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Thank you for your interest in contributing to this GitLab project! We welcome all contributions. By participating in this project, you agree to abide by the code of conduct.

Developer Certificate of Origin + License

By contributing to GitLab B.V., You accept and agree to the following terms and conditions for Your present and future Contributions submitted to GitLab B.V. Except for the license granted herein to GitLab B.V. and recipients of software distributed by GitLab B.V., You reserve all right, title, and interest in and to Your Contributions. All Contributions are subject to the following DCO + License terms.

DCO + License

All Documentation content that resides under the doc/ directory of this repository is licensed under Creative Commons: CC BY-SA 4.0.

This notice should stay as the first item in the file.

Definition of done

The omnibus-gitlab project uses the definition of done as noted in GitLab Community Edition (and Enterprise Edition).

As this project is a wrapper around GitLab CE/EE, some additions to the definition apply:

  1. Integration tests using GitLab QA.
  2. Green pipelines in both pipelines (Specs) and pipelines (Package builds). This rule is at minimum applicable to the reviewers.

General issue guidelines

If you are experiencing problems during GitLab package installation or have issues with package configuration please create an issue that includes the following:

  • Include the omnibus-gitlab version when discussing behavior: dpkg-query -W "gitlab*" or rpm -q gitlab.
  • Include the omnibus-gitlab configuration: sudo gitlab-ctl show-config
  • Copy few lines before, full error output and few lines after from the gitlab-ctl reconfigure run log and paste it inside a GitLab snippet or inside the issue description under triple backticks "TEXT".

Warning Be careful when pasting log outputs of gitlab-ctl reconfigure or gitlab-ctl show-config; They will contain secrets like passwords and keys so make sure to edit out all secrets before pasting the log output.

This can be the case when installation and gitlab-ctl reconfigure run went without issues but your GitLab instance is still giving 500 error page with an error in the log.

Maintainer documentation

Maintainers of this project will try to address issues in a timely manner. Maintainers, however, cannot guarantee that they would be able to address all incoming issues as soon as they are raised nor can guarantee to provide an answer to all raised issues.

If your issue is closed due to inactivity (from either side), please check whether the issue persists in the latest version. If that is the case, feel free to reopen the issue or create a new one with a link to the old issue.

Issue description templates

Issue description template will show this message to all users that create issues in this repository:

When submitting an issue that is not a feature request, please submit the following:

1. Make sure that the issue is with the package itself. If your GitLab is running but you are seeing error page 500, first check on where to ask your question
1. Include the omnibus-gitlab package version with: `dpkg-query -W
gitlab` or `rpm -q gitlab`
1. Relevant sections of `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` (make sure to omit any sections that start with # and passwords)
1. Whether the problems are caused on a fresh install or an upgrade(Describe the upgrade history)
1. Describe the OS and the system environment GitLab is installed on (Is it a clean VM, is anything else running on it, etc.)

Issue response template

When the maintainer suspects the reported issue is not related to the problems with omnibus-gitlab, following template can be used to respond to the issue reporter:

Thanks for reporting this issue. I suspect that the issue you are experiencing is not related to the package or configuration of the package itself. Omnibus-gitlab repository is used for packaging GitLab. Since this looks like a problem not related to the packaging please check
[how to get help]( for your issue. I will close this issue but if you still think this is a problem with the package please @ mention me with the steps to reproduce the problem and I will reopen the issue.

Closing issues

If an issue has a Awaiting Feedback label and the response from the reporter has not been received for 14 days, we can close the issue using the following response template:

We haven't received an update for more than 14 days so we will assume that the
problem is fixed or is no longer valid. If you still experience the same problem
try upgrading to the latest version. If the issue persists, reopen this issue
with the relevant information.

Hand testing built packages

Once you have a have a green pipeline for the package build as discussed in the Definition of done, deploy the package to a VM and ensure that everything still works.

Some of the interactions of the components are not fully covered by the unit/acceptance tests, so testing here can reveal issues such as invalid service configuration being generated. Issues found should be fed back into the test suites where possible as part of the review process.

Developer Guidelines

Setting up development environment

Check setting up development environment docs for instructions on setting up a environment for local development.

Writing tests

Any change in the internal cookbook also requires specs. Apart from testing the specific feature/bug, it would be greatly appreciated if the submitted Merge Request includes more tests. This is to ensure that the test coverage grows with development.

When in rush to fix something (eg. security issue, bug blocking the release), writing specs can be skipped. However, an issue to implement the tests must be created and assigned to the person who originally wrote the code.

To run tests, execute the following command (you may have to run bundle install before running it)

bundle exec rspec

Merge Request Guidelines

If you are working on a new feature or an issue which doesn't have an entry on Omnibus GitLab's issue tracker, it is always a better idea to create an issue and mention that you will be working on it as this will help to prevent duplication of work. Also, others may be able to provide input regarding the issue, which can help you in your task.

It is preferred to make your changes in a branch named <issue number>-<description> so that merging the request will automatically close the specified issue.

A good Merge Request is expected to have the following components, based on their applicability:

  1. Full Merge Request description explaining why this change was needed
  2. Code for implementing feature/bugfix
  3. Tests, as explained in Writing Tests
  4. Documentation explaining the change
  5. If Merge Request introduces change in user facing configuration, update to gitlab.rb template
  6. Changelog entry to inform about the change, if necessary.

Note: Ensure shared runners are enabled for your fork in order for our automated tests to run.1

  1. Go to Settings -> CI/CD
  2. Expand Runners settings
  3. If shared runners are not enabled, click on the button labeled "Enable shared Runners"

Unofficial packaging point of contact

The omnibus-gitlab project is a project used for building official GitLab packages. There are multiple community driven projects for packaging, such as GitLab CE unofficial Debian 9 package.

If you are a maintainer or point of contact for a such project, and you require assistance or just want to talk about GitLab, please raise an issue in the omnibus-gitlab project.

Code of conduct

As contributors and maintainers of this project, we pledge to respect all people who contribute through reporting issues, posting feature requests, updating documentation, submitting pull requests or patches, and other activities.

We are committed to making participation in this project a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of level of experience, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, or religion.

Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include the use of sexual language or imagery, derogatory comments or personal attacks, trolling, public or private harassment, insults, or other unprofessional conduct.

Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct. Project maintainers who do not follow the Code of Conduct may be removed from the project team.

This code of conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces when an individual is representing the project or its community.

Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior can be reported by emailing

This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 1.1.0, available at