
1182 lines
38 KiB

import crypto from 'crypto';
import * as jose from 'jose';
import { promisify } from 'util';
import { deflateRaw } from 'zlib';
import saml from '@boxyhq/saml20';
import { TokenSet, errors, generators } from 'openid-client';
import { SAMLProfile } from '@boxyhq/saml20/dist/typings';
import { clientIDFederatedPrefix, clientIDOIDCPrefix } from './utils';
import type {
} from '../typings';
import {
} from './utils';
import * as metrics from '../opentelemetry/metrics';
import { JacksonError } from './error';
import * as allowed from './oauth/allowed';
import * as codeVerifier from './oauth/code-verifier';
import * as redirect from './oauth/redirect';
import { getDefaultCertificate } from '../saml/x509';
import { SSOHandler } from './sso-handler';
import { ValidateOption, extractSAMLResponseAttributes } from '../saml/lib';
import { oidcIssuerInstance } from './oauth/oidc-issuer';
import { App } from '../ee/federated-saml/app';
const deflateRawAsync = promisify(deflateRaw);
export class OAuthController implements IOAuthController {
private connectionStore: Storable;
private sessionStore: Storable;
private codeStore: Storable;
private tokenStore: Storable;
private ssoTracer: SSOTracerInstance;
private opts: JacksonOption;
private ssoHandler: SSOHandler;
private samlFedApp: App;
constructor({ connectionStore, sessionStore, codeStore, tokenStore, ssoTracer, opts, samlFedApp }) {
this.connectionStore = connectionStore;
this.sessionStore = sessionStore;
this.codeStore = codeStore;
this.tokenStore = tokenStore;
this.ssoTracer = ssoTracer;
this.opts = opts;
this.samlFedApp = samlFedApp;
this.ssoHandler = new SSOHandler({
connection: connectionStore,
session: sessionStore,
public async authorize(body: OAuthReq): Promise<{ redirect_url?: string; authorize_form?: string }> {
const {
response_type = 'code',
code_challenge_method = '',
forceAuthn = 'false',
} = body;
let requestedTenant;
let requestedProduct;
let requestedScopes: string[] | undefined;
let requestedOIDCFlow: boolean | undefined;
let connection: SAMLSSORecord | OIDCSSORecord | undefined;
let fedApp: SAMLFederationApp | undefined;
try {
const tenant = 'tenant' in body ? body.tenant : undefined;
const product = 'product' in body ? body.product : undefined;
const access_type = 'access_type' in body ? body.access_type : undefined;
const resource = 'resource' in body ? body.resource : undefined;
requestedTenant = tenant;
requestedProduct = product;
if (!redirect_uri) {
throw new JacksonError('Please specify a redirect URL.', 400);
requestedScopes = getScopeValues(scope);
requestedOIDCFlow = requestedScopes.includes('openid');
if (tenant && product) {
const response = await this.ssoHandler.resolveConnection({
authFlow: 'oauth',
originalParams: { ...body },
if ('redirectUrl' in response) {
return {
redirect_url: response.redirectUrl,
if ('connection' in response) {
connection = response.connection;
} else if (client_id && client_id !== '' && client_id !== 'undefined' && client_id !== 'null') {
// if tenant and product are encoded in the client_id then we parse it and check for the relevant connection(s)
let sp = getEncodedTenantProduct(client_id);
if (!sp && access_type) {
sp = getEncodedTenantProduct(access_type);
if (!sp && resource) {
sp = getEncodedTenantProduct(resource);
if (!sp && requestedScopes) {
const encodedParams = requestedScopes.find((scope) => scope.includes('=') && scope.includes('&')); // for now assume only one encoded param i.e. for tenant/product
if (encodedParams) {
sp = getEncodedTenantProduct(encodedParams);
if (sp && sp.tenant && sp.product) {
const { tenant, product } = sp;
requestedTenant = tenant;
requestedProduct = product;
const response = await this.ssoHandler.resolveConnection({
authFlow: 'oauth',
originalParams: { ...body },
if ('redirectUrl' in response) {
return {
redirect_url: response.redirectUrl,
if ('connection' in response) {
connection = response.connection;
} else {
