
296 lines
8.4 KiB

import crypto from 'crypto';
import {
} from '../typings';
import * as dbutils from '../db/utils';
import saml from '../saml/saml';
import { JacksonError } from './error';
import * as allowed from './oauth/allowed';
import * as codeVerifier from './oauth/code-verifier';
import * as redirect from './oauth/redirect';
import { IndexNames } from './utils';
const relayStatePrefix = 'boxyhq_jackson_';
function getEncodedClientId(client_id: string): { tenant: string | null; product: string | null } | null {
try {
const sp = new URLSearchParams(client_id);
const tenant = sp.get('tenant');
const product = sp.get('product');
if (tenant && product) {
return {
tenant: sp.get('tenant'),
product: sp.get('product'),
return null;
} catch (err) {
return null;
export class OAuthController implements IOAuthController {
private configStore: Storable;
private sessionStore: Storable;
private codeStore: Storable;
private tokenStore: Storable;
private opts: JacksonOption;
constructor({ configStore, sessionStore, codeStore, tokenStore, opts }) {
this.configStore = configStore;
this.sessionStore = sessionStore;
this.codeStore = codeStore;
this.tokenStore = tokenStore;
this.opts = opts;
public async authorize(body: OAuthReqBody): Promise<{ redirect_url: string }> {
const {
response_type = 'code',
code_challenge_method = '',
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
provider = 'saml',
} = body;
if (!redirect_uri) {
throw new JacksonError('Please specify a redirect URL.', 400);
if (!state) {
throw new JacksonError('Please specify a state to safeguard against XSRF attacks.', 400);
let samlConfig;
if (tenant && product) {
const samlConfigs = await this.configStore.getByIndex({
name: IndexNames.TenantProduct,
value: dbutils.keyFromParts(tenant, product),
if (!samlConfigs || samlConfigs.length === 0) {
throw new JacksonError('SAML configuration not found.', 403);
// TODO: Support multiple matches
samlConfig = samlConfigs[0];
} else if (client_id && client_id !== '' && client_id !== 'undefined' && client_id !== 'null') {
// if tenant and product are encoded in the client_id then we parse it and check for the relevant config(s)
const sp = getEncodedClientId(client_id);
if (sp?.tenant) {
const samlConfigs = await this.configStore.getByIndex({
name: IndexNames.TenantProduct,
value: dbutils.keyFromParts(sp.tenant, sp.product || ''),
if (!samlConfigs || samlConfigs.length === 0) {
throw new JacksonError('SAML configuration not found.', 403);
// TODO: Support multiple matches
samlConfig = samlConfigs[0];
} else {
samlConfig = await this.configStore.get(client_id);
} else {
throw new JacksonError('You need to specify client_id or tenant & product', 403);
if (!samlConfig) {
throw new JacksonError('SAML configuration not found.', 403);
if (!allowed.redirect(redirect_uri, samlConfig.redirectUrl)) {
throw new JacksonError('Redirect URL is not allowed.', 403);
const samlReq = saml.request({
entityID: this.opts.samlAudience!,
callbackUrl: this.opts.externalUrl + this.opts.samlPath,
signingKey: samlConfig.certs.privateKey,
const sessionId = crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex');
await this.sessionStore.put(sessionId, {
id: samlReq.id,
const redirectUrl = redirect.success(samlConfig.idpMetadata.sso.redirectUrl, {
RelayState: relayStatePrefix + sessionId,
SAMLRequest: Buffer.from(samlReq.request).toString('base64'),
return { redirect_url: redirectUrl };
public async samlResponse(body: SAMLResponsePayload): Promise<{ redirect_url: string }> {
const { SAMLResponse } = body; // RelayState will contain the sessionId from earlier quasi-oauth flow
let RelayState = body.RelayState || '';
if (!this.opts.idpEnabled && !RelayState.startsWith(relayStatePrefix)) {
// IDP is disabled so block the request
throw new JacksonError(
'IdP (Identity Provider) flow has been disabled. Please head to your Service Provider to login.',
if (!RelayState.startsWith(relayStatePrefix)) {
RelayState = '';
RelayState = RelayState.replace(relayStatePrefix, '');
const rawResponse = Buffer.from(SAMLResponse, 'base64').toString();
const parsedResp = await saml.parseAsync(rawResponse);
const samlConfigs = await this.configStore.getByIndex({
name: IndexNames.EntityID,
value: parsedResp?.issuer,
if (!samlConfigs || samlConfigs.length === 0) {
throw new JacksonError('SAML configuration not found.', 403);
// TODO: Support multiple matches
const samlConfig = samlConfigs[0];
let session;
if (RelayState !== '') {
session = await this.sessionStore.get(RelayState);
if (!session) {
throw new JacksonError('Unable to validate state from the origin request.', 403);
const validateOpts: Record<string, string> = {
thumbprint: samlConfig.idpMetadata.thumbprint,
audience: this.opts.samlAudience!,
if (session && session.id) {
validateOpts.inResponseTo = session.id;
const profile = await saml.validateAsync(rawResponse, validateOpts);
// store details against a code
const code = crypto.randomBytes(20).toString('hex');
const codeVal: Record<string, unknown> = {
clientID: samlConfig.clientID,
clientSecret: samlConfig.clientSecret,
if (session) {
codeVal.session = session;
await this.codeStore.put(code, codeVal);
if (session && session.redirect_uri && !allowed.redirect(session.redirect_uri, samlConfig.redirectUrl)) {
throw new JacksonError('Redirect URL is not allowed.', 403);
const params: Record<string, string> = {
if (session && session.state) {
params.state = session.state;
const redirectUrl = redirect.success(
(session && session.redirect_uri) || samlConfig.defaultRedirectUrl,
return { redirect_url: redirectUrl };
public async token(body: OAuthTokenReq): Promise<OAuthTokenRes> {
const { client_id, client_secret, code_verifier, code, grant_type = 'authorization_code' } = body;
if (grant_type !== 'authorization_code') {
throw new JacksonError('Unsupported grant_type', 400);
if (!code) {
throw new JacksonError('Please specify code', 400);
const codeVal = await this.codeStore.get(code);
if (!codeVal || !codeVal.profile) {
throw new JacksonError('Invalid code', 403);
if (client_id && client_secret) {
// check if we have an encoded client_id
if (client_id !== 'dummy' && client_secret !== 'dummy') {
const sp = getEncodedClientId(client_id);
if (!sp) {
// OAuth flow
if (client_id !== codeVal.clientID || client_secret !== codeVal.clientSecret) {
throw new JacksonError('Invalid client_id or client_secret', 401);
} else if (code_verifier) {
// PKCE flow
let cv = code_verifier;
if (codeVal.session.code_challenge_method.toLowerCase() === 's256') {
cv = codeVerifier.encode(code_verifier);
if (codeVal.session.code_challenge !== cv) {
throw new JacksonError('Invalid code_verifier', 401);
} else if (codeVal && codeVal.session) {
throw new JacksonError('Please specify client_secret or code_verifier', 401);
// store details against a token
const token = crypto.randomBytes(20).toString('hex');
await this.tokenStore.put(token, codeVal.profile);
return {
access_token: token,
token_type: 'bearer',
expires_in: this.opts.db.ttl!,
public async userInfo(token: string): Promise<Profile> {
const { claims } = await this.tokenStore.get(token);
return claims;