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title: Bundler
category: Ruby
### Commands
bundle # same as bundle install
bundle install # installs gems
bundle install -j3 # faster (3 jobs)
bundle update # update all gems
bundle update --source gemname # update specified gem
bundle outdated # show outdated gems
cd `bundle show rails` # inspect a gem's dir
bundle gem # new gem skeleton
### Gems
gem 'hello'
gem 'hello', group: 'development'
### Github support
gem 'hello', github: 'rstacruz/hello'
gem 'hello', github: 'rstacruz/hello', 'branch: master'
### Grouping
group :development do
gem 'hello'
### Deployment
$ bundle install --without=test,development --deployment
### Local gem development
In your Gemfile, define a Git source and a branch:
gem 'hello', github: 'rstacruz/hello', branch: 'master'
And then:
$ bundle config --global ~/projects/xxx
### Rake Gem tasks
# Rakefile
require 'bundler/gem_tasks'
$ rake release
$ rake build