
273 lines
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* Edit view will have extra fields to render parsed metadata and other attributes.
* All fields are editable unless they have `editable` set to false.
* All fields are required unless they have `required` set to false.
* `accessor` - only used to set initial state and retrieve saved value. Useful when key is different from retrieved payload.
* `fallback` - use this key to activate a fallback catalog item that will take in the values. The fallback will be activated
* by means of a switch control in the UI that allows us to deactivate the fallback catalog item and revert to the main field.
import type { FieldCatalogItem } from './utils';
export const getCommonFields = ({
}: {
isEditView?: boolean;
isSettingsView?: boolean;
}): FieldCatalogItem[] => [
key: 'name',
label: 'Name',
type: 'text',
placeholder: 'MyApp',
attributes: { required: false, hideInSetupView: true, 'data-testid': 'name' },
key: 'description',
label: 'Description',
type: 'text',
placeholder: 'A short description not more than 100 characters',
attributes: { maxLength: 100, required: false, hideInSetupView: true },
key: 'tenant',
label: 'Tenant',
type: 'text',
placeholder: 'acme.com',
attributes: isEditView
? {
editable: false,
hideInSetupView: true,
: {
editable: !isSettingsView,
hideInSetupView: true,
key: 'product',
label: 'Product',
type: 'text',
placeholder: 'demo',
attributes: isEditView
? {
editable: false,
hideInSetupView: true,
: {
editable: !isSettingsView,
hideInSetupView: true,
key: 'redirectUrl',
label: 'Allowed redirect URLs (newline separated)',
type: 'textarea',
placeholder: 'http://localhost:3366',
attributes: { isArray: true, rows: 3, hideInSetupView: true, editable: !isSettingsView },
key: 'defaultRedirectUrl',
label: 'Default redirect URL',
type: 'url',
placeholder: 'http://localhost:3366/login/saml',
attributes: { hideInSetupView: true, editable: !isSettingsView },
key: 'oidcClientId',
label: 'Client ID [OIDC Provider]',
type: 'text',
placeholder: '',
attributes: {
'data-testid': 'oidcClientId',
connection: 'oidc',
accessor: (o) => o?.oidcProvider?.clientId,
hideInSetupView: false,
key: 'oidcClientSecret',
label: 'Client Secret [OIDC Provider]',
type: 'password',
placeholder: '',
attributes: {
'data-testid': 'oidcClientSecret',
connection: 'oidc',
accessor: (o) => o?.oidcProvider?.clientSecret,
hideInSetupView: false,
key: 'oidcDiscoveryUrl',
label: 'Well-known URL of OpenID Provider',
type: 'url',
placeholder: 'https://example.com/.well-known/openid-configuration',
attributes: {
'data-testid': 'oidcDiscoveryUrl',
connection: 'oidc',
accessor: (o) => o?.oidcProvider?.discoveryUrl,
hideInSetupView: false,
fallback: {
key: 'oidcMetadata',
activateCondition: (fieldValue) => !fieldValue,
switch: {
label: 'Missing the discovery URL? Click here to set the individual attributes',
'data-testid': 'oidcDiscoveryUrl-fallback-switch',
key: 'oidcMetadata',
type: 'object',
members: [
key: 'issuer',
label: 'Issuer',
type: 'url',
attributes: {
accessor: (o) => o?.oidcProvider?.metadata?.issuer,
hideInSetupView: false,
'data-testid': 'issuer',
key: 'authorization_endpoint',
label: 'Authorization Endpoint',
type: 'url',
attributes: {
accessor: (o) => o?.oidcProvider?.metadata?.authorization_endpoint,
hideInSetupView: false,
'data-testid': 'authorization_endpoint',
key: 'token_endpoint',
label: 'Token endpoint',
type: 'url',
attributes: {
accessor: (o) => o?.oidcProvider?.metadata?.token_endpoint,
hideInSetupView: false,
'data-testid': 'token_endpoint',
key: 'jwks_uri',
label: 'JWKS URI',
type: 'url',
attributes: {
accessor: (o) => o?.oidcProvider?.metadata?.jwks_uri,
hideInSetupView: false,
'data-testid': 'jwks_uri',
key: 'userinfo_endpoint',
label: 'UserInfo endpoint',
type: 'url',
attributes: {
accessor: (o) => o?.oidcProvider?.metadata?.userinfo_endpoint,
hideInSetupView: false,
'data-testid': 'userinfo_endpoint',
attributes: { connection: 'oidc', hideInSetupView: false },
fallback: {
key: 'oidcDiscoveryUrl',
switch: {
label: 'Have a discovery URL? Click here to set it',
'data-testid': 'oidcMetadata-fallback-switch',
key: 'rawMetadata',
label: `Raw IdP XML ${isEditView ? '(fully replaces the current one)' : ''}`,
type: 'textarea',
placeholder: 'Paste the raw XML here',
attributes: {
rows: 5,
required: false,
connection: 'saml',
hideInSetupView: false,
key: 'metadataUrl',
label: `Metadata URL ${isEditView ? '(fully replaces the current one)' : ''}`,
type: 'url',
placeholder: 'Paste the Metadata URL here',
attributes: {
required: false,
connection: 'saml',
hideInSetupView: false,
'data-testid': 'metadataUrl',
key: 'sortOrder',
label: 'Sort Order',
type: 'number',
placeholder: '10',
attributes: {
required: false,
hideInSetupView: true,
key: 'forceAuthn',
label: 'Force Authentication',
type: 'checkbox',
attributes: { required: false, connection: 'saml', hideInSetupView: false },
export const EditViewOnlyFields: FieldCatalogItem[] = [
key: 'idpMetadata',
label: 'IdP Metadata',
type: 'pre',
attributes: {
isArray: false,
rows: 10,
editable: false,
connection: 'saml',
hideInSetupView: false,
formatForDisplay: (value) => {
const obj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value));
delete obj.validTo;
return JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2);
key: 'idpCertExpiry',
label: 'IdP Certificate Validity',
type: 'pre',
attributes: {
isHidden: (value): boolean => !value || new Date(value).toString() == 'Invalid Date',
rows: 10,
editable: false,
connection: 'saml',
hideInSetupView: false,
accessor: (o) => o?.idpMetadata?.validTo,
showWarning: (value) => new Date(value) < new Date(),
formatForDisplay: (value) => new Date(value).toString(),
key: 'clientID',
label: 'Client ID',
type: 'text',
attributes: { editable: false, hideInSetupView: false },
key: 'clientSecret',
label: 'Client Secret',
type: 'password',
attributes: { editable: false, hideInSetupView: false },