
2.0 KiB


A minimalistic Activity Pub server. Think mastodon, but smaller and with fewer features.

This project is in active development and should not be used in production.

Roadmap: https://gitlab.com/ngerakines/tavern/-/wikis/Roadmap

Milestones: https://gitlab.com/ngerakines/tavern/-/milestones

Quick Start

The quickest way to get up and running is with docker-compose.

If you are building from source, be sure to run docker-compose build.

  1. docker-compose up -d db svger
  2. docker-compose run web migrate
  3. docker-compose run web init --admin-email=nick.gerakines@gmail.com --admin-password=password --admin-name=nick
  4. docker-compose up -d


First, please read the CONTRIBUTING document. This project adheres to the contributors covenant, https://www.contributor-covenant.org/.

The build and release process involves code generation in a few ways that aren't obvious.

  1. go generate ./... generates error structures and sources used to bundle files in the compiled binary.
  2. openssl dgst -sha384 -binary the_file.whatever | openssl base64 -A is used to create SRI hashes (integrity="sha384-decafbad") in included CSS and JS files.

The -tags prod argument can be used to indicate prod vs non-prod sources. When the prod flag is not present, asset packages will load content from disk, but will still contain file path references. In other words, whenever you create or delete files including templates, migrations, or translations, you must run go generate ./....

Docker Builds

$ export TAVERN_RELEASE_CODE=$(git describe --always)
$ export TAVERN_GIT_COMMIT=$(git log --format="%H" -n 1)
$ export TAVERN_BUILD_TIME=$(date --rfc-3339=seconds)
$ docker build --build-arg=GIT_COMMIT=$TAVERN_GIT_COMMIT --build-arg=RELEASE_CODE=$TAVERN_RELEASE_CODE --build-arg=BUILD_TIME="$TAVERN_BUILD_TIME" -t ngerakines/tavern:latest  --target=tavern .


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2020 Nick Gerakines