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Enterprise Example Images

These docs contain examples and guides for how to setup your images to utilize the Multi Editor Support built into Coder Enterprise.

Each directory in images/ contains examples for how to setup your images with different IDEs.

See our documentation at our Enterprise Hub for additional information about supported editors and known issues.

Image Minimums

All of the images provided in this repo include the following utilities to ensure they work well with all of Coder Enterprise's features, and to provide a solid out-of-the-box developer experience:

  • git
  • bash
  • curl & wget
  • htop
  • man
  • vim
  • sudo
  • python3 & pip3
  • gcc & gcc-c++ & make

Images on Docker Hub

Each of these images is also published to Docker Hub under the codercom/enterprise-[name] repository. For example, intellij is available at The tag is taken from the file extension of the Dockerfile. For example, intellij/Dockerfile.ubuntu is under the ubuntu tag.

Adding a New Image

To add a new image, create a new folder with the name of the image, and create at least one Dockerfile for it. You'll then want to re-run bin/ so that a GitHub action is created for building and pushing that image.