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glab changelog generate

Generate a changelog for the repository/project

glab changelog generate [flags]


glab changelog generate


      --config-file string   The path of changelog configuration file in the project's Git repository. Defaults to .gitlab/changelog_config.yml.
      --date string          The date and time of the release. Uses ISO 8601 (2016-03-11T03:45:40Z) format. Defaults to the current time.
      --from string          The start of the range of commits (as a SHA) to use for generating the changelog. This commit itself isn't included in the list.
      --to string            The end of the range of commits (as a SHA) to use for the changelog. This commit is included in the list. Defaults to the HEAD of the default project branch.
      --trailer string       The Git trailer to use for including commits. Defaults to Changelog.
  -v, --version string       The version to generate the changelog for. The format must follow semantic versioning. Defaults to the version of the local checkout (like using git describe).

Options inherited from parent commands

      --help   Show help for command