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templates push

Create or update a template from the current directory or as specified by flag


coder templates push [flags] [template]



Type string

Specify a file path with values for Terraform-managed variables.


Type string-array

Specify a set of values for Terraform-managed variables.


Type string-array

Alias of --variable.


Type string-array

Specify a set of tags to target provisioner daemons.


Type string

Specify a name for the new template version. It will be automatically generated if not provided.


Type bool

Always prompt all parameters. Does not pull parameter values from active template version.


Type bool
Default true

Whether the new template will be marked active.

-y, --yes

Type bool

Bypass prompts.

-d, --directory

Type string
Default .

Specify the directory to create from, use '-' to read tar from stdin.


Type bool
Default false

Ignore warnings about not having a .terraform.lock.hcl file present in the template.

-m, --message

Type string

Specify a message describing the changes in this version of the template. Messages longer than 72 characters will be displayed as truncated.