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Setting custom environment variables

If necessary you can set custom environment variables to be used by Unicorn, Sidekiq, Rails and Rake via /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb. This can be useful in situations where you need to use a proxy to access the internet and need to clone externally hosted repositories directly into GitLab. In /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb supply a gitlab_rails['env'] with a hash value. For example:

gitlab_rails['env'] = {
    "http_proxy" => "",
    "https_proxy" => ""
#    "no_proxy" => ""  # Wildcard syntax if you need your internal domain to bypass proxy

You can also override environment variables from other GitLab components which might be required if you are behind a proxy:

# Needed for proxying Git clones
gitaly['env'] = {
    "http_proxy" => "",
    "https_proxy" => "",
    "no_proxy" => "unix"  # Workaround for

gitlab_workhorse['env'] = {
    "http_proxy" => "",
    "https_proxy" => ""

# If you use the docker registry
registry['env'] = {
    "http_proxy" => "",
    "https_proxy" => ""

NOTE: Note: The no_proxy entry for Gitaly is needed in GitLab 11.6 and newer if a proxy is defined and Gitaly is listening on a UNIX socket, which it is by default. It appears to be a limitation in the gRPC client library. See the Gitaly issue for more details.

NOTE: Note: GitLab 11.6 and newer will attempt to use HTTP Basic Authentication when a username and password is included in the proxy URL. Older GitLab versions will omit the authentication details.

NOTE: Note: Proxy settings use the . syntax for globing.

NOTE: Note: Proxy URL values should generally be http:// only, unless your proxy has its own SSL certificate and SSL enabled. This means, even for the https_proxy value, you should usually specify a value as

Applying the changes

Any change made to the environment variables requires a hard restart after reconfigure for it to take effect.

NOTE: Note: During a hard restart, your GitLab instance will be down until the services are back up.

For configurations where Unicorn is enabled, after editing the gitlab.rb file run the following commands:

sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
sudo gitlab-ctl restart

For configurations where Puma is enabled, only a reconfigure is necessary since reconfigure will issue a full restart:

sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure