at` | string(date-time) | false | | |
| `»» health` | [codersdk.WorkspaceAgentHealth]( | false | | Health reports the health of the agent. |
| `»»» healthy` | boolean | false | | Healthy is true if the agent is healthy. |
| `»»» reason` | string | false | | Reason is a human-readable explanation of the agent's health. It is empty if Healthy is true. |
| `»» id` | string(uuid) | false | | |
| `»» instance_id` | string | false | | |
| `»» last_connected_at` | string(date-time) | false | | |
| `»» latency` | object | false | | Latency is mapped by region name (e.g. "New York City", "Seattle"). |
| `»»» [any property]` | [codersdk.DERPRegion]( | false | | |
| `»»»» latency_ms` | number | false | | |
| `»»»» preferred` | boolean | false | | |
| `»» lifecycle_state` | [codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycle]( | false | | |
| `»» log_sources` | array | false | | |
| `»»» created_at` | string(date-time) | false | | |
| `»»» display_name` | string | false | | |
| `»»» icon` | string | false | | |
| `»»» id` | string(uuid) | false | | |
| `»»» workspace_agent_id` | string(uuid) | false | | |
| `»» logs_length` | integer | false | | |
| `»» logs_overflowed` | boolean | false | | |
| `»» name` | string | false | | |
| `»» operating_system` | string | false | | |
| `»» ready_at` | string(date-time) | false | | |
| `»» resource_id` | string(uuid) | false | | |
| `»» scripts` | array | false | | |
| `»»» cron` | string | false | | |
| `»»» log_path` | string | false | | |
| `»»» log_source_id` | string(uuid) | false | | |
| `»»» run_on_start` | boolean | false | | |
| `»»» run_on_stop` | boolean | false | | |
| `»»» script` | string | false | | |
| `»»» start_blocks_login` | boolean | false | | |
| `»»» timeout` | integer | false | | |
| `»» started_at` | string(date-time) | false | | |
| `»» startup_script_behavior` | [codersdk.WorkspaceAgentStartupScriptBehavior]( | false | | Startup script behavior is a legacy field that is deprecated in favor of the `coder_script` resource. It's only referenced by old clients. Deprecated: Remove in the future! |
| `»» status` | [codersdk.WorkspaceAgentStatus]( | false | | |
| `»» subsystems` | array | false | | |
| `»» troubleshooting_url` | string | false | | |
| `»» updated_at` | string(date-time) | false | | |
| `»» version` | string | false | | |
| `» created_at` | string(date-time) | false | | |
| `» daily_cost` | integer | false | | |
| `» hide` | boolean | false | | |
| `» icon` | string | false | | |
| `» id` | string(uuid) | false | | |
| `» job_id` | string(uuid) | false | | |
| `» metadata` | array | false | | |
| `»» key` | string | false | | |
| `»» sensitive` | boolean | false | | |
| `»» value` | string | false | | |
| `» name` | string | false | | |
| `» type` | string | false | | |
| `» workspace_transition` | [codersdk.WorkspaceTransition]( | false | | |
#### Enumerated Values
| Property | Value |
| ------------------------- | ------------------ |
| `health` | `disabled` |
| `health` | `initializing` |
| `health` | `healthy` |
| `health` | `unhealthy` |
| `sharing_level` | `owner` |
| `sharing_level` | `authenticated` |
| `sharing_level` | `public` |
| `lifecycle_state` | `created` |
| `lifecycle_state` | `starting` |
| `lifecycle_state` | `start_timeout` |
| `lifecycle_state` | `start_error` |
| `lifecycle_state` | `ready` |
| `lifecycle_state` | `shutting_down` |
| `lifecycle_state` | `shutdown_timeout` |
| `lifecycle_state` | `shutdown_error` |
| `lifecycle_state` | `off` |
| `startup_script_behavior` | `blocking` |
| `startup_script_behavior` | `non-blocking` |
| `status` | `connecting` |
| `status` | `connected` |
| `status` | `disconnected` |
| `status` | `timeout` |
| `workspace_transition` | `start` |
| `workspace_transition` | `stop` |
| `workspace_transition` | `delete` |
To perform this operation, you must be authenticated. [Learn more](
## Get external auth by template version
### Code samples
# Example request using curl
curl -X GET http://coder-server:8080/api/v2/templateversions/{templateversion}/external-auth \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Coder-Session-Token: API_KEY'
`GET /templateversions/{templateversion}/external-auth`
### Parameters
| Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
| ----------------- | ---- | ------------ | -------- | ------------------- |
| `templateversion` | path | string(uuid) | true | Template version ID |
### Example responses
> 200 Response
"authenticate_url": "string",
"authenticated": true,
"display_icon": "string",
"display_name": "string",
"id": "string",
"type": "string"
