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package prometheusmetrics_test
import (
dto ""
agentproto ""
const (
testWorkspaceName = "yogi-workspace"
testUsername = "yogi-bear"
testAgentName = "main-agent"
testTemplateName = "main-template"
var testLabels = prometheusmetrics.AgentMetricLabels{
Username: testUsername,
WorkspaceName: testWorkspaceName,
AgentName: testAgentName,
TemplateName: testTemplateName,
func TestUpdateMetrics_MetricsDoNotExpire(t *testing.T) {
// given
registry := prometheus.NewRegistry()
metricsAggregator, err := prometheusmetrics.NewMetricsAggregator(slogtest.Make(t, &slogtest.Options{IgnoreErrors: true}), registry, time.Hour, nil) // time.Hour, so metrics won't expire
require.NoError(t, err)
ctx, cancelFunc := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
closeFunc := metricsAggregator.Run(ctx)
given1 := []*agentproto.Stats_Metric{
{Name: "a_counter_one", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER, Value: 1},
{Name: "b_counter_two", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER, Value: 2},
// Tests that we update labels correctly when they have extra labels
{Name: "b_counter_two", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER, Value: 27, Labels: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric_Label{
{Name: "lizz", Value: "rizz"},
{Name: "c_gauge_three", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_GAUGE, Value: 3},
given2 := []*agentproto.Stats_Metric{
{Name: "b_counter_two", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER, Value: 4},
// Tests that we update labels correctly when they have extra labels
{Name: "b_counter_two", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER, Value: -9, Labels: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric_Label{
{Name: "lizz", Value: "rizz"},
{Name: "c_gauge_three", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_GAUGE, Value: 5},
{Name: "c_gauge_three", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_GAUGE, Value: 2, Labels: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric_Label{
{Name: "foobar", Value: "Foobaz"},
{Name: "hello", Value: "world"},
{Name: "d_gauge_four", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_GAUGE, Value: 6},
{Name: "e_gauge_four", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_GAUGE, Value: 15, Labels: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric_Label{
{Name: "foobar", Value: "Foo,ba=z"},
{Name: "halo", Value: "wor\\,d=1,e=\\,2"},
{Name: "hello", Value: "wo,,r=d"},
{Name: "f_gauge_four", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_GAUGE, Value: 6, Labels: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric_Label{
{Name: "empty", Value: ""},
{Name: "foobar", Value: "foobaz"},
given3 := []*agentproto.Stats_Metric{
{Name: "e_gauge_four", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_GAUGE, Value: 17, Labels: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric_Label{
{Name: "cat", Value: "do,=g"},
{Name: "hello", Value: "wo,,rld"},
{Name: "f_gauge_four", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_GAUGE, Value: 8, Labels: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric_Label{
{Name: "foobar", Value: "foobaz"},
commonLabels := []*agentproto.Stats_Metric_Label{
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelAgentName, Value: testAgentName},
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelUsername, Value: testUsername},
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelWorkspaceName, Value: testWorkspaceName},
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelTemplateName, Value: testTemplateName},
expected := []*agentproto.Stats_Metric{
{Name: "a_counter_one", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER, Value: 1, Labels: commonLabels},
{Name: "b_counter_two", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER, Value: -9, Labels: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric_Label{
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelAgentName, Value: testAgentName},
{Name: "lizz", Value: "rizz"},
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelUsername, Value: testUsername},
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelWorkspaceName, Value: testWorkspaceName},
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelTemplateName, Value: testTemplateName},
