
721 lines
26 KiB

import crypto from 'crypto';
import { promises as fs } from 'fs';
import * as utils from '../../src/controller/utils';
import path from 'path';
import {
} from '../../src/typings';
import sinon from 'sinon';
import tap from 'tap';
import { JacksonError } from '../../src/controller/error';
import saml from '@boxyhq/saml20';
import * as jose from 'jose';
import {
} from './fixture';
import { addSSOConnections, databaseOptions } from '../utils';
let connectionAPIController: IConnectionAPIController;
let oauthController: IOAuthController;
let idpEnabledConnectionAPIController: IConnectionAPIController; //idp initiated saml flow enabled
let idpEnabledOAuthController: IOAuthController;
let keyPair: jose.GenerateKeyPairResult;
const code = '1234567890';
const token = '24c1550190dd6a5a9bd6fe2a8ff69d593121c7b9';
const metadataPath = path.join(__dirname, '/data/metadata');
let connections: Array<any> = [];
tap.before(async () => {
keyPair = await jose.generateKeyPair('RS256', { modulusLength: 3072 });
const controller = await (await import('../../src/index')).default(databaseOptions);
const idpFlowEnabledController = await (
await import('../../src/index')
).default({ ...databaseOptions, idpEnabled: true });
connectionAPIController = controller.connectionAPIController;
oauthController = controller.oauthController;
idpEnabledConnectionAPIController = idpFlowEnabledController.connectionAPIController;
idpEnabledOAuthController = idpFlowEnabledController.oauthController;
connections = await addSSOConnections(
tap.teardown(async () => {
tap.test('authorize()', async (t) => {
t.test('Should throw an error if `redirect_uri` null', async (t) => {
const body = redirect_uri_not_set;
try {
await oauthController.authorize(<OAuthReq>body);
t.fail('Expecting JacksonError.');
} catch (err) {
const { message, statusCode } = err as JacksonError;
t.equal(message, 'Please specify a redirect URL.', 'got expected error message');
t.equal(statusCode, 400, 'got expected status code');
t.test('Should return OAuth Error response if `state` is not set', async (t) => {
const body = state_not_set;
const { redirect_url } = (await oauthController.authorize(<OAuthReq>body)) as {
redirect_url: string;
'got OAuth error'
t.test('Should return OAuth Error response if `response_type` is not `code`', async (t) => {
const body = response_type_not_code;
const { redirect_url } = (await oauthController.authorize(<OAuthReq>body)) as {
redirect_url: string;
'got OAuth error'
t.test('Should return OAuth Error response if saml binding could not be retrieved', async (t) => {
const body = saml_binding_absent;
const { redirect_url } = (await oauthController.authorize(<OAuthReq>body)) as {
redirect_url: string;
'got OAuth error'
t.test('Should return OAuth Error response if request creation fails', async (t) => {
const body = authz_request_normal;
const stubSamlRequest = sinon.stub(saml, 'request').throws(Error('Internal error: Fatal'));
const { redirect_url } = (await oauthController.authorize(<OAuthReq>body)) as {
redirect_url: string;
'got OAuth error'
t.test('Should throw an error if `client_id` is invalid', async (t) => {
const body = invalid_client_id;
try {
await oauthController.authorize(<OAuthReq>body);
t.fail('Expecting JacksonError.');
} catch (err) {
const { message, statusCode } = err as JacksonError;
t.equal(message, 'IdP connection not found.', 'got expected error message');
t.equal(statusCode, 403, 'got expected status code');
t.test('Should throw an error if `redirect_uri` is not allowed', async (t) => {
const body = redirect_uri_not_allowed;
try {
await oauthController.authorize(<OAuthReq>body);
t.fail('Expecting JacksonError.');
} catch (err) {
const { message, statusCode } = err as JacksonError;
t.equal(message, 'Redirect URL is not allowed.', 'got expected error message');
t.equal(statusCode, 403, 'got expected status code');
t.test('Should return the Idp SSO URL', async (t) => {
t.test('accepts client_id', async (t) => {
const body = authz_request_normal;
const response = (await oauthController.authorize(<OAuthReq>body)) as {
redirect_url: string;
const params = new URLSearchParams(new URL(response.redirect_url!).search);
t.ok('redirect_url' in response, 'got the Idp authorize URL');
t.ok(params.has('RelayState'), 'RelayState present in the query string');
t.ok(params.has('SAMLRequest'), 'SAMLRequest present in the query string');
t.test('accepts single value in prompt', async (t) => {
const body = authz_request_with_prompt_login;
const response = await oauthController.authorize(<OAuthReq>body);
const params = new URLSearchParams(new URL(response.redirect_url!).search);
t.ok('redirect_url' in response, 'got the Idp authorize URL');
t.ok(params.has('RelayState'), 'RelayState present in the query string');
t.ok(params.has('SAMLRequest'), 'SAMLRequest present in the query string');
t.test('accepts multiple values in prompt', async (t) => {
const body = authz_request_with_prompt_more_than_one;
const response = await oauthController.authorize(<OAuthReq>body);
const params = new URLSearchParams(new URL(response.redirect_url!).search);
t.ok('redirect_url' in response, 'got the Idp authorize URL');
t.ok(params.has('RelayState'), 'RelayState present in the query string');
t.ok(params.has('SAMLRequest'), 'SAMLRequest present in the query string');
t.test('accepts access_type', async (t) => {
const body = authz_request_normal_with_access_type;