### Responses
| Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 200 | [OK]( | OK | array of [codersdk.TemplateVersionExternalAuth]( |
<h3 id="get-external-auth-by-template-version-responseschema">Response Schema</h3>
Status Code **200**
| Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
| -------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------- |
| `[array item]` | array | false | | |
| `» authenticate_url` | string | false | | |
| `» authenticated` | boolean | false | | |
| `» display_icon` | string | false | | |
| `» display_name` | string | false | | |
| `» id` | string | false | | |
| `» type` | string | false | | |
To perform this operation, you must be authenticated. [Learn more](
## Get logs by template version
### Code samples
# Example request using curl
curl -X GET http://coder-server:8080/api/v2/templateversions/{templateversion}/logs \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Coder-Session-Token: API_KEY'
`GET /templateversions/{templateversion}/logs`
### Parameters
| Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
| ----------------- | ----- | ------------ | -------- | ------------------- |
| `templateversion` | path | string(uuid) | true | Template version ID |
| `before` | query | integer | false | Before log id |
| `after` | query | integer | false | After log id |
| `follow` | query | boolean | false | Follow log stream |
### Example responses
> 200 Response
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"id": 0,
"log_level": "trace",
"log_source": "provisioner_daemon",
"output": "string",
"stage": "string"
### Responses
| Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 200 | [OK]( | OK | array of [codersdk.ProvisionerJobLog]( |
<h3 id="get-logs-by-template-version-responseschema">Response Schema</h3>
Status Code **200**
| Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
| -------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------- |
| `[array item]` | array | false | | |
| `» created_at` | string(date-time) | false | | |
| `» id` | integer | false | | |
| `» log_level` | [codersdk.LogLevel]( | false | | |
| `» log_source` | [codersdk.LogSource]( | false | | |
| `» output` | string | false | | |
| `» stage` | string | false | | |
#### Enumerated Values
| Property | Value |
| ------------ | -------------------- |
| `log_level` | `trace` |
| `log_level` | `debug` |
| `log_level` | `info` |
| `log_level` | `warn` |
| `log_level` | `error` |
| `log_source` | `provisioner_daemon` |
| `log_source` | `provisioner` |
To perform this operation, you must be authenticated. [Learn more](
## Removed: Get parameters by template version
### Code samples
# Example request using curl
curl -X GET http://coder-server:8080/api/v2/templateversions/{templateversion}/parameters \
-H 'Coder-Session-Token: API_KEY'
`GET /templateversions/{templateversion}/parameters`
### Parameters
| Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
| ----------------- | ---- | ------------ | -------- | ------------------- |
| `templateversion` | path | string(uuid) | true | Template version ID |
### Responses
| Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ------ |
| 200 | [OK]( | OK | |
To perform this operation, you must be authenticated. [Learn more](
## Get resources by template version
### Code samples
# Example request using curl
curl -X GET http://coder-server:8080/api/v2/templateversions/{templateversion}/resources \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Coder-Session-Token: API_KEY'
`GET /templateversions/{templateversion}/resources`
### Parameters
| Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
| ----------------- | ---- | ------------ | -------- | ------------------- |
| `templateversion` | path | string(uuid) | true | Template version ID |
### Example responses
> 200 Response
"agents": [
"api_version": "string",
"apps": [
"command": "string",
"display_name": "string",
"external": true,
"health": "disabled",
"healthcheck": {
"interval": 0,
"threshold": 0,
"url": "string"
"icon": "string",
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"sharing_level": "owner",
"slug": "string",
"subdomain": true,
"subdomain_name": "string",
"url": "string"
"architecture": "string",
"connection_timeout_seconds": 0,
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"directory": "string",
"disconnected_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"display_apps": ["vscode"],
"environment_variables": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"expanded_directory": "string",
"first_connected_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"health": {
"healthy": false,
