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package httpmw
import (
// CSRF is a middleware that verifies that a CSRF token is present in the request
// for non-GET requests.
// If enforce is false, then CSRF enforcement is disabled. We still want
// to include the CSRF middleware because it will set the CSRF cookie.
func CSRF(secureCookie bool) func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
mw := nosurf.New(next)
mw.SetBaseCookie(http.Cookie{Path: "/", HttpOnly: true, SameSite: http.SameSiteLaxMode, Secure: secureCookie})
mw.SetFailureHandler(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
http.Error(w, "Something is wrong with your CSRF token. Please refresh the page. If this error persists, try clearing your cookies.", http.StatusBadRequest)
// Exempt all requests that do not require CSRF protection.
// All GET requests are exempt by default.
// This should not be required?
// Agent authenticated routes
// Workspace Proxy routes
// Derp routes
// Scim
// Provisioner daemon routes
mw.ExemptFunc(func(r *http.Request) bool {
// Only enforce CSRF on API routes.
if !strings.HasPrefix(r.URL.Path, "/api") {
return true
// CSRF only affects requests that automatically attach credentials via a cookie.
// If no cookie is present, then there is no risk of CSRF.
sessCookie, err := r.Cookie(codersdk.SessionTokenCookie)
if xerrors.Is(err, http.ErrNoCookie) {
return true
if token := r.Header.Get(codersdk.SessionTokenHeader); token == sessCookie.Value {
// If the cookie and header match, we can assume this is the same as just using the
// custom header auth. Custom header auth can bypass CSRF, as CSRF attacks
// cannot add custom headers.
return true
if token := r.URL.Query().Get(codersdk.SessionTokenCookie); token == sessCookie.Value {
// If the auth is set in a url param and matches the cookie, it
// is the same as just using the url param.
return true
if r.Header.Get(codersdk.ProvisionerDaemonPSK) != "" {
// If present, the provisioner daemon also is providing an api key
// that will make them exempt from CSRF. But this is still useful
// for enumerating the external auths.
return true
// If the X-CSRF-TOKEN header is set, we can exempt the func if it's valid.
// This is the CSRF check.
sent := r.Header.Get("X-CSRF-TOKEN")
if sent != "" {
return nosurf.VerifyToken(nosurf.Token(r), sent)
return false
return mw