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title: adb (Android Debug Bridge)
category: CLI
weight: -1
- github: ZackNeyland
updated: 2018-03-06
### Device Basics
| Command | Description |
| --- | --- |
| `adb devices` | Lists connected devices |
| `adb devices -l` | Lists connected devices and kind |
| --- | --- |
| `adb root` | Restarts adbd with root permissions |
| `adb start-server` | Starts the adb server |
| `adb kill-server` | Kills the adb server |
| `adb remount` | Remounts file system with read/write access |
| `adb reboot` | Reboots the device |
| `adb reboot bootloader` | Reboots the device into fastboot |
| `adb disable-verity` | Reboots the device into fastboot |
`wait-for-device` can be specified after `adb` to ensure that the command will run once the device is connected.
`-s` can be used to send the commands to a specific device when multiple are connected.
#### Examples
$ adb wait-for-device devices
List of devices attached
somedevice-1234 device
someotherdevice-1234 device
$ adb -s somedevice-1234 root
### Logcat
| Command | Description |
| --- | --- |
| `adb logcat` | Starts printing log messages to stdout |
| `adb logcat -g` | Displays current log buffer sizes |
| `adb logcat -G <size>` | Sets the buffer size (K or M) |
| `adb logcat -c` | Clears the log buffers |
| `adb logcat *:V` | Enables ALL log messages (verbose) |
| `adb logcat -f <filename>` | Dumps to specified file |
#### Examples
$ adb logcat -G 16M
$ adb logcat *:V > output.log
### File Management
| Command | Description |
| --- | --- |
| `adb push <local> <remote>` | Copies the local to the device at remote |
| `adb pull <remote> <local>` | Copies the remote from the device to local |
#### Examples
$ echo "This is a test" > test.txt
$ adb push test.txt /sdcard/test.txt
$ adb pull /sdcard/test.txt pulledTest.txt
### Remote Shell
| Command | Description |
| --- | --- |
| `adb shell <command>` | Runs the specified command on device (most unix commands work here) |
| `adb shell wm size` | Displays the current screen resolution |
| `adb shell wm size WxH` | Sets the resolution to WxH |
| `adb shell pm list packages` | Lists all installed packages |
| `adb shell pm list packages -3` | Lists all installed 3rd-party packages |
| `adb shell monkey -p` | Starts the specified package |