{Name: "b_counter_two", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER, Value: 4, Labels: commonLabels},
{Name: "c_gauge_three", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_GAUGE, Value: 2, Labels: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric_Label{
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelAgentName, Value: testAgentName},
{Name: "foobar", Value: "Foobaz"},
{Name: "hello", Value: "world"},
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelUsername, Value: testUsername},
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelWorkspaceName, Value: testWorkspaceName},
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelTemplateName, Value: testTemplateName},
{Name: "c_gauge_three", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_GAUGE, Value: 5, Labels: commonLabels},
{Name: "d_gauge_four", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_GAUGE, Value: 6, Labels: commonLabels},
{Name: "e_gauge_four", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_GAUGE, Value: 17, Labels: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric_Label{
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelAgentName, Value: testAgentName},
{Name: "cat", Value: "do,=g"},
{Name: "hello", Value: "wo,,rld"},
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelUsername, Value: testUsername},
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelWorkspaceName, Value: testWorkspaceName},
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelTemplateName, Value: testTemplateName},
{Name: "e_gauge_four", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_GAUGE, Value: 15, Labels: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric_Label{
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelAgentName, Value: testAgentName},
{Name: "foobar", Value: "Foo,ba=z"},
{Name: "halo", Value: "wor\\,d=1,e=\\,2"},
{Name: "hello", Value: "wo,,r=d"},
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelUsername, Value: testUsername},
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelWorkspaceName, Value: testWorkspaceName},
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelTemplateName, Value: testTemplateName},
{Name: "f_gauge_four", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_GAUGE, Value: 8, Labels: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric_Label{
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelAgentName, Value: testAgentName},
{Name: "foobar", Value: "foobaz"},
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelUsername, Value: testUsername},
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelWorkspaceName, Value: testWorkspaceName},
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelTemplateName, Value: testTemplateName},
// when
metricsAggregator.Update(ctx, testLabels, given1)
metricsAggregator.Update(ctx, testLabels, given2)
metricsAggregator.Update(ctx, testLabels, given3)
// then
require.Eventually(t, func() bool {
var actual []prometheus.Metric
metricsCh := make(chan prometheus.Metric)
done := make(chan struct{}, 1)
defer close(done)
go func() {
for m := range metricsCh {
actual = append(actual, m)
done <- struct{}{}
return verifyCollectedMetrics(t, expected, actual)
}, testutil.WaitMedium, testutil.IntervalSlow)
func verifyCollectedMetrics(t *testing.T, expected []*agentproto.Stats_Metric, actual []prometheus.Metric) bool {
if len(expected) != len(actual) {
t.Logf("expected %d metrics, got %d", len(expected), len(actual))
return false
// ensure stable iteration order
sort.Slice(expected, func(i, j int) bool {
return expected[i].Name < expected[j].Name
sort.Slice(actual, func(i, j int) bool {
m1 := prometheusMetricToString(t, actual[i])
m2 := prometheusMetricToString(t, actual[j])
return m1 < m2
for i, e := range expected {
desc := actual[i].Desc()
assert.Contains(t, desc.String(), e.Name)
var d dto.Metric
err := actual[i].Write(&d)
require.NoError(t, err)
if e.Type == agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER {
require.Equal(t, e.Value, d.Counter.GetValue())
} else if e.Type == agentproto.Stats_Metric_GAUGE {
require.Equal(t, e.Value, d.Gauge.GetValue())
} else {
require.Failf(t, "unsupported type: %s", string(e.Type))
expectedLabels := make([]*agentproto.Stats_Metric_Label, len(e.Labels))
copy(expectedLabels, e.Labels)
dtoLabels := asMetricAgentLabels(d.GetLabel())
// dto labels are sorted in alphabetical order.
