
262 lines
6.7 KiB

import * as path from 'path';
import sinon from 'sinon';
import tap from 'tap';
import * as dbutils from '../src/db/utils';
import controllers from '../src/index';
import readConfig from '../src/read-config';
import { IdPConfig, JacksonOption } from '../src/typings';
let apiController;
const CLIENT_ID = '75edb050796a0eb1cf2cfb0da7245f85bc50baa7';
const PROVIDER = 'accounts.google.com';
const OPTIONS = <JacksonOption>{
externalUrl: 'https://my-cool-app.com',
samlAudience: 'https://saml.boxyhq.com',
samlPath: '/sso/oauth/saml',
db: {
engine: 'mem',
tap.before(async () => {
const controller = await controllers(OPTIONS);
apiController = controller.apiController;
tap.teardown(async () => {
tap.test('controller/api', async (t) => {
const metadataPath = path.join(__dirname, '/data/metadata');
const config = await readConfig(metadataPath);
t.afterEach(async () => {
await apiController.deleteConfig({
tenant: config[0].tenant,
product: config[0].product,
t.test('Create the config', async (t) => {
t.test('when required fields are missing or invalid', async (t) => {
t.test('when `rawMetadata` is empty', async (t) => {
const body: Partial<IdPConfig> = Object.assign({}, config[0]);
delete body['rawMetadata'];
try {
await apiController.config(body);
t.fail('Expecting JacksonError.');
} catch (err: any) {
t.equal(err.message, 'Please provide rawMetadata');
t.equal(err.statusCode, 400);
t.test('when `defaultRedirectUrl` is empty', async (t) => {
const body: Partial<IdPConfig> = Object.assign({}, config[0]);
delete body['defaultRedirectUrl'];
try {
await apiController.config(body as IdPConfig);
t.fail('Expecting JacksonError.');
} catch (err: any) {
t.equal(err.message, 'Please provide a defaultRedirectUrl');
t.equal(err.statusCode, 400);
t.test('when `redirectUrl` is empty', async (t) => {
const body: Partial<IdPConfig> = Object.assign({}, config[0]);
delete body['redirectUrl'];
try {
await apiController.config(body as IdPConfig);
t.fail('Expecting JacksonError.');
} catch (err: any) {
t.equal(err.message, 'Please provide redirectUrl');
t.equal(err.statusCode, 400);
t.test('when `tenant` is empty', async (t) => {
const body: Partial<IdPConfig> = Object.assign({}, config[0]);
delete body['tenant'];
try {
await apiController.config(body as IdPConfig);
t.fail('Expecting JacksonError.');
} catch (err: any) {
t.equal(err.message, 'Please provide tenant');
t.equal(err.statusCode, 400);
t.test('when `product` is empty', async (t) => {
const body: Partial<IdPConfig> = Object.assign({}, config[0]);
delete body['product'];
try {
await apiController.config(body as IdPConfig);
t.fail('Expecting JacksonError.');
} catch (err: any) {
t.equal(err.message, 'Please provide product');
t.equal(err.statusCode, 400);
t.test('when `rawMetadata` is not a valid XML', async (t) => {
const body = Object.assign({}, config[0]);
body['rawMetadata'] = 'not a valid XML';
try {
await apiController.config(body);
t.fail('Expecting Error.');
} catch (err: any) {
t.match(err.message, /Non-whitespace before first tag./);
t.test('when the request is good', async (t) => {
const body = Object.assign({}, config[0]);
const kdStub = sinon.stub(dbutils, 'keyDigest').returns(CLIENT_ID);
const response = await apiController.config(body);
t.equal(response.client_id, CLIENT_ID);
t.equal(response.provider, PROVIDER);
const savedConf = await apiController.getConfig({
clientID: CLIENT_ID,
t.equal(savedConf.provider, PROVIDER);
t.test('Get the config', async (t) => {
t.test('when valid request', async (t) => {
const body: Partial<IdPConfig> = Object.assign({}, config[0]);
await apiController.config(body as IdPConfig);
const { provider } = await apiController.getConfig(body);
t.equal(provider, PROVIDER);
t.test('when invalid request', async (t) => {
let response;
const body: Partial<IdPConfig> = Object.assign({}, config[0]);
await apiController.config(body);
// Empty body
try {
await apiController.getConfig({});
t.fail('Expecting Error.');
} catch (err: any) {
t.match(err.message, 'Please provide `clientID` or `tenant` and `product`.');
// Invalid clientID
response = await apiController.getConfig({
clientID: 'an invalid clientID',
t.match(response, {});
// Invalid tenant and product combination
response = await apiController.getConfig({
tenant: 'demo.com',
product: 'desk',
t.match(response, {});
t.test('Delete the config', async (t) => {
t.test('when valid request', async (t) => {
const body: Partial<IdPConfig> = Object.assign({}, config[0]);
const client = await apiController.config(body);
await apiController.deleteConfig({
clientID: client.client_id,
clientSecret: client.client_secret,
const response = await apiController.getConfig({
clientID: client.client_id,
t.match(response, {});
t.test('when invalid request', async (t) => {
const body: Partial<IdPConfig> = Object.assign({}, config[0]);
const client = await apiController.config(body);
// Empty body
try {
await apiController.deleteConfig({});
t.fail('Expecting Error.');
} catch (err: any) {
t.match(err.message, 'Please provide `clientID` and `clientSecret` or `tenant` and `product`.');
// Invalid clientID or clientSecret
try {
await apiController.deleteConfig({
clientID: client.client_id,
clientSecret: 'invalid client secret',
t.fail('Expecting Error.');
} catch (err: any) {
t.match(err.message, 'clientSecret mismatch.');