
114 lines
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title: PostgreSQL JSON
prism_languages: [sql]
updated: 2018-12-06
category: Databases
## Operators
### Accessors
SELECT * FROM users WHERE data->>'name' = 'John';
SELECT data->>'name' AS name FROM users;
{: .-setup}
| Operator | Description | Example | Returns |
| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| `->` _int_ | Get array element `2` | `data->2` | JSON |
| `->` _text_ | Get object key `name` | `data->'name'` | JSON |
| `#>` _text[]_ | Get keypath `a,b` (eg, `data.a.b`) | `data#>'{a,b}'` | JSON |
| -
| `->>` _int_ | Get array element `2` | `data->>2` | Text |
| `->>` _text_ | Get object key `name` | `data->>'name'` | Text |
| `#>>` _text[]_ | Get keypath `a,b` (eg, `data.a.b`) | `data#>>'{a,b}'` | Text |
{: .-headers.-shortcuts}
`>` returns JSON, `>>` returns text.
### Boolean operators
SELECT * FROM users WHERE data->tags ? 'admin';
SELECT data->tags ? 'admin' AS is_admin FROM users;
{: .-setup}
| Operator | Description | Example |
| ---- | ---- | ---- |
| `?` _str_ | Does `data` have key `name`? | `data ? 'name'` |
| `?|` _text[]_ | Does `data` have `a` or `b`? | `data ?| array['a','b']` |
| `?&` _text[]_ | Does `data` have `a` and `b`? | `data ?& array['a','b']` |
| `@>` _jsonb_ | Does `left` include `right`? | `data @> '{"b":2}'::jsonb` |
| `<@` _jsonb_ | Does `right` include `left`? | `data <@ '{"a":1,"b":2}'::jsonb` |
{: .-headers.-shortcuts.-left-align}
When `?`/`?|`/`?&` works on objects, it checks keys; when it works on arrays, it checks for elements.
## Updating
### Arrays and objects
UPDATE users SET tags = tags || array['admin'];
{: .-setup}
| Operator | Example | Description
| ---- | ---- | ----
| `||` _json_ | `data || array['a','b']` | Concatenate
| `-` _str_ | `data - 'a'` | Delete a key
| `-` _int_ | `data - 1` | Delete an array item
| `#-` _text[]_ | `data #- '{us,name}'` | Delete a path
{: .-headers.-shortcuts}
Only available in PostgreSQL 9.5+.
### jsonb_set
UPDATE users SET data = jsonb_set(data, '{name}', '"John"');
Only available in PostgreSQL 9.5+.
## Functions
#### fn(json) → json
jsonb_set(data, '{path}', value)
#### fn(···) → json
#### Iteration
SELECT * from json_each('{"a":1, "b":2}')
SELECT * from json_each_text('{"a":1, "b":2}')
-- key | value
This is an incomplete list, there's way too many!
See: [JSON functions](
## More examples
- `'{"a":1}'::jsonb ? 'a'`
- `'["a"]'::jsonb ? 'a'`
## References
- <>
- <>