sortFn := func(i, j int) bool {
return expectedLabels[i].Name < expectedLabels[j].Name
sort.Slice(expectedLabels, sortFn)
sort.Slice(dtoLabels, sortFn)
require.Equal(t, expectedLabels, dtoLabels, d.String())
return true
func prometheusMetricToString(t *testing.T, m prometheus.Metric) string {
var sb strings.Builder
desc := m.Desc()
_, _ = sb.WriteString(desc.String())
_ = sb.WriteByte('|')
var d dto.Metric
err := m.Write(&d)
require.NoError(t, err)
dtoLabels := asMetricAgentLabels(d.GetLabel())
sort.Slice(dtoLabels, func(i, j int) bool {
return dtoLabels[i].Name < dtoLabels[j].Name
for _, dtoLabel := range dtoLabels {
if dtoLabel.Value == "" {
_, _ = sb.WriteString(dtoLabel.Name)
_ = sb.WriteByte('=')
_, _ = sb.WriteString(prometheusmetrics.MetricLabelValueEncoder.Replace(dtoLabel.Value))
return strings.TrimRight(sb.String(), ",")
func asMetricAgentLabels(dtoLabels []*dto.LabelPair) []*agentproto.Stats_Metric_Label {
metricLabels := make([]*agentproto.Stats_Metric_Label, 0, len(dtoLabels))
for _, dtoLabel := range dtoLabels {
if dtoLabel.GetValue() == "" {
metricLabels = append(metricLabels, &agentproto.Stats_Metric_Label{
Name: dtoLabel.GetName(),
Value: dtoLabel.GetValue(),
return metricLabels
func TestUpdateMetrics_MetricsExpire(t *testing.T) {
// given
registry := prometheus.NewRegistry()
metricsAggregator, err := prometheusmetrics.NewMetricsAggregator(slogtest.Make(t, &slogtest.Options{IgnoreErrors: true}), registry, time.Millisecond, agentmetrics.LabelAll)
require.NoError(t, err)
ctx, cancelFunc := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
closeFunc := metricsAggregator.Run(ctx)
given := []*agentproto.Stats_Metric{
{Name: "a_counter_one", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER, Value: 1},
// when
metricsAggregator.Update(ctx, testLabels, given)
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 10) // Ensure that metric is expired
// then
require.Eventually(t, func() bool {
var actual []prometheus.Metric
metricsCh := make(chan prometheus.Metric)
done := make(chan struct{}, 1)
defer close(done)
go func() {
for m := range metricsCh {
actual = append(actual, m)
done <- struct{}{}
return len(actual) == 0
}, testutil.WaitShort, testutil.IntervalFast)
func TestLabelsAggregation(t *testing.T) {
type statCollection struct {
labels prometheusmetrics.AgentMetricLabels
metrics []*agentproto.Stats_Metric
commonLabels := []*agentproto.Stats_Metric_Label{
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelUsername, Value: testUsername},
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelAgentName, Value: testAgentName},
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelWorkspaceName, Value: testWorkspaceName},
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelTemplateName, Value: testTemplateName},
tests := []struct {
name string
given []statCollection
expected []*agentproto.Stats_Metric
aggregateOn []string
name: "label aggregations not specified, keep all (high cardinality, default behavior)",
aggregateOn: agentmetrics.LabelAll,
given: []statCollection{
labels: testLabels,
metrics: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric{
{Name: "user_counter", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER, Value: 1},
labels: testLabels,
metrics: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric{
{Name: "active_conns", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_GAUGE, Value: 4},
expected: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric{
{Name: "user_counter", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER, Value: 1, Labels: commonLabels},
{Name: "active_conns", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_GAUGE, Value: 4, Labels: commonLabels},
// Scenario: 2 users are using the same agent and we've configured the deployment to aggregate on the "agent_name" label.
name: "single label aggregation, aggregating to single metric",
aggregateOn: []string{agentmetrics.LabelAgentName},
given: []statCollection{
labels: prometheusmetrics.AgentMetricLabels{
Username: "user1",
AgentName: "agent1",
metrics: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric{
{Name: "user_counter", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER, Value: 1},
labels: prometheusmetrics.AgentMetricLabels{
Username: "user2",
AgentName: "agent1",
metrics: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric{
{Name: "user_counter", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER, Value: 7},
expected: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric{
// We only observed one agent_name value, so all metrics are aggregated to a single series.
{Name: "user_counter", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER, Value: 8, Labels: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric_Label{
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelAgentName, Value: "agent1"},
// Scenario: as above, but we're aggregating on two invariant labels.
name: "multiple label aggregation, aggregating to single metric",
aggregateOn: []string{agentmetrics.LabelAgentName, agentmetrics.LabelTemplateName},
given: []statCollection{
labels: prometheusmetrics.AgentMetricLabels{
Username: "user1",
AgentName: "agent1",
TemplateName: "template1",
metrics: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric{
{Name: "user_counter", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER, Value: 1},
labels: prometheusmetrics.AgentMetricLabels{
Username: "user2",
AgentName: "agent1",
TemplateName: "template1",
metrics: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric{
{Name: "user_counter", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER, Value: 7},
expected: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric{
// We only observed one agent_name & template_name tuple, so all metrics are aggregated to a single series.
