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export type ApiSuccess<T> = { data: T; pageToken?: string };
export interface ApiError extends Error {
info?: string;
status: number;
enum DirectorySyncProviders {
'azure-scim-v2' = 'Azure SCIM v2.0',
'onelogin-scim-v2' = 'OneLogin SCIM v2.0',
'okta-scim-v2' = 'Okta SCIM v2.0',
'jumpcloud-scim-v2' = 'JumpCloud v2.0',
'generic-scim-v2' = 'Generic SCIM v2.0',
'google' = 'Google',
type DirectorySyncEventType =
| 'user.created'
| 'user.updated'
| 'user.deleted'
| 'group.created'
| 'group.updated'
| 'group.deleted'
| 'group.user_added'
| 'group.user_removed';
type DirectoryType = keyof typeof DirectorySyncProviders;
type UserWithGroup = User & { group: Group };
type DirectorySyncEventData = User | Group | UserWithGroup;
interface DirectorySyncEvent {
directory_id: Directory['id'];
event: DirectorySyncEventType;
data: DirectorySyncEventData;
tenant: string;
product: string;
export type Directory = {
id: string;
name: string;
tenant: string;
product: string;
type: DirectoryType;
log_webhook_events: boolean;
scim: {
path: string;
endpoint?: string;
secret: string;
webhook: {
endpoint: string;
secret: string;
deactivated?: boolean;
google_domain?: string;
google_access_token?: string;
google_refresh_token?: string;
export type User = {
id: string;
email: string;
first_name: string;
last_name: string;
active: boolean;
raw?: any;
export type Group = {
id: string;
name: string;
raw?: any;
export interface WebhookEventLog {
id: string;
webhook_endpoint: string;
created_at: Date;
status_code?: number;
delivered?: boolean;
payload: DirectorySyncEvent | DirectorySyncEvent[];
export type AttributeMapping = {
key: string;
value: string;
export type SAMLFederationApp = {
id: string;
type?: string;
clientID?: string;
clientSecret?: string;
redirectUrl?: string[] | string;
name: string;
tenant: string;
product: string;
acsUrl: string;
entityId: string;
logoUrl: string | null;
faviconUrl: string | null;
primaryColor: string | null;
tenants?: string[]; // To support multiple tenants for a single app
mappings: AttributeMapping[] | null;
export interface Trace {
traceId: string;
timestamp: number;
error: string;
context: {
[key: string]: unknown;
export interface SSOTrace extends Omit<Trace, 'traceId' | 'timestamp'> {
timestamp?: number /** Can be passed in from outside else will be set to Date.now() */;
context: Trace['context'] & {
tenant: string;
product: string;
clientID: string;
redirectUri?: string;
requestedOIDCFlow?: boolean; // Type of OAuth client request
isSAMLFederated?: boolean; // true if hit the SAML Federation flow
isIDPFlow?: boolean; // true if IdP Login flow
relayState?: string; // RelayState in SP flow
providerName?: string; // SAML Federation SP
acsUrl?: string; // ACS Url of SP in SAML Federation flow
entityId?: string; // Entity ID of SP in SAML Federation flow
samlRequest?: string; // Generated SAML Request
samlResponse?: string; // Raw SAML response from IdP
issuer?: string; // Parsed issuer from samlResponse
profile?: any; // Profile extracted from samlResponse
// OPError attributes from OIDC provider authorization response: https://github.com/panva/node-openid-client/blob/main/docs/README.md#class-operror
error?: string;
error_description?: string;
error_uri?: string;
session_state_from_op_error?: string;
scope_from_op_error?: string;
stack?: string;
oidcTokenSet?: { id_token?: string; access_token?: string };
export type SetupLinkService = 'sso' | 'dsync';
export type SetupLink = {
setupID: string;
tenant: string;
product: string;
validTill: number;
url: string;
service: SetupLinkService;