
142 lines
1.8 KiB

title: Tabular
category: Vim
updated: 2017-10-11
weight: -1
intro: |
[Tabular]( is a Vim script for text alignment.
## Common usage
{: .-three-column}
### Tables
:Tab /|
{: .-setup}
| Fruit | Color |
| ----- | ----- |
| Apple | Red |
| Banana | Yellow |
| Kiwi | Green |
### Variables
:Tab /=
{: .-setup}
title = "Hello"
src = "image.jpg"
width = 640
### Colons
:Tab /:\zs/l0l1
{: .-setup}
title: "Hello world"
description: "This is a description"
src: "image.jpg"
height: 320
width: 640
## Tab command
{: .-three-column}
### Basic example
:Tab /:
{: .-setup}
title : My picture
src : img.jpg
### Right align
:Tab /:/r0
{: .-setup}
title:My picture
src: img.jpg
### The \zs atom
:Tab /:\zs
{: .-setup}
title: My picture
src: img.jpg
The `\zs` atom will exclude the `:` from the search match.
### Specifier
:Tab /:/r1c1l0
{: .-setup}
title : My picture
src : img.jpg
#### Explanation
- `r1` -- Right align with 1 space
- `c1` -- Center align the comma with 1 space
- `l0` -- Left align with 0 spaces
### Regexp
:Tab /^[^,]*\zs,/r0
{: .-setup}
c,hi there
### Specifiers
| Specifier | Description |
| --- | --- |
| `r1c1l0` | multiple specifiers, one per column<br>(the separator counts as a column) |
| --- | --- |
| `lN` | Left-align (with N spaces padding) |
| `rN` | Right-align (with N spaces padding) |
| `cN` | Center-align (with N spaces padding) |
## Also see
- [godlygeek/tabular]( _(
- [Aligning text with Tabular.vim]( _(