{Name: "user_counter", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER, Value: 8, Labels: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric_Label{
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelAgentName, Value: "agent1"},
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelTemplateName, Value: "template1"},
// Scenario: aggregating on a label which is unique across all metrics.
name: "single label aggregation, aggregating to multiple metrics",
aggregateOn: []string{agentmetrics.LabelUsername},
given: []statCollection{
labels: prometheusmetrics.AgentMetricLabels{
Username: "user1",
AgentName: "agent1",
TemplateName: "template1",
metrics: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric{
{Name: "user_counter", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER, Value: 1},
labels: prometheusmetrics.AgentMetricLabels{
Username: "user2",
AgentName: "agent1",
TemplateName: "template1",
metrics: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric{
{Name: "user_counter", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER, Value: 7},
expected: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric{
// We observed two unique username values, and therefore we have a metric for each.
{Name: "user_counter", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER, Value: 1, Labels: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric_Label{
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelUsername, Value: "user1"},
{Name: "user_counter", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER, Value: 7, Labels: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric_Label{
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelUsername, Value: "user2"},
// Scenario: aggregating on a label which is unique across all metrics, plus two invariant labels.
name: "multiple label aggregation, aggregating to multiple metrics",
aggregateOn: []string{agentmetrics.LabelUsername, agentmetrics.LabelAgentName, agentmetrics.LabelTemplateName},
given: []statCollection{
labels: prometheusmetrics.AgentMetricLabels{
Username: "user1",
AgentName: "agent1",
TemplateName: "template1",
metrics: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric{
{Name: "user_counter", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER, Value: 1},
labels: prometheusmetrics.AgentMetricLabels{
Username: "user2",
AgentName: "agent1",
TemplateName: "template1",
metrics: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric{
{Name: "user_counter", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER, Value: 7},
expected: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric{
// We observed two unique username values, and therefore we have a metric for each.
{Name: "user_counter", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER, Value: 1, Labels: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric_Label{
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelUsername, Value: "user1"},
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelAgentName, Value: "agent1"},
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelTemplateName, Value: "template1"},
{Name: "user_counter", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER, Value: 7, Labels: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric_Label{
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelUsername, Value: "user2"},
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelAgentName, Value: "agent1"},
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelTemplateName, Value: "template1"},
name: "extra labels are retained, even with label aggregations",
aggregateOn: []string{agentmetrics.LabelUsername},
given: []statCollection{
labels: testLabels,
metrics: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric{
{Name: "user_counter", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER, Value: 1},
labels: testLabels,
metrics: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric{
{Name: "extra_label", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER, Value: 27, Labels: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric_Label{
{Name: "lizz", Value: "rizz"},
expected: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric{
{Name: "user_counter", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER, Value: 1, Labels: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric_Label{
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelUsername, Value: testUsername},
{Name: "extra_label", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER, Value: 27, Labels: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric_Label{
{Name: "lizz", Value: "rizz"},
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelUsername, Value: testUsername},
// Both counters and gauges should have all their values summed to produce the correct output.
name: "counters & gauges behave identically",
aggregateOn: []string{agentmetrics.LabelTemplateName},
given: []statCollection{
labels: prometheusmetrics.AgentMetricLabels{
Username: "username1",
TemplateName: "template1",
metrics: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric{
{Name: "user_counter", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER, Value: 1},
{Name: "active_conns", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_GAUGE, Value: 3},
labels: prometheusmetrics.AgentMetricLabels{
Username: "username2",
TemplateName: "template1",
metrics: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric{
{Name: "user_counter", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER, Value: 2},
{Name: "active_conns", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_GAUGE, Value: 4},
expected: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric{
{Name: "user_counter", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER, Value: 3, Labels: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric_Label{
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelTemplateName, Value: "template1"},
{Name: "active_conns", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_GAUGE, Value: 7, Labels: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric_Label{
{Name: agentmetrics.LabelTemplateName, Value: "template1"},
// Scenario: validation fails and an invalid label is selected for aggregation.