// client_id is not encoded, so we look for the connection using the client_id
// First we check if it's a federated connection
if (client_id.startsWith(`${clientIDFederatedPrefix}${clientIDOIDCPrefix}`)) {
fedApp = await this.samlFedApp.get({
id: client_id.replace(clientIDFederatedPrefix, ''),
const response = await this.ssoHandler.resolveConnection({
tenant: fedApp.tenant,
product: fedApp.product,
authFlow: 'oauth',
originalParams: { ...body },
tenants: fedApp.tenants,
samlFedAppId: fedApp.id,
fedType: fedApp.type,
if ('redirectUrl' in response) {
return {
redirect_url: response.redirectUrl,
if ('connection' in response) {
connection = response.connection;
} else {
// If it's not a federated connection, we look for the connection using the client_id
connection = await this.connectionStore.get(client_id);
if (connection) {
requestedTenant = connection.tenant;
requestedProduct = connection.product;
} else {
throw new JacksonError('You need to specify client_id or tenant & product', 403);
if (!connection) {
throw new JacksonError('IdP connection not found.', 403);
if (!allowed.redirect(redirect_uri, connection.redirectUrl as string[])) {
if (fedApp) {
if (!allowed.redirect(redirect_uri, fedApp.redirectUrl as string[])) {
throw new JacksonError('Redirect URL is not allowed.', 403);
} else {
throw new JacksonError('Redirect URL is not allowed.', 403);
} catch (err: unknown) {
const error_description = getErrorMessage(err);
// Save the error trace
await this.ssoTracer.saveTrace({
error: error_description,
context: {
tenant: requestedTenant || '',
product: requestedProduct || '',
clientID: connection?.clientID || '',
redirectUri: redirect_uri,
throw err;
if (!isConnectionActive(connection)) {
throw new JacksonError('SSO connection is deactivated. Please contact your administrator.', 403);
const isMissingJWTKeysForOIDCFlow =
requestedOIDCFlow &&
(!this.opts.openid?.jwtSigningKeys || !isJWSKeyPairLoaded(this.opts.openid.jwtSigningKeys));
const oAuthClientReqError = !state || response_type !== 'code';
const connectionIsSAML = 'idpMetadata' in connection && connection.idpMetadata !== undefined;
const connectionIsOIDC = 'oidcProvider' in connection && connection.oidcProvider !== undefined;
if (isMissingJWTKeysForOIDCFlow || oAuthClientReqError || (!connectionIsSAML && !connectionIsOIDC)) {
let error, error_description;
if (isMissingJWTKeysForOIDCFlow) {
error = 'server_error';
error_description =
'OAuth server not configured correctly for openid flow, check if JWT signing keys are loaded';
if (!state) {
error = 'invalid_request';
error_description = 'Please specify a state to safeguard against XSRF attacks';
if (response_type !== 'code') {
error = 'unsupported_response_type';
error_description = 'Only Authorization Code grant is supported';
if (!connectionIsSAML && !connectionIsOIDC) {
error = 'server_error';
error_description = 'Connection appears to be misconfigured';
// Save the error trace
const traceId = await this.ssoTracer.saveTrace({
error: error_description,
context: {
tenant: requestedTenant,
product: requestedProduct,
clientID: connection.clientID,
redirectUri: redirect_uri,
return {
redirect_url: OAuthErrorResponse({
error_description: traceId ? `${traceId}: ${error_description}` : error_description,
// Connection retrieved: Handover to IdP starts here
let ssoUrl;
let post = false;
// Init sessionId
const sessionId = crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex');
const relayState = relayStatePrefix + sessionId;
// SAML connection: SAML request will be constructed here
let samlReq;
if (connectionIsSAML) {
try {
const { sso } = (connection as SAMLSSORecord).idpMetadata;
if ('redirectUrl' in sso) {
// HTTP Redirect binding
ssoUrl = sso.redirectUrl;
} else if ('postUrl' in sso) {
// HTTP-POST binding
ssoUrl = sso.postUrl;
post = true;
} else {
// This code here is kept for backward compatibility. We now have validation while adding the SSO connection to ensure binding is present.
