
268 lines
14 KiB

"actions": "Actions",
"active": "Active",
"all_your_apps_using_this_connection_will_stop_working": "All your apps using this connection will stop working.",
"back": "Back",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"copy": "Copy",
"copied": "Copied",
"choose_an_identity_provider": "Choose an Identity Provider",
"clear_events": "Clear Events",
"client_error": "client error",
"close_sidebar": "Close sidebar",
"confirmation_modal_description": "This action cannot be undone. This will permanently delete the Connection.",
"create_directory": "Create Directory",
"create_new": "Create New",
"create_sso_connection": "Create SSO Connection",
"delete": "Delete",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"delete_the_connection": "Delete the Connection?",
"delete_this_connection": "Delete this connection",
"directory_id": "Directory ID",
"directory_name": "Directory name",
"directory_provider": "Directory provider",
"directory_sync": "Directory Sync",
"edit_sso_connection": "Edit SSO Connection",
"email": "Email",
"enable_webhook_events_logging": "Enable Webhook events logging",
"boxyhq_tagline": "Security Building Blocks for Developers.",
"enterprise_sso": "Enterprise SSO",
"error": "Error",
"success": "Success",
"event_type": "Event Type",
"first_name": "First Name",
"here_are_the_set_of_uris_you_would_need_access_to": "Here are the set of URIs you would need access to",
"idp_type": "IdP Type",
"idp_entity_id": "IdP Entity ID",
"idp_login": "IdP Login",
"last_name": "Last Name",
"login_with_sso": "Login with SSO",
"login_success_toast": "A sign in link has been sent to your email address.",
"link_generated": "Link Generated",
"link_regenerated": "Link Regenerated",
"name": "Name",
"new_directory": "New Directory",
"new_setup_link": "New Setup Link",
"next": "Next",
"connections": "Connections",
"new_connection": "New Connection",
"no_connections_found": "No connections found.",
"no_projects_found": "No projects found.",
"no_setup_links_found": "No setup links found.",
"oidc": "OIDC",
"open_menu": "Open menu",
"open_sidebar": "Open sidebar",
"prev": "Prev",
"previous": "Previous",
"product": "Product",
"generate": "Generate",
"regenerate": "Regenerate",
"save_changes": "Save Changes",
"saved": "Saved",
"server_error": "server error",
"sign_out": "Sign out",
"saml": "SAML",
"sso_error": "SSO error",
"scim_endpoint": "SCIM Endpoint",
"scim_token": "SCIM Token",
"select_sso_type": "Select SSO type",
"select_an_app": "Select an App to continue",
"selection_list_empty": "Selection list empty",
"send_magic_link": "Send Magic Link",
"sent_at": "Sent At",
"setup_links": "Setup Links",
"status_code": "Status Code",
"status": "Status",
"suspended": "Suspended",
"tenant": "Tenant",
"type": "Type",
"update_directory": "Update Directory",
"webhook_endpoint": "Webhook Endpoint",
"webhook_secret": "Webhook secret",
"webhook_url": "Webhook URL",
"saml_federation_apps": "SAML Federation Apps",
"metadata": "Metadata",
"no_saml_federation_apps": "No SAML Federation Apps found.",
"download": "Download",
"saml_federation_new_success": "SAML Federation app created successfully.",
"saml_federation_add_new_app": "Add SAML Federation App",
"saml_federation_add_new_app_description": "To configure SAML Federation app, add service provider details such as ACS URL and Entity ID.",
"acs_url": "ACS URL",
"entity_id": "Entity ID / Audience URI / Audience Restriction",
"create_app": "Create App",
"saml_federation_update_success": "SAML Federation app updated successfully.",
"saml_federation_update_app": "Update SAML Federation App",
"saml_federation_delete_success": "SAML federation app deleted successfully",
"delete_this_saml_federation_app": "Delete this SAML Federation app",
"delete_the_saml_federation_app": "Delete the SAML Federation app?",
"saml_federation_app_info": "SAML Federation App Information",
"saml_federation_app_info_details": "Choose from the following options to configure your SAML Federation on the service provider side",
"download_metadata": "Download Metadata",
"metadata_url": "Metadata URL",
"sso_url": "SSO URL",
"x509_certificate": "X.509 Certificate",
"directory_created_successfully": "Directory created successfully",
"directory_updated_successfully": "Directory updated successfully",
"dashboard": "Dashboard",
"create_setup_link": "Create Setup Link ({{service}})",
"setup_link_info": "Setup Link Info",
"setup_link_sso_description": "Create a unique Setup Link to share with your customer so they can setup SSO Connection for your app.",
"setup_link_dsync_description": "Create a unique Setup Link to share with your customer so they can setup Directory Sync for your app.",
"saml_federation": "SAML Federation",
"saml_tracer": "SAML Tracer",
"no_saml_traces_found": "No SAML Traces recorded yet.",
