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DigitalOcean Droplet (Linux) Provision DigitalOcean Droplets as Coder workspaces ../../../site/static/icon/do.png coder true

Remote Development on DigitalOcean Droplets

Provision DigitalOcean Droplets as Coder workspaces with this example template.


To deploy workspaces as DigitalOcean Droplets, you'll need:

  • DigitalOcean personal access token (PAT)

  • DigitalOcean project ID (you can get your project information via the doctl CLI by running doctl projects list)

  • Remove the following sections from the file if you don't want to associate your workspaces with a project:

    • variable "step2_do_project_id"
    • resource "digitalocean_project_resources" "project"
  • Optional: DigitalOcean SSH key ID (obtain via the doctl CLI by running doctl compute ssh-key list)

  • Note that this is only required for Fedora images to work.


This template assumes that coderd is run in an environment that is authenticated with Digital Ocean. Obtain a Digital Ocean Personal Access Token and set the environment variable DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN to the access token before starting coderd. For other ways to authenticate consult the Terraform docs.


This template provisions the following resources:

  • Azure VM (ephemeral, deleted on stop)
  • Managed disk (persistent, mounted to /home/coder)

This means, when the workspace restarts, any tools or files outside of the home directory are not persisted. To pre-bake tools into the workspace (e.g. python3), modify the VM image, or use a startup script.

Note This template is designed to be a starting point! Edit the Terraform to extend the template to support your use case.