const error_description = 'SAML binding could not be retrieved';
// Save the error trace
const traceId = await this.ssoTracer.saveTrace({
error: error_description,
context: {
tenant: requestedTenant as string,
product: requestedProduct as string,
clientID: connection.clientID,
redirectUri: redirect_uri,
return {
redirect_url: OAuthErrorResponse({
error: 'invalid_request',
error_description: traceId ? `${traceId}: ${error_description}` : error_description,
const cert = await getDefaultCertificate();
samlReq = saml.request({
entityID: this.opts.samlAudience!,
callbackUrl: this.opts.externalUrl + this.opts.samlPath,
signingKey: cert.privateKey,
publicKey: cert.publicKey,
forceAuthn: forceAuthn === 'true' ? true : !!(connection as SAMLSSORecord).forceAuthn,
identifierFormat: (connection as SAMLSSORecord).identifierFormat
? (connection as SAMLSSORecord).identifierFormat
: 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress',
} catch (err: unknown) {
const error_description = getErrorMessage(err);
// Save the error trace
const traceId = await this.ssoTracer.saveTrace({
error: error_description,
context: {
tenant: requestedTenant,
product: requestedProduct,
clientID: connection.clientID,
redirectUri: redirect_uri,
return {
redirect_url: OAuthErrorResponse({
error: 'server_error',
error_description: traceId ? `${traceId}: ${error_description}` : error_description,
// OIDC Connection: Issuer discovery, openid-client init and extraction of authorization endpoint happens here
let oidcCodeVerifier: string | undefined;
let oidcNonce: string | undefined;
if (connectionIsOIDC) {
if (!this.opts.oidcPath) {
return {
redirect_url: OAuthErrorResponse({
error: 'server_error',
error_description: 'OpenID response handler path (oidcPath) is not set',
const { discoveryUrl, metadata, clientId, clientSecret } = (connection as OIDCSSORecord).oidcProvider;
try {
const oidcIssuer = await oidcIssuerInstance(discoveryUrl, metadata);
const oidcClient = new oidcIssuer.Client({
client_id: clientId as string,
client_secret: clientSecret,
redirect_uris: [this.opts.externalUrl + this.opts.oidcPath],
response_types: ['code'],
oidcCodeVerifier = generators.codeVerifier();
const code_challenge = generators.codeChallenge(oidcCodeVerifier);
oidcNonce = generators.nonce();
ssoUrl = oidcClient.authorizationUrl({
scope: [...requestedScopes, 'openid', 'email', 'profile']
.filter((value, index, self) => self.indexOf(value) === index) // filter out duplicates
.join(' '),
code_challenge_method: 'S256',
state: relayState,
nonce: oidcNonce,
} catch (err: unknown) {
if (err) {
return {
redirect_url: OAuthErrorResponse({
error: 'server_error',
error_description: (err as errors.OPError)?.error || getErrorMessage(err),
// Session persistence happens here
try {
const requested = { client_id, state, redirect_uri } as Record<string, string | boolean | string[]>;
if (requestedTenant) {
requested.tenant = requestedTenant;
if (requestedProduct) {
requested.product = requestedProduct;
if (idp_hint) {
requested.idp_hint = idp_hint;
} else {
if (fedApp) {
requested.idp_hint = connection.clientID;
if (requestedOIDCFlow) {
requested.oidc = true;
if (nonce) {
requested.nonce = nonce;
if (requestedScopes) {
requested.scope = requestedScopes;
const sessionObj = {
oidcFederated: fedApp ? { redirectUrl: fedApp.redirectUrl, id: fedApp.id } : undefined,
await this.sessionStore.put(
? {
id: samlReq?.id,
: { ...sessionObj, id: connection.clientID, oidcCodeVerifier, oidcNonce }
// Redirect to IdP
if (connectionIsSAML) {
let redirectUrl;
let authorizeForm;
if (!post) {
// HTTP Redirect binding
redirectUrl = redirect.success(ssoUrl, {
RelayState: relayState,
SAMLRequest: Buffer.from(await deflateRawAsync(samlReq.request)).toString('base64'),
} else {
// HTTP POST binding
authorizeForm = saml.createPostForm(ssoUrl, [
name: 'RelayState',
value: relayState,
name: 'SAMLRequest',
value: Buffer.from(samlReq.request).toString('base64'),
return {
redirect_url: redirectUrl,
authorize_form: authorizeForm,
if (connectionIsOIDC) {
return { redirect_url: ssoUrl };
throw 'Connection appears to be misconfigured';
} catch (err: unknown) {
