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title: ES2015+
category: JavaScript
tags: [Featured]
updated: 2019-11-14
weight: -10
intro: |
A quick overview of new JavaScript features in ES2015, ES2016, ES2017, ES2018 and beyond.
### Block scoping
#### Let
function fn () {
let x = 0
if (true) {
let x = 1 // only inside this `if`
{: data-line="2,4"}
#### Const
const a = 1
`let` is the new `var`. Constants work just like `let`, but can't be reassigned.
See: [Let and const](
### Backtick strings
#### Interpolation
const message = `Hello ${name}`
#### Multiline strings
const str = `
Templates and multiline strings.
See: [Template strings](
### Binary and octal literals
let bin = 0b1010010
let oct = 0o755
See: [Binary and octal literals](
### New methods
#### New string methods
"hello".padStart(8) // " hello"
"hello".padEnd(8) // "hello "
"hello".padEnd(8, '!') // hello!!!
See: [New methods](
### Classes
class Circle extends Shape {
#### Constructor
constructor (radius) {
this.radius = radius
{: data-line="1"}
#### Methods
getArea () {
return Math.PI * 2 * this.radius
{: data-line="1"}
#### Calling superclass methods
expand (n) {
return super.expand(n) * Math.PI
{: data-line="2"}
#### Static methods
static createFromDiameter(diameter) {
return new Circle(diameter / 2)
{: data-line="1"}
Syntactic sugar for prototypes.
See: [Classes](
### Exponent operator
const byte = 2 ** 8
// Same as: Math.pow(2, 8)
{: data-line="1"}
{: .-three-column}
### Making promises
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (ok) { resolve(result) }
else { reject(error) }
{: data-line="1"}
For asynchronous programming.
See: [Promises](
### Using promises
.then((result) => { ··· })
.catch((error) => { ··· })
{: data-line="2,3"}
### Using promises with finally
.then((result) => { ··· })
.catch((error) => { ··· })
.finally(() => { // logic independent of success/error })
{: data-line="4"}
The handler is called when the promise is fulfilled or rejected.
### Promise functions
### Async-await
async function run () {
const user = await getUser()
const tweets = await getTweets(user)
return [user, tweets]
{: data-line="2,3"}
`async` functions are another way of using functions.
See: [async function](
{: .-three-column}
### Destructuring assignment
#### Arrays
const [first, last] = ['Nikola', 'Tesla']
{: data-line="1"}
#### Objects
let {title, author} = {
title: 'The Silkworm',
author: 'R. Galbraith'
{: data-line="1"}
Supports for matching arrays and objects.
See: [Destructuring](
### Default values
const scores = [22, 33]
const [math = 50, sci = 50, arts = 50] = scores
// Result:
// math === 22, sci === 33, arts === 50
Default values can be assigned while destructuring arrays or objects.
### Function arguments
function greet({ name, greeting }) {
console.log(`${greeting}, ${name}!`)
{: data-line="1"}
greet({ name: 'Larry', greeting: 'Ahoy' })
Destructuring of objects and arrays can also be done in function arguments.
### Default values
function greet({ name = 'Rauno' } = {}) {
console.log(`Hi ${name}!`);
{: data-line="1"}
greet() // Hi Rauno!
greet({ name: 'Larry' }) // Hi Larry!
### Reassigning keys
function printCoordinates({ left: x, top: y }) {
console.log(`x: ${x}, y: ${y}`)
{: data-line="1"}
printCoordinates({ left: 25, top: 90 })
This example assigns `x` to the value of the `left` key.
### Loops
for (let {title, artist} of songs) {
{: data-line="1"}
The assignment expressions work in loops, too.
### Object destructuring
const { id, ...detail } = song;
{: data-line="1"}
Extract some keys individually and remaining keys in the object using rest (...) operator
### Object spread
#### with Object spread
const options = {
visible: true
{: data-line="2"}
#### without Object spread
const options = Object.assign(
{}, defaults,
{ visible: true })
The Object spread operator lets you build new objects from other objects.
See: [Object spread](
### Array spread
#### with Array spread
const users = [
{: data-line="2,3"}
#### without Array spread
const users = admins
.concat([ 'rstacruz' ])
The spread operator lets you build new arrays in the same way.
See: [Spread operator](
### Function arguments
#### Default arguments
function greet (name = 'Jerry') {
return `Hello ${name}`
{: data-line="1"}
#### Rest arguments
function fn(x, ...y) {
// y is an Array
return x * y.length
{: data-line="1"}
#### Spread
fn(...[1, 2, 3])
// same as fn(1, 2, 3)
{: data-line="1"}
Default, rest, spread.
See: [Function arguments](
### Fat arrows
#### Fat arrows
setTimeout(() => {
{: data-line="1"}
#### With arguments
readFile('text.txt', (err, data) => {
{: data-line="1"}
#### Implicit return
```js => n * 2)
// No curly braces = implicit return
// Same as: (n) { return n * 2 }) => ({
result: n * 2
// Implicitly returning objects requires parentheses around the object
{: data-line="1,4,5,6"}
Like functions but with `this` preserved.
See: [Fat arrows](
### Shorthand syntax
module.exports = { hello, bye }
// Same as: module.exports = { hello: hello, bye: bye }
See: [Object literal enhancements](
### Methods
const App = {
start () {
// Same as: App = { start: function () {···} }
{: data-line="2"}
See: [Object literal enhancements](
### Getters and setters
const App = {
get closed () {
return this.status === 'closed'
set closed (value) {
this.status = value ? 'closed' : 'open'
{: data-line="2,5"}
See: [Object literal enhancements](
### Computed property names
let event = 'click'
let handlers = {
[`on${event}`]: true
// Same as: handlers = { 'onclick': true }
{: data-line="3"}
See: [Object literal enhancements](
### Extract values
const fatherJS = { age: 57, name: "Brendan Eich" }
// [57, "Brendan Eich"]
// [["age", 57], ["name", "Brendan Eich"]]
{: data-line="3,5"}
### Imports
import 'helpers'
// aka: require('···')
import Express from 'express'
// aka: const Express = require('···').default || require('···')
import { indent } from 'helpers'
// aka: const indent = require('···').indent
import * as Helpers from 'helpers'
// aka: const Helpers = require('···')
import { indentSpaces as indent } from 'helpers'
// aka: const indent = require('···').indentSpaces
`import` is the new `require()`.
See: [Module imports](
### Exports
export default function () { ··· }
// aka: module.exports.default = ···
export function mymethod () { ··· }
// aka: module.exports.mymethod = ···
export const pi = 3.14159
// aka: module.exports.pi = ···
`export` is the new `module.exports`.
See: [Module exports](
### Generators
function* idMaker () {
let id = 0
while (true) { yield id++ }
let gen = idMaker() // → 0 // → 1 // → 2
It's complicated.
See: [Generators](
### For..of iteration
for (let i of iterable) {
For iterating through generators and arrays.
See: [For..of iteration](