"trace_details": "Trace details",
"trace_id": "Trace Id",
"timestamp": "Timestamp",
"assertion_type": "Assertion Type",
"sp_protocol": "SP Protocol",
"issuer": "Issuer",
"profile": "Profile",
"relay_state": "Relay State",
"saml_request": "SAML Request",
"saml_response": "SAML Response",
"provider": "Provider",
"trace_entity_id": "Entity ID",
"sso_connection_client_id": "SSO Connection Client ID",
"error_description": "Error description",
"new_saml_federation_app": "New App",
"view": "View",
"view_idp_configuration": "View IdP Configuration",
"edit": "Edit",
"settings": "Settings",
"admin_portal_sso": "SSO for Admin Portal",
"sp_metadata_description": "The metadata file that your customers who use federated management systems like OpenAthens and Shibboleth will need to configure your service.",
"sp_config_description": "The configuration setup guide that your customers will need to refer to when setting up SAML application with their Identity Provider.",
"saml_public_cert_description": "The SAML Public Certificate if you want to enable encryption with your Identity Provider.",
"oidc_config_description": "URIs that your customers will need to set up the OIDC app on the Identity Provider.",
"oidc_discovery_description": "Our OpenID well known URI which your customers will need if they are authenticating via OAuth 2.0 or Open ID Connect.",
"idp_metadata_description": "The metadata file that your customers who use our SAML federation feature will need to set up SAML SP configuration on their application.",
"idp_config_description": "The configuration setup guide that your customers who use our SAML federation feature will need to set up SAML SP configuration on their application.",
"no_users_found": "No users found",
"no_groups_found": "No groups found",
"setup_link_url": "Setup Link URL",
"no_directories_found": "No directories found",
"no_webhook_events_found": "No webhook events found",
"regenerate_setup_link": "Regenerate this setup link?",
"regenerate_setup_link_description": "This action cannot be undone. This will permanently delete the old setup link.",
"delete_setup_link": "Delete this setup link?",
"delete_setup_link_description": "This action cannot be undone. This will permanently delete the setup link.",
"close": "Close",
"configuration": "Configuration",
"view_events": "View Events",
"new_project": "New Project",
"projects": "Projects",
"project_id": "Project ID",
"publisher_api_base_url": "Publisher API Base URL",
"send_event_to_url": "Send your event to the following URL",
"curl_request": "cURL Request",
"no_more_results": "No more results found",
"unable_to_fetch_projects": "Unable to fetch the projects!",
"redirect_uri": "Client Redirect URI",
"default_redirect_url": "Default redirect URL",
"allowed_redirect_url": "Allowed redirect URLs (newline separated)",
"description": "Description",
"sp_acs_url": "ACS (Assertion Consumer Service) URL / Single Sign-On URL / Destination URL",
"sp_oidc_redirect_url": "Authorised redirect URI / Sign-in redirect URI",
"sp_entity_id": "SP Entity ID / Identifier / Audience URI / Audience Restriction",
"response": "Response",
"assertion_signature": "Assertion Signature",
"signature_algorithm": "Signature Algorithm",
"assertion_encryption": "Assertion Encryption",
"sp_saml_config_title": "Service Provider (SP) SAML Configuration",
"sp_saml_config_description": "Your Identity Provider (IdP) will ask for the following information while configuring the SAML application. Share this information with your IT administrator.",
"refer_to_provider_instructions": "Refer to our <guideLink>guides</guideLink> for provider specific instructions.",
"sp_download_our_public_cert": "If you want to encrypt the assertion, you can <downloadLink>download our public certificate.</downloadLink> Otherwise select the Unencrypted option.",
"sp_oidc_config_title": "Service Provider (SP) OIDC Configuration",
"sp_oidc_config_description": "Your Identity Provider (IdP) will ask for the following information while configuring the OIDC application. Share this information with your IT administrator.",
"password": "Password",
"sign_in": "Sign In",
"email_required": "Email is required",
"settings_branding_description": "Customize the look and feel of your portal. These values will be used in the Setup Links and IdP selection page.",
"settings_updated_successfully": "Settings updated successfully",
"settings_branding_title": "Portal Customization",
"branding_logo_url_label": "Logo URL",
"branding_favicon_url_label": "Favicon URL",
"branding_company_name_label": "Company Name",
"branding_primary_color_label": "Primary Color",
"configure_sso": "Configure Single Sign-On",
"configure_dsync": "Configure Directory Sync",
"branding_logo_url_alt": "Provide a URL to your logo. Recommend PNG or SVG formats.",