const error_description = getErrorMessage(err);
// Save the error trace
const traceId = await this.ssoTracer.saveTrace({
error: error_description,
context: {
tenant: requestedTenant as string,
product: requestedProduct as string,
clientID: connection.clientID,
redirectUri: redirect_uri,
samlRequest: samlReq?.request || '',
return {
redirect_url: OAuthErrorResponse({
error: 'server_error',
error_description: traceId ? `${traceId}: ${error_description}` : error_description,
public async samlResponse(
body: SAMLResponsePayload
): Promise<{ redirect_url?: string; app_select_form?: string; response_form?: string }> {
let connection: SAMLSSORecord | undefined;
let rawResponse: string | undefined;
let sessionId: string | undefined;
let session: any;
let issuer: string | undefined;
let isIdPFlow: boolean | undefined;
let isSAMLFederated: boolean | undefined;
let isOIDCFederated: boolean | undefined;
let validateOpts: ValidateOption;
let redirect_uri: string | undefined;
const { SAMLResponse, idp_hint, RelayState = '' } = body;
try {
isIdPFlow = !RelayState.startsWith(relayStatePrefix);
rawResponse = Buffer.from(SAMLResponse, 'base64').toString();
issuer = saml.parseIssuer(rawResponse);
if (!this.opts.idpEnabled && isIdPFlow) {
// IdP login is disabled so block the request
throw new JacksonError(
'IdP (Identity Provider) flow has been disabled. Please head to your Service Provider to login.',
sessionId = RelayState.replace(relayStatePrefix, '');
if (!issuer) {
throw new JacksonError('Issuer not found.', 403);
const connections: SAMLSSORecord[] = (
await this.connectionStore.getByIndex({
name: IndexNames.EntityID,
value: issuer,
if (!connections || connections.length === 0) {
throw new JacksonError('SAML connection not found.', 403);
session = sessionId ? await this.sessionStore.get(sessionId) : null;
if (!isIdPFlow && !session) {
throw new JacksonError('Unable to validate state from the origin request.', 403);
isSAMLFederated = session && 'samlFederated' in session;
isOIDCFederated = session && 'oidcFederated' in session;
const isSPFlow = !isIdPFlow && !isSAMLFederated;
// IdP initiated SSO flow
if (isIdPFlow) {
const response = await this.ssoHandler.resolveConnection({
authFlow: 'idp-initiated',
entityId: issuer,
originalParams: {
// Redirect to the product selection page
if ('postForm' in response) {
return {
app_select_form: response.postForm,
// Found a connection
if ('connection' in response) {
connection = response.connection as SAMLSSORecord;
// SP initiated SSO flow
// Resolve if there are multiple matches for SP login
if (isSPFlow || isSAMLFederated || isOIDCFederated) {
connection = connections.filter((c) => {
return (
c.clientID === session.requested.client_id ||
c.clientID === session.requested.idp_hint ||
(c.tenant === session.requested.tenant && c.product === session.requested.product)
if (!connection) {
throw new JacksonError('SAML connection not found.', 403);
if (
session &&
session.redirect_uri &&
!allowed.redirect(session.redirect_uri, connection.redirectUrl as string[])
) {
if (isOIDCFederated) {
if (!allowed.redirect(session.redirect_uri, session.oidcFederated?.redirectUrl as string[])) {
throw new JacksonError('Redirect URL is not allowed.', 403);
} else {
throw new JacksonError('Redirect URL is not allowed.', 403);
const { privateKey } = await getDefaultCertificate();
validateOpts = {
audience: `${this.opts.samlAudience}`,
if (connection.idpMetadata.publicKey) {
validateOpts.publicKey = connection.idpMetadata.publicKey;
} else if (connection.idpMetadata.thumbprint) {
validateOpts.thumbprint = connection.idpMetadata.thumbprint;
if (session && session.id) {
validateOpts['inResponseTo'] = session.id;
redirect_uri = ((session && session.redirect_uri) as string) || connection.defaultRedirectUrl;
} catch (err: unknown) {
// Save the error trace
await this.ssoTracer.saveTrace({
error: getErrorMessage(err),
context: {
samlResponse: rawResponse,
tenant: session?.requested?.tenant || connection?.tenant,
product: session?.requested?.product || connection?.product,
clientID: session?.requested?.client_id || connection?.clientID,
providerName: connection?.idpMetadata?.provider,
