
157 lines
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import _ from 'lodash';
import { DirectorySyncProviders } from '../../typings';
import type { DirectoryType, User, UserPatchOperation, GroupPatchOperation } from '../../typings';
export const indexNames = {
directoryIdUsername: 'directoryIdUsername',
directoryIdDisplayname: 'directoryIdDisplayname',
directoryId: 'directoryId',
groupId: 'groupId',
const parseUserRoles = (roles: string | string[]) => {
if (typeof roles === 'string') {
return roles.split(',');
return roles;
export const parseGroupOperation = (operation: GroupPatchOperation) => {
const { op, path, value } = operation;
if (path === 'members') {
if (op === 'add') {
return {
action: 'addGroupMember',
members: value,
if (op === 'remove') {
return {
action: 'removeGroupMember',
members: value,
if (path && path.startsWith('members[value eq')) {
if (op === 'remove') {
return {
action: 'removeGroupMember',
members: [{ value: path.split('"')[1] }],
// Update group name
if (op === 'replace' && 'displayName' in value) {
return {
action: 'updateGroupName',
displayName: value.displayName,
return {
action: 'unknown',
// List of directory sync providers
// TODO: Fix the return type
export const getDirectorySyncProviders = (): { [K: string]: string } => {
return Object.entries(DirectorySyncProviders).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => {
acc[key] = value;
return acc;
}, {});
// Parse the PATCH request body and return the user attributes (both standard and custom)
export const parseUserPatchRequest = (operation: UserPatchOperation) => {
const { value, path } = operation;
const attributes: Partial<User> = {};
const rawAttributes = {};
const attributesMap = {
active: 'active',
'name.givenName': 'first_name',
'name.familyName': 'last_name',
'emails[type eq "work"].value': 'email',
// If there is a path, then the value is the value
// For example { path: "active", value: true }
if (path) {
if (path in attributesMap) {
attributes[attributesMap[path]] = value;
rawAttributes[path] = value;
// If there is no path, then the value can be an object with multiple attributes
// For example { value: { active: true, "name.familyName": "John" } }
else if (typeof value === 'object') {
for (const attribute of Object.keys(value)) {
if (attribute in attributesMap) {
attributes[attributesMap[attribute]] = value[attribute];
rawAttributes[attribute] = value[attribute];
return {
// Extract standard attributes from the user body
export const extractStandardUserAttributes = (body: any) => {
const { name, emails, userName, active, userId, roles } = body as {
name?: { givenName: string; familyName: string };
emails?: { value: string }[];
userName: string;
active: boolean;
userId?: string;
roles?: string | string[];
const userAttributes: Omit<User, 'raw'> = {
first_name: name && 'givenName' in name ? name.givenName : '',
last_name: name && 'familyName' in name ? name.familyName : '',
email: emails && emails.length > 0 ? emails[0].value : userName,
active: 'active' in body ? active : true,
id: userId || '', // For non-SCIM providers, the id will exist in the body
if (roles) {
userAttributes['roles'] = parseUserRoles(roles);
return userAttributes;
// Update raw user attributes
export const updateRawUserAttributes = (raw, attributes) => {
const keys = Object.keys(attributes);
if (keys.length === 0) {
return raw;
for (const key of keys) {
_.set(raw, key, attributes[key]);
return raw;
export const isSCIMEnabledProvider = (type: DirectoryType) => {
return type !== 'google';