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![Shadis, abbreviated from: "share this!"](
![Shadis dashboard (left) and image viewer (right)](
# Shadis ![GitHub](
Shadis is a self-hostable platform for video and image uploads from screencapturing software like [ShareX]( Its highlight features are:
- An elegant and functional user interface for presenting your files
- Password-protected dashboard for managing your uploads
- Straightforward system for converting videos to GIFs
- Twitter and OpenGraph metadata for instant visibility of the images and videos in URL-cards of popular messaging programs like Slack, Discord, Skype, etc.
## See it for yourself!
- Shadis for screenshots: [link](
- Shadis for screencaptures: [link](
## Requirements
This project was built with webspace hosts in mind. These providers usually don't grant shell access, nor do they allow the installation of additional software. Thus, Shadis explicitly keeps the dependance on uncommon software at a minimum. The following technologies are used on the server-side:
- Apache HTTP Server
- ImageMagick
> Hosting providers typically don't boast with their ImageMagick support, so make sure to dig around in their support pages first.
> A list of providers which are known to have ImageMagick preinstalled can be seen [here](
# Getting Started
Shadis is still _in beta_ and will not be released as a pre-compiled package until it reaches a stable stage. That said, it already **is possible** to generate fully functional production builds.
## Generating a production build
First, download Shadis and its necessary dependencies by following the setup instructions [below](#Requirements).
You should then be able to compile the code via `yarn build`. Follow the instructions in the console should an error happen while compiling.
The contents in the `build` directory can then be deployed to a PHP web-server.
## Preparing the Database
> Currently, Shadis is unable to create all the necessary database tables on its own
You can execute the SQL queries shown below in order to create the needed tables manually.
Feel free to change the table names; just keep in mind that you need to assign them in `config.php` later on.
<summary>Click me to show the SQL queries</summary>
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `shadis`.`shadis_users`(
`password` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `shadis`.`shadis_files`(
`id` char(8) NOT NULL,
`token` char(16) NOT NULL,
`extension` varchar(5) NOT NULL,
`width` int(255) NOT NULL,
`height` int(255) NOT NULL,
`thumb_height` int(255) NOT NULL,
`timestamp` int(11) NOT NULL,
`title` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`has_gif` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
UNIQUE (`id`),
UNIQUE (`token`)
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `shadis`.`shadis_file_tasks`(
`id` char(8) NOT NULL,
`gif` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`thumbnail` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
UNIQUE (`id`)
## Configuring
> Shadis will not function properly without configuring it first.
You can find a sample configuration file inside the subdirectory `protected`. Rename `config.sample.php` to `config.php` and fill in the necessary data in the config file. You will find an explanation of each mandatory data field.
# Development
This project was bootstrapped with [Create React App]( as the front-end and uses PHP as the back-end. You can find the front-end code in `src` and the back-end code in `public`.
> This guide assumes you use `yarn` as the default package manager
## Requirements
- Node.js (>= 13.5.0)
- yarn 1.x (preferred over npm)
- Apache HTTP Server
- ImageMagick
## Setup
Note that this repository uses **_submodules which need to be cloned seperately_**. To achieve this, you can add the following argument when cloning:
git clone --recurse-submodules
Afterwards, you can install the necessary dependencies
cd shadis
Make sure to [configure](#Configuring) Shadis and [create the necessary tables](#Preparing-the-Database) in your development database before trying to use [the development build](#yarn-start-or-yarn-serve).
## Available Scripts
In the project directory, you can run:
### `yarn start` or `yarn serve`
Runs the app in development mode and compiles the code into the `dist` folder.<br />
Because webpack-dev-server cannot interpret PHP code, it is required to route a **PHP-(MySQL/MariaDB)-server** to the automatically generated `dist` directory.
The page will reload if you make edits.<br />
You can see lint errors in the console.
### `yarn build`
Builds the app for production into the `build` folder.<br />
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
This build is minified, classnames are simplified and the filenames include hashes for cache prevention.<br />
See the section about [deployment]( for more information.
## Learn More
The inner workings of the system are described in the codebase. Here are links to the documentation of awesome third-party products Shadis is using:
- [Create React App](
- [React Library](
- [Framer Motion](
- [FAST-React](
- [getID3](
- [gif.js](
- [react-virtualized](
- [ImageMagick](