redirectUri: isIdPFlow ? connection?.defaultRedirectUrl : session?.redirect_uri,
isSAMLFederated: !!isSAMLFederated,
isIdPFlow: !!isIdPFlow,
requestedOIDCFlow: !!session?.requested?.oidc,
acsUrl: session?.requested?.acsUrl,
entityId: session?.requested?.entityId,
relayState: RelayState,
throw err; // Rethrow the error
let profile: SAMLProfile | undefined;
try {
profile = await extractSAMLResponseAttributes(rawResponse, validateOpts);
// This is a federated SAML flow, let's create a new SAMLResponse and POST it to the SP
if (isSAMLFederated) {
const { responseForm } = await this.ssoHandler.createSAMLResponse({ profile, session });
await this.sessionStore.delete(sessionId);
return { response_form: responseForm };
const code = await this._buildAuthorizationCode(connection, profile, session, isIdPFlow);
const params = {
if (session && session.state) {
params['state'] = session.state;
await this.sessionStore.delete(sessionId);
return { redirect_url: redirect.success(redirect_uri, params) };
} catch (err: unknown) {
const error_description = getErrorMessage(err);
// Trace the error
const traceId = await this.ssoTracer.saveTrace({
error: error_description,
context: {
samlResponse: rawResponse,
tenant: connection.tenant,
product: connection.product,
clientID: connection.clientID,
providerName: connection?.idpMetadata?.provider,
redirectUri: isIdPFlow ? connection?.defaultRedirectUrl : session?.redirect_uri,
acsUrl: session.requested.acsUrl,
entityId: session.requested.entityId,
requestedOIDCFlow: !!session.requested.oidc,
relayState: RelayState,
if (isSAMLFederated) {
throw err;
return {
redirect_url: OAuthErrorResponse({
error: 'access_denied',
error_description: traceId ? `${traceId}: ${error_description}` : error_description,
state: session.requested?.state,
public async oidcAuthzResponse(
body: OIDCAuthzResponsePayload
): Promise<{ redirect_url?: string; response_form?: string }> {
let oidcConnection: OIDCSSORecord | undefined;
let session: any;
let isSAMLFederated: boolean | undefined;
let isOIDCFederated: boolean | undefined;
let redirect_uri: string | undefined;
let profile;
const callbackParams = body;
let RelayState = callbackParams.state || '';
try {
if (!RelayState) {
throw new JacksonError('State from original request is missing.', 403);
RelayState = RelayState.replace(relayStatePrefix, '');
session = await this.sessionStore.get(RelayState);
if (!session) {
throw new JacksonError('Unable to validate state from the original request.', 403);
isSAMLFederated = session && 'samlFederated' in session;
isOIDCFederated = session && 'oidcFederated' in session;
oidcConnection = await this.connectionStore.get(session.id);
if (!oidcConnection) {
throw new JacksonError('OIDC connection not found.', 403);
if (!isSAMLFederated) {
redirect_uri = session && session.redirect_uri;
if (!redirect_uri) {
throw new JacksonError('Redirect URL from the authorization request could not be retrieved', 403);
if (redirect_uri && !allowed.redirect(redirect_uri, oidcConnection.redirectUrl as string[])) {
if (isOIDCFederated) {
if (!allowed.redirect(redirect_uri, session.oidcFederated?.redirectUrl as string[])) {
throw new JacksonError('Redirect URL is not allowed.', 403);
} else {
throw new JacksonError('Redirect URL is not allowed.', 403);
} catch (err) {
await this.ssoTracer.saveTrace({
error: getErrorMessage(err),
context: {
tenant: session?.requested?.tenant || oidcConnection?.tenant,
product: session?.requested?.product || oidcConnection?.product,
clientID: session?.requested?.client_id || oidcConnection?.clientID,
providerName: oidcConnection?.oidcProvider?.provider,
acsUrl: session?.requested?.acsUrl,
entityId: session?.requested?.entityId,
redirectUri: redirect_uri,
relayState: RelayState,
isSAMLFederated: !!isSAMLFederated,
isOIDCFederated: !!isOIDCFederated,
requestedOIDCFlow: !!session?.requested?.oidc,
// Rethrow err and redirect to Jackson error page
throw err;
// Reconstruct the oidcClient, code exchange for token and user profile happens here
const { discoveryUrl, metadata, clientId, clientSecret } = oidcConnection.oidcProvider;
let tokenSet: TokenSet | undefined;