"reason": "agent has lost connection"
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"instance_id": "string",
"last_connected_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"latency": {
"property1": {
"latency_ms": 0,
"preferred": true
"property2": {
"latency_ms": 0,
"preferred": true
"lifecycle_state": "created",
"log_sources": [
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"display_name": "string",
"icon": "string",
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"workspace_agent_id": "7ad2e618-fea7-4c1a-b70a-f501566a72f1"
"logs_length": 0,
"logs_overflowed": true,
"name": "string",
"operating_system": "string",
"ready_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"resource_id": "4d5215ed-38bb-48ed-879a-fdb9ca58522f",
"scripts": [
"cron": "string",
"log_path": "string",
"log_source_id": "4197ab25-95cf-4b91-9c78-f7f2af5d353a",
"run_on_start": true,
"run_on_stop": true,
"script": "string",
"start_blocks_login": true,
"timeout": 0
"started_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"startup_script_behavior": "blocking",
"status": "connecting",
"subsystems": ["envbox"],
"troubleshooting_url": "string",
"updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"version": "string"
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"daily_cost": 0,
"hide": true,
"icon": "string",
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"job_id": "453bd7d7-5355-4d6d-a38e-d9e7eb218c3f",
"metadata": [
"key": "string",
"sensitive": true,
"value": "string"
"name": "string",
"type": "string",
"workspace_transition": "start"
### Responses
| Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 200 | [OK]( | OK | array of [codersdk.WorkspaceResource]( |
<h3 id="get-resources-by-template-version-responseschema">Response Schema</h3>
Status Code **200**
| Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
| ------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------- | ------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `[array item]` | array | false | | |
| `» agents` | array | false | | |
| `»» api_version` | string | false | | |
| `»» apps` | array | false | | |
| `»»» command` | string | false | | |
| `»»» display_name` | string | false | | Display name is a friendly name for the app. |
| `»»» external` | boolean | false | | External specifies whether the URL should be opened externally on the client or not. |
| `»»» health` | [codersdk.WorkspaceAppHealth]( | false | | |
| `»»» healthcheck` | [codersdk.Healthcheck]( | false | | Healthcheck specifies the configuration for checking app health. |
| `»»»» interval` | integer | false | | Interval specifies the seconds between each health check. |
| `»»»» threshold` | integer | false | | Threshold specifies the number of consecutive failed health checks before returning "unhealthy". |
| `»»»» url` | string | false | | URL specifies the endpoint to check for the app health. |
| `»»» icon` | string | false | | Icon is a relative path or external URL that specifies an icon to be displayed in the dashboard. |
| `»»» id` | string(uuid) | false | | |
| `»»» sharing_level` | [codersdk.WorkspaceAppSharingLevel]( | false | | |
| `»»» slug` | string | false | | Slug is a unique identifier within the agent. |
| `»»» subdomain` | boolean | false | | Subdomain denotes whether the app should be accessed via a path on the `coder server` or via a hostname-based dev URL. If this is set to true and there is no app wildcard configured on the server, the app will not be accessible in the UI. |
| `»»» subdomain_name` | string | false | | Subdomain name is the application domain exposed on the `coder server`. |
| `»»» url` | string | false | | URL is the address being proxied to inside the workspace. If external is specified, this will be opened on the client. |
| `»» architecture` | string | false | | |
| `»» connection_timeout_seconds` | integer | false | | |
| `»» created_at` | string(date-time) | false | | |
| `»» directory` | string | false | | |
| `»» disconnected_at` | string(date-time) | false | | |
| `»» display_apps` | array | false | | |
| `»» environment_variables` | object | false | | |
| `»»» [any property]` | string | false | | |
| `»» expanded_directory` | string | false | | |
| `»» first_connected_at` | string(date-time) | false | | |
| `»» health` | [codersdk.WorkspaceAgentHealth]( | false | | Health reports the health of the agent. |
| `»»» healthy` | boolean | false | | Healthy is true if the agent is healthy. |
| `»»» reason` | string | false | | Reason is a human-readable explanation of the agent's health. It is empty if Healthy is true. |
