
1.3 KiB

stage group info
Create Code Review To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see

glab repo list

Get list of repositories.

glab repo list [flags]




glab repo list


  -a, --all            List all projects on the instance
  -g, --group string   Return only repositories in the given group and its subgroups
      --member         Only list projects which you are a member
  -m, --mine           Only list projects you own (default if no filters are passed)
  -o, --order string   Return repositories ordered by id, created_at, or other fields (default "last_activity_at")
  -p, --page int       Page number (default 1)
  -P, --per-page int   Number of items to list per page (default 30)
  -s, --sort string    Return repositories sorted in asc or desc order
      --starred        Only list starred projects

Options inherited from parent commands

      --help   Show help for command