try {
const oidcIssuer = await oidcIssuerInstance(discoveryUrl, metadata);
const oidcClient = new oidcIssuer.Client({
client_id: clientId,
client_secret: clientSecret,
redirect_uris: [this.opts.externalUrl + this.opts.oidcPath],
response_types: ['code'],
tokenSet = await oidcClient.callback(this.opts.externalUrl + this.opts.oidcPath, callbackParams, {
code_verifier: session.oidcCodeVerifier,
nonce: session.oidcNonce,
state: callbackParams.state,
profile = await extractOIDCUserProfile(tokenSet, oidcClient);
if (isSAMLFederated) {
const { responseForm } = await this.ssoHandler.createSAMLResponse({ profile, session });
await this.sessionStore.delete(RelayState);
return { response_form: responseForm };
const code = await this._buildAuthorizationCode(oidcConnection, profile, session, false);
const params = {
if (session && session.state) {
params['state'] = session.state;
await this.sessionStore.delete(RelayState);
return { redirect_url: redirect.success(redirect_uri!, params) };
} catch (err: unknown) {
const { error, error_description, error_uri, session_state, scope, stack } = err as errors.OPError;
const error_message = getErrorMessage(err);
const traceId = await this.ssoTracer.saveTrace({
error: error_message,
context: {
tenant: oidcConnection.tenant,
product: oidcConnection.product,
clientID: oidcConnection.clientID,
providerName: oidcConnection.oidcProvider.provider,
redirectUri: redirect_uri,
relayState: RelayState,
isSAMLFederated: !!isSAMLFederated,
isOIDCFederated: !!isOIDCFederated,
acsUrl: session.requested.acsUrl,
entityId: session.requested.entityId,
requestedOIDCFlow: !!session.requested.oidc,
session_state_from_op_error: session_state,
scope_from_op_error: scope,
oidcTokenSet: { id_token: tokenSet?.id_token, access_token: tokenSet?.access_token },
if (isSAMLFederated) {
throw err;
return {
redirect_url: OAuthErrorResponse({
error: (error as OAuthErrorHandlerParams['error']) || 'server_error',
error_description: traceId ? `${traceId}: ${error_message}` : error_message,
redirect_uri: redirect_uri!,
state: session.state,
// Build the authorization code for the session
private async _buildAuthorizationCode(
connection: SAMLSSORecord | OIDCSSORecord,
profile: any,
session: any,
isIdPFlow: boolean
) {
// Store details against a code
const code = crypto.randomBytes(20).toString('hex');
const requested = isIdPFlow
? { isIdPFlow: true, tenant: connection.tenant, product: connection.product }
: session
? session.requested
: null;
const codeVal = {
clientID: connection.clientID,
clientSecret: connection.clientSecret,
if (session) {
codeVal['session'] = session;
await this.codeStore.put(code, codeVal);
return code;
* @swagger
* /oauth/token:
* post:
* summary: Code exchange
* operationId: oauth-code-exchange
* tags:
* - OAuth
* consumes:
* - application/x-www-form-urlencoded
* parameters:
* - name: grant_type
* in: formData
* type: string
* description: Grant type should be 'authorization_code'
* default: authorization_code
* required: true
* - name: client_id
* in: formData
* type: string
* description: Use the client_id returned by the SAML connection API
* required: true
* - name: client_secret
* in: formData
* type: string
* description: Use the client_secret returned by the SAML connection API
* required: true
* - name: code_verifier
* in: formData
* type: string
* description: code_verifier against the code_challenge in the authz request (relevant to PKCE flow)
* - name: redirect_uri
* in: formData
* type: string
* description: Redirect URI
* required: true
* - name: code
* in: formData
* type: string
* description: Code
* required: true
* responses:
* '200':
* description: Success
* schema:
* type: object
* properties:
* access_token:
* type: string
* token_type:
* type: string
* expires_in:
* type: string
* example:
* access_token: 8958e13053832b5af58fdf2ee83f35f5d013dc74
* token_type: bearer
* expires_in: 300
public async token(body: OAuthTokenReq): Promise<OAuthTokenRes> {
const { code, grant_type = 'authorization_code', redirect_uri } = body;
const client_id = 'client_id' in body ? body.client_id : undefined;
const client_secret = 'client_secret' in body ? body.client_secret : undefined;