| `»» id` | string(uuid) | false | | |
| `»» instance_id` | string | false | | |
| `»» last_connected_at` | string(date-time) | false | | |
| `»» latency` | object | false | | Latency is mapped by region name (e.g. "New York City", "Seattle"). |
| `»»» [any property]` | [codersdk.DERPRegion]( | false | | |
| `»»»» latency_ms` | number | false | | |
| `»»»» preferred` | boolean | false | | |
| `»» lifecycle_state` | [codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycle]( | false | | |
| `»» log_sources` | array | false | | |
| `»»» created_at` | string(date-time) | false | | |
| `»»» display_name` | string | false | | |
| `»»» icon` | string | false | | |
| `»»» id` | string(uuid) | false | | |
| `»»» workspace_agent_id` | string(uuid) | false | | |
| `»» logs_length` | integer | false | | |
| `»» logs_overflowed` | boolean | false | | |
| `»» name` | string | false | | |
| `»» operating_system` | string | false | | |
| `»» ready_at` | string(date-time) | false | | |
| `»» resource_id` | string(uuid) | false | | |
| `»» scripts` | array | false | | |
| `»»» cron` | string | false | | |
| `»»» log_path` | string | false | | |
| `»»» log_source_id` | string(uuid) | false | | |
| `»»» run_on_start` | boolean | false | | |
| `»»» run_on_stop` | boolean | false | | |
| `»»» script` | string | false | | |
| `»»» start_blocks_login` | boolean | false | | |
| `»»» timeout` | integer | false | | |
| `»» started_at` | string(date-time) | false | | |
| `»» startup_script_behavior` | [codersdk.WorkspaceAgentStartupScriptBehavior]( | false | | Startup script behavior is a legacy field that is deprecated in favor of the `coder_script` resource. It's only referenced by old clients. Deprecated: Remove in the future! |
| `»» status` | [codersdk.WorkspaceAgentStatus]( | false | | |
| `»» subsystems` | array | false | | |
| `»» troubleshooting_url` | string | false | | |
| `»» updated_at` | string(date-time) | false | | |
| `»» version` | string | false | | |
| `» created_at` | string(date-time) | false | | |
| `» daily_cost` | integer | false | | |
| `» hide` | boolean | false | | |
| `» icon` | string | false | | |
| `» id` | string(uuid) | false | | |
| `» job_id` | string(uuid) | false | | |
| `» metadata` | array | false | | |
| `»» key` | string | false | | |
| `»» sensitive` | boolean | false | | |
| `»» value` | string | false | | |
| `» name` | string | false | | |
| `» type` | string | false | | |
| `» workspace_transition` | [codersdk.WorkspaceTransition]( | false | | |
#### Enumerated Values
| Property | Value |
| ------------------------- | ------------------ |
| `health` | `disabled` |
| `health` | `initializing` |
| `health` | `healthy` |
| `health` | `unhealthy` |
| `sharing_level` | `owner` |
| `sharing_level` | `authenticated` |
| `sharing_level` | `public` |
| `lifecycle_state` | `created` |
| `lifecycle_state` | `starting` |
| `lifecycle_state` | `start_timeout` |
| `lifecycle_state` | `start_error` |
| `lifecycle_state` | `ready` |
| `lifecycle_state` | `shutting_down` |
| `lifecycle_state` | `shutdown_timeout` |
| `lifecycle_state` | `shutdown_error` |
| `lifecycle_state` | `off` |
| `startup_script_behavior` | `blocking` |
| `startup_script_behavior` | `non-blocking` |
| `status` | `connecting` |
| `status` | `connected` |
| `status` | `disconnected` |
| `status` | `timeout` |
| `workspace_transition` | `start` |
| `workspace_transition` | `stop` |
| `workspace_transition` | `delete` |
To perform this operation, you must be authenticated. [Learn more](
## Get rich parameters by template version
### Code samples
# Example request using curl
curl -X GET http://coder-server:8080/api/v2/templateversions/{templateversion}/rich-parameters \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Coder-Session-Token: API_KEY'
`GET /templateversions/{templateversion}/rich-parameters`
### Parameters
| Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
| ----------------- | ---- | ------------ | -------- | ------------------- |
| `templateversion` | path | string(uuid) | true | Template version ID |
### Example responses
> 200 Response
"default_value": "string",
"description": "string",
"description_plaintext": "string",
"display_name": "string",
"ephemeral": true,
"icon": "string",
"mutable": true,
"name": "string",
"options": [
"description": "string",
"icon": "string",
"name": "string",
"value": "string"
"required": true,
"type": "string",
"validation_error": "string",
"validation_max": 0,
"validation_min": 0,
"validation_monotonic": "increasing",
"validation_regex": "string"