"branding_favicon_url_alt": "Provide a URL to your favicon. Recommend PNG, SVG, or ICO formats.",
"branding_company_name_alt": "Provide your company name or product name.",
"branding_primary_color_alt": "Primary color will be applied to buttons, links, and other elements.",
"select_an_idp": "Select an Identity Provider to continue",
"audit_logs": "Audit Logs",
"privacy_vault": "Privacy Vault",
"model_published_successfully": "Model published successfully",
"model_publish_failed": "Model publish failed. Please try again!",
"discard_and_retrieve_model": "Retrieve Model?",
"discard_and_retrieve_model_desc": "Discard any unsaved changes and retrieve the Model from the server?",
"retrieve": "Retrieve",
"connection_activated": "Connection activated successfully",
"connection_deactivated": "Connection deactivated successfully",
"inactive": "Inactive",
"system": "System",
"activate_connection": "Activate this connection?",
"deactivate_connection": "Deactivate this connection?",
"activate_sso_connection_description": "Activating this SSO connection will allow users to sign in with this connection.",
"deactivate_sso_connection_description": "Deactivating this SSO connection will prevent users from signing in with this connection.",
"activate_dsync_connection_description": "Activating this Directory connection will start sending webhook events to your configured webhook URL.",
"deactivate_dsync_connection_description": "Deactivating this Directory connection will stop sending webhook events to your configured webhook URL.",
"yes_proceed": "Yes, proceed",
"delete_this_directory": "Delete this directory connection?",
"delete_this_directory_desc": "This action cannot be undone. This will permanently delete the directory connection, users, and groups.",
"directory_connection_deleted_successfully": "Directory connection deleted successfully",
"directory_domain": "Directory Domain",
"dsync_google_auth_url": "The URL that you will need to authorize the application to access your Google Directory.",
"show_secret": "Show secret",
"hide_secret": "Hide secret",
"directory": "Directory",
"users": "Users",
"groups": "Groups",
"webhook_events": "Webhook Events",
"sp_metadata": "SP Metadata",
"saml_configuration": "SAML Configuration",
"saml_public_cert": "SAML Public Certificate",
"oidc_configuration": "OpenID Configuration",
"oidc_discovery": "OpenID Connect Discovery",
"idp_metadata": "IdP Metadata",
"idp_configuration": "IdP Configuration",
"idp_configuration_title": "Identity Provider Configuration",
"idp_configuration_description": "Links for SAML/OIDC IdP setup",
"idp_configuration_label": "Identity Provider Configuration links",
"auth_integration_title": "Auth integration",
"auth_integration_description": "Links for OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect auth",
"auth_integration_label": "Auth integration links",
"saml_fed_configuration_title": "SAML Federation",
"saml_fed_configuration_description": "Links for SAML Federation app setup",
"saml_fed_configuration_label": "SAML Federation links",
"retraced_project_created": "Project created successfully",
"project_name": "Project name",
"create_project": "Create Project",
"share_setup_link": "Share this link with your customer to setup their service",
"setup_link_valid_till": "This link is valid till",
"invalid_setup_link_alert": "Please contact your administrator to get a new setup link. If you are the administrator, visit the Admin Portal to create a new setup link for the service.",
"boxyhq_admin_portal": "BoxyHQ Admin Portal",
"environment:": "Environment",
"group_or_tenant": "Group (Tenant)",
"id": "Id",
"created_at": "Created At",
"previous_step": "Previous Step",
"next_step": "Next Step",
"boxyhq_powered_by": "Powered by BoxyHQ",
"publish_model": "Publish Model",
"retrieve_model": "Retrieve Model",
"guides": "guides",
"learn_to_enable_auth_methods": "Please visit <docLink>BoxyHQ documentation</docLink> to learn how to enable the Magic Link or Email/Password authentication methods.",
"advanced_sp_saml_configuration": "Advanced Service Provider (SP) SAML Configuration",
"select_identity_provider": "Select Identity Provider",
"configure_identity_provider": "Configure {{provider}}",
"change_identity_provider": "Change Identity Provider",
"invalid_request_try_again": "Invalid request. Please try again.",
"choose_an_identity_provider_to_continue": "Choose an Identity Provider to continue. If you don't see your Identity Provider, please contact your administrator.",
"choose_an_app_to_continue": "Choose an app to continue. If you don't see your app, please contact your administrator.",
"no_saml_response_try_again": "No SAMLResponse found. Please try again.",
"customize_branding": "You can customize the look and feel Identity Provider selection page by setting following options"