const code_verifier = 'code_verifier' in body ? body.code_verifier : undefined;
if (grant_type !== 'authorization_code') {
throw new JacksonError('Unsupported grant_type', 400);
if (!code) {
throw new JacksonError('Please specify code', 400);
const codeVal = await this.codeStore.get(code);
if (!codeVal || !codeVal.profile) {
throw new JacksonError('Invalid code', 403);
if (codeVal.requested?.redirect_uri) {
if (redirect_uri !== codeVal.requested.redirect_uri) {
throw new JacksonError(
`Invalid request: ${!redirect_uri ? 'redirect_uri missing' : 'redirect_uri mismatch'}`,
if (code_verifier) {
// PKCE flow
let cv = code_verifier;
if (codeVal.session.code_challenge_method?.toLowerCase() === 's256') {
cv = codeVerifier.encode(code_verifier);
if (codeVal.session.code_challenge !== cv) {
throw new JacksonError('Invalid code_verifier', 401);
} else if (client_id && client_secret) {
// check if we have an encoded client_id
if (client_id !== 'dummy') {
const sp = getEncodedTenantProduct(client_id);
if (!sp) {
// OAuth flow
if (client_id !== codeVal.clientID || client_secret !== codeVal.clientSecret) {
throw new JacksonError('Invalid client_id or client_secret', 401);
} else {
if (
!codeVal.isIdPFlow &&
(sp.tenant !== codeVal.requested?.tenant || sp.product !== codeVal.requested?.product)
) {
throw new JacksonError('Invalid tenant or product', 401);
// encoded client_id, verify client_secret
if (client_secret !== this.opts.clientSecretVerifier) {
throw new JacksonError('Invalid client_secret', 401);
} else {
if (client_secret !== this.opts.clientSecretVerifier && client_secret !== codeVal.clientSecret) {
throw new JacksonError('Invalid client_secret', 401);
} else if (codeVal && codeVal.session) {
throw new JacksonError('Please specify client_secret or code_verifier', 401);
// store details against a token
const token = crypto.randomBytes(20).toString('hex');
const tokenVal = {
requested: codeVal.requested,
const requestedOIDCFlow = !!codeVal.requested?.oidc;
const requestHasNonce = !!codeVal.requested?.nonce;
if (requestedOIDCFlow) {
const { jwtSigningKeys, jwsAlg } = this.opts.openid ?? {};
if (!jwtSigningKeys || !isJWSKeyPairLoaded(jwtSigningKeys)) {
throw new JacksonError('JWT signing keys are not loaded', 500);
let claims: Record<string, string> = requestHasNonce ? { nonce: codeVal.requested.nonce } : {};
claims = {
id: codeVal.profile.claims.id,
email: codeVal.profile.claims.email,
firstName: codeVal.profile.claims.firstName,
lastName: codeVal.profile.claims.lastName,
roles: codeVal.profile.claims.roles,
groups: codeVal.profile.claims.groups,
const signingKey = await loadJWSPrivateKey(jwtSigningKeys.private, jwsAlg!);
const id_token = await new jose.SignJWT(claims)
.setProtectedHeader({ alg: jwsAlg! })
.setExpirationTime(`${this.opts.db.ttl}s`) // identity token only really needs to be valid long enough for it to be verified by the client application.
tokenVal.id_token = id_token;
tokenVal.claims.sub = codeVal.profile.claims.id;
await this.tokenStore.put(token, tokenVal);
// delete the code
try {
await this.codeStore.delete(code);
} catch (_err) {
// ignore error
const tokenResponse: OAuthTokenRes = {
access_token: token,
token_type: 'bearer',
expires_in: this.opts.db.ttl!,
if (requestedOIDCFlow) {
tokenResponse.id_token = tokenVal.id_token;
return tokenResponse;
* @swagger
* /oauth/userinfo:
* get:
* summary: Get profile
* operationId: oauth-get-profile
* tags:
* - OAuth
* responses:
* '200':
* description: Success
* schema:
* type: object
* properties:
* id:
* type: string
* email:
* type: string
* firstName:
* type: string
* lastName:
* type: string
* roles:
* type: array
* items:
* type: string
* groups:
* type: array
* items:
* type: string
* raw:
* type: object
* requested:
* type: object
* example:
* id: 32b5af58fdf
* email: jackson@coolstartup.com
* firstName: SAML
* lastName: Jackson
* raw: {
* }
* requested: {
* }
public async userInfo(token: string): Promise<Profile> {
const rsp = await this.tokenStore.get(token);
if (!rsp || !rsp.claims) {
throw new JacksonError('Invalid token', 403);
return {
requested: rsp.requested,