name: "invalid label aggregation",
aggregateOn: []string{"nonsense"},
given: []statCollection{
labels: testLabels,
metrics: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric{
{Name: "user_counter", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER, Value: 1},
// Nothing will be returned.
expected: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric{},
// Scenario: validation fails and an empty list is given for aggregation.
name: "empty label aggregation list",
aggregateOn: []string{},
given: []statCollection{
labels: testLabels,
metrics: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric{
{Name: "user_counter", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER, Value: 1},
// Default aggregation will be used.
expected: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric{
{Name: "user_counter", Type: agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER, Value: 1, Labels: commonLabels},
for _, tc := range tests {
tc := tc
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
// given
registry := prometheus.NewRegistry()
metricsAggregator, err := prometheusmetrics.NewMetricsAggregator(slogtest.Make(t, &slogtest.Options{IgnoreErrors: true}), registry, time.Hour, tc.aggregateOn) // time.Hour, so metrics won't expire
require.NoError(t, err)
ctx, cancelFunc := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
closeFunc := metricsAggregator.Run(ctx)
// when
for _, sc := range tc.given {
metricsAggregator.Update(ctx, sc.labels, sc.metrics)
// then
require.Eventually(t, func() bool {
var actual []prometheus.Metric
metricsCh := make(chan prometheus.Metric)
done := make(chan struct{}, 1)
defer close(done)
go func() {
for m := range metricsCh {
actual = append(actual, m)
done <- struct{}{}
return verifyCollectedMetrics(t, tc.expected, actual)
}, testutil.WaitMedium, testutil.IntervalSlow)
func Benchmark_MetricsAggregator_Run(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkRunner(b, agentmetrics.LabelAll)
func Benchmark_MetricsAggregator_RunWithAggregations(b *testing.B) {
for i := 1; i <= len(agentmetrics.LabelAll); i++ {
b.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d labels", i), func(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkRunner(b, agentmetrics.LabelAll[0:i])
func benchmarkRunner(b *testing.B, aggregateByLabels []string) {
// Number of metrics to generate and send in each iteration.
// Hard-coded to 1024 to avoid overflowing the queue in the metrics aggregator.
numMetrics := 1024
// given
registry := prometheus.NewRegistry()
metricsAggregator := must(prometheusmetrics.NewMetricsAggregator(slogtest.Make(b, &slogtest.Options{IgnoreErrors: true}), registry, time.Hour, aggregateByLabels))
ctx, cancelFunc := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
closeFunc := metricsAggregator.Run(ctx)
ch := make(chan prometheus.Metric)
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
b.Logf("N=%d generating %d metrics", b.N, numMetrics)
metrics := make([]*agentproto.Stats_Metric, 0, numMetrics)
for i := 0; i < numMetrics; i++ {
metrics = append(metrics, genAgentMetric(b))
b.Logf("N=%d sending %d metrics", b.N, numMetrics)
var nGot atomic.Int64
metricsAggregator.Update(ctx, testLabels, metrics)
for i := 0; i < numMetrics; i++ {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-ch:
b.Logf("N=%d got %d metrics", b.N, nGot.Load())
func genAgentMetric(t testing.TB) *agentproto.Stats_Metric {
var metricType agentproto.Stats_Metric_Type
if must(cryptorand.Float64()) >= 0.5 {
metricType = agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER
} else {
metricType = agentproto.Stats_Metric_GAUGE
// Ensure that metric name does not start or end with underscore, as it is not allowed by Prometheus.
metricName := "metric_" + must(cryptorand.StringCharset(cryptorand.Alpha, 80)) + "_gen"
// Generate random metric value between 0 and 1000.
metricValue := must(cryptorand.Float64()) * float64(must(cryptorand.Intn(1000)))
return &agentproto.Stats_Metric{
Name: metricName, Type: metricType, Value: metricValue, Labels: []*agentproto.Stats_Metric_Label{},
func must[T any](t T, err error) T {
if err != nil {
return t