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golang component upgrade test plan

Test plan

  • QA tests passed for FIPS and non FIPS builds, including triggering the build-package-on-all-os job
  • Confirmed build was done with desired version of go strings /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/gitaly | grep 'go1\.' | tail -1
  • Confirmed Omnibus-built services that are owned by distribution are working
    • prometheus - (is scraping metrics)

      curl 'localhost:9090/api/v1/query?query=up'
    • pgbouncer exporter - (metrics endpoint returns data)

      1. Configured pgbouncer using

      2. Run:

        curl http://localhost:9188/metrics
    • redis-exporter - (metrics endpoint returns data)

      curl http://localhost:9121/metrics
    • postgres-exporter - (metrics endpoint returns data)

      curl http://localhost:9187/metrics
    • node-exporter - (metrics endpoint returns data)

      curl http://localhost:9100/metrics
    • alertmanager - (test trigger an alert)

      1. Set prometheus['listen_address'] = '' in /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb and run sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure.

      2. Shut down gitaly service:

        gitlab-ctl stop gitaly
      3. Wait 5 minutes and check prometheus console http://<gitlab host>:9090/alerts?search= for service down alert.

      4. Start gitaly service:

        gitlab-ctl start gitaly
      5. Wait 5 minutes and check prometheus console http://<gitlab host>:9090/alerts?search= for service back up.