# Umami # Purpose & Overview Self-hosted, private, simple web site analytics with Umami. * [Github] (https://github.com/umami-software/umami) # Files and directory structure ``` /home/ └── ~/ └── docker/ └── umami/ ├── .env └── docker-compose.yml ``` * `.env` - a file containing environment variables for docker compose * `docker-compose.yml` - a docker compose file, telling docker how to run the container ### - Create .env and docker-compose.yml file `.env` ``` # GENERAL MY_DOMAIN=example.com DOCKER_MY_NETWORK=caddy_net # UMAMI DATABASE_URL=postgresql://umami:generate_me@db:5432/umami DATABASE_TYPE=postgresql # generate a secret with `openssl rand -base64 32` APP_SECRET=generate_me # uncomment and change for custom analytics script name # TRACKER_SCRIPT_NAME=custom_script_name # UMAMI DB POSTGRES_DB=umami POSTGRES_USER=umami # generate a password with `openssl rand -base64 32` POSTGRES_PASSWORD=generate_me ``` `docker-compose.yml` ```yml --- version: '3' services: umami: container_name: umami image: ghcr.io/umami-software/umami:postgresql-latest ports: - "3000:3000" env_file: .env depends_on: db: condition: service_healthy restart: always db: container_name: umami-db image: postgres:15-alpine env_file: .env volumes: - umami-db-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data restart: always healthcheck: test: ["CMD-SHELL", "pg_isready -U $${POSTGRES_USER} -d $${POSTGRES_DB}"] interval: 5s timeout: 5s retries: 5 volumes: umami-db-data: networks: default: name: $DOCKER_MY_NETWORK external: true ``` # Reverse proxy Caddy is used, details [here](https://github.com/DoTheEvo/selfhosted-apps-docker/tree/master/caddy_v2).
`Caddyfile` ``` umami.{$MY_DOMAIN} { reverse_proxy umami:3000 log { output file /data/logs/umami_access.log { roll_size 20mb roll_keep 5 } } } ``` ### - Run it all Restarting the Caddy container `docker container restart caddy` will kick in the changes. Give Caddy time to get certificates, check `docker logs caddy`. # First run Default login: `admin` // `umami`. Go and change the password straight away. # Trouble shooting Check umami logs `docker logs umami`. # Update [Watchtower](https://github.com/DoTheEvo/selfhosted-apps-docker/tree/master/watchtower) updates the image automatically. Manual image update: - `docker-compose pull`
- `docker-compose up -d`
- `docker image prune`