### Responses
| Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 200 | [OK]( | OK | array of [codersdk.TemplateVersionParameter]( |
<h3 id="get-rich-parameters-by-template-version-responseschema">Response Schema</h3>
Status Code **200**
| Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
| ------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------- |
| `[array item]` | array | false | | |
| `» default_value` | string | false | | |
| `» description` | string | false | | |
| `» description_plaintext` | string | false | | |
| `» display_name` | string | false | | |
| `» ephemeral` | boolean | false | | |
| `» icon` | string | false | | |
| `» mutable` | boolean | false | | |
| `» name` | string | false | | |
| `» options` | array | false | | |
| `»» description` | string | false | | |
| `»» icon` | string | false | | |
| `»» name` | string | false | | |
| `»» value` | string | false | | |
| `» required` | boolean | false | | |
| `» type` | string | false | | |
| `» validation_error` | string | false | | |
| `» validation_max` | integer | false | | |
| `» validation_min` | integer | false | | |
| `» validation_monotonic` | [codersdk.ValidationMonotonicOrder]( | false | | |
| `» validation_regex` | string | false | | |
#### Enumerated Values
| Property | Value |
| ---------------------- | -------------- |
| `type` | `string` |
| `type` | `number` |
| `type` | `bool` |
| `type` | `list(string)` |
| `validation_monotonic` | `increasing` |
| `validation_monotonic` | `decreasing` |
To perform this operation, you must be authenticated. [Learn more](
## Removed: Get schema by template version
### Code samples
# Example request using curl
curl -X GET http://coder-server:8080/api/v2/templateversions/{templateversion}/schema \
-H 'Coder-Session-Token: API_KEY'
`GET /templateversions/{templateversion}/schema`
### Parameters
| Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
| ----------------- | ---- | ------------ | -------- | ------------------- |
| `templateversion` | path | string(uuid) | true | Template version ID |
### Responses
| Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ------ |
| 200 | [OK]( | OK | |
To perform this operation, you must be authenticated. [Learn more](
## Unarchive template version
### Code samples
# Example request using curl
curl -X POST http://coder-server:8080/api/v2/templateversions/{templateversion}/unarchive \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Coder-Session-Token: API_KEY'
`POST /templateversions/{templateversion}/unarchive`
### Parameters
| Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
| ----------------- | ---- | ------------ | -------- | ------------------- |
| `templateversion` | path | string(uuid) | true | Template version ID |
### Example responses
> 200 Response
"detail": "string",
"message": "string",
"validations": [
"detail": "string",
"field": "string"
### Responses
| Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
| 200 | [OK]( | OK | [codersdk.Response]( |
To perform this operation, you must be authenticated. [Learn more](
## Get template variables by template version
### Code samples
# Example request using curl
curl -X GET http://coder-server:8080/api/v2/templateversions/{templateversion}/variables \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Coder-Session-Token: API_KEY'
`GET /templateversions/{templateversion}/variables`
### Parameters
| Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
| ----------------- | ---- | ------------ | -------- | ------------------- |
| `templateversion` | path | string(uuid) | true | Template version ID |
### Example responses
> 200 Response
"default_value": "string",
"description": "string",
"name": "string",
"required": true,
"sensitive": true,
"type": "string",
"value": "string"
### Responses
| Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 200 | [OK]( | OK | array of [codersdk.TemplateVersionVariable]( |
<h3 id="get-template-variables-by-template-version-responseschema">Response Schema</h3>
Status Code **200**
| Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
| ----------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------- |
| `[array item]` | array | false | | |
| `» default_value` | string | false | | |
| `» description` | string | false | | |
| `» name` | string | false | | |
| `» required` | boolean | false | | |
| `» sensitive` | boolean | false | | |
| `» type` | string | false | | |
| `» value` | string | false | | |
#### Enumerated Values
| Property | Value |
| -------- | -------- |
| `type` | `string` |
| `type` | `number` |
| `type` | `bool` |
To perform this operation, you must be authenticated. [Learn more](