const response = (await oauthController.authorize(<OAuthReq>body)) as {
redirect_url: string;
const params = new URLSearchParams(new URL(response.redirect_url!).search);
t.ok('redirect_url' in response, 'got the Idp authorize URL');
t.ok(params.has('RelayState'), 'RelayState present in the query string');
t.ok(params.has('SAMLRequest'), 'SAMLRequest present in the query string');
t.test('accepts resource', async (t) => {
const body = authz_request_normal_with_resource;
const response = (await oauthController.authorize(<OAuthReq>body)) as {
redirect_url: string;
const params = new URLSearchParams(new URL(response.redirect_url!).search);
t.ok('redirect_url' in response, 'got the Idp authorize URL');
t.ok(params.has('RelayState'), 'RelayState present in the query string');
t.ok(params.has('SAMLRequest'), 'SAMLRequest present in the query string');
t.test('accepts scope', async (t) => {
const body = authz_request_normal_with_scope;
const response = (await oauthController.authorize(<OAuthReq>body)) as {
redirect_url: string;
const params = new URLSearchParams(new URL(response.redirect_url!).search);
t.ok('redirect_url' in response, 'got the Idp authorize URL');
t.ok(params.has('RelayState'), 'RelayState present in the query string');
t.ok(params.has('SAMLRequest'), 'SAMLRequest present in the query string');
tap.test('samlResponse()', async (t) => {
const authBody = authz_request_normal;
const { redirect_url } = (await oauthController.authorize(<OAuthReq>authBody)) as {
redirect_url: string;
const relayState = new URLSearchParams(new URL(redirect_url!).search).get('RelayState');
const rawResponse = await fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, '/data/saml_response'), 'utf8');
t.test('Should throw an error if `RelayState` is missing', async (t) => {
const responseBody: Partial<SAMLResponsePayload> = {
SAMLResponse: rawResponse,
try {
await oauthController.samlResponse(<SAMLResponsePayload>responseBody);
t.fail('Expecting JacksonError.');
} catch (err) {
const { message, statusCode } = err as JacksonError;
'IdP (Identity Provider) flow has been disabled. Please head to your Service Provider to login.',
'got expected error message'
t.equal(statusCode, 403, 'got expected status code');
t.test('Should return OAuth Error response if response validation fails', async (t) => {
const responseBody = {
SAMLResponse: rawResponse,
RelayState: relayState,
const stubValidate = sinon.stub(saml, 'validate').throws(Error('Internal error: Fatal'));
const response = await oauthController.samlResponse(<SAMLResponsePayload>responseBody);
const params = new URLSearchParams(new URL(response.redirect_url!).search);
t.match(params.get('error'), 'access_denied');
t.match(params.get('error_description'), 'Internal error: Fatal');
t.test('Should return a URL with code and state as query params', async (t) => {
const responseBody = {
SAMLResponse: rawResponse,
RelayState: relayState,
const stubValidate = sinon
.stub(saml, 'validate')
.resolves({ audience: '', claims: {}, issuer: '', sessionIndex: '' });
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
const stubRandomBytes = sinon.stub(crypto, 'randomBytes').returns(code);
const response = await oauthController.samlResponse(<SAMLResponsePayload>responseBody);
const params = new URLSearchParams(new URL(response.redirect_url!).search);
t.ok(stubValidate.calledOnce, 'validate called once');
t.ok(stubRandomBytes.calledOnce, 'randomBytes called once');
t.ok('redirect_url' in response, 'response contains redirect_url');
t.ok(params.has('code'), 'query string includes code');
t.ok(params.has('state'), 'query string includes state');
t.match(params.get('state'), authBody.state, 'state value is valid');
tap.test('token()', async (t) => {
t.test('Should throw an error if `grant_type` is not `authorization_code`', async (t) => {
const body = {
grant_type: 'authorization_code_1',
try {
await oauthController.token(<OAuthTokenReq>body);
t.fail('Expecting JacksonError.');
} catch (err) {
const { message, statusCode } = err as JacksonError;
t.equal(message, 'Unsupported grant_type', 'got expected error message');
t.equal(statusCode, 400, 'got expected status code');
t.test('Should throw an error if `tenant` is invalid', async (t) => {
const body = invalid_tenant_product(undefined, 'invalidTenant');
try {
await oauthController.token(<OAuthTokenReq>body);
t.fail('Expecting JacksonError.');
} catch (err) {
const { message, statusCode } = err as JacksonError;
t.equal(message, 'Invalid tenant or product');
t.equal(statusCode, 401, 'got expected status code');
t.test('Should throw an error if `product` is invalid', async (t) => {
const body = invalid_tenant_product('invalidProduct');
try {
await oauthController.token(<OAuthTokenReq>body);
t.fail('Expecting JacksonError.');
} catch (err) {
const { message, statusCode } = err as JacksonError;
t.equal(message, 'Invalid tenant or product');
t.equal(statusCode, 401, 'got expected status code');
t.test('Should throw an error if `tenant` and `product` is invalid', async (t) => {
const body = invalid_tenant_product('invalidProduct', 'invalidTenant');
try {
await oauthController.token(<OAuthTokenReq>body);
t.fail('Expecting JacksonError.');
} catch (err) {
const { message, statusCode } = err as JacksonError;
t.equal(message, 'Invalid tenant or product');
t.equal(statusCode, 401, 'got expected status code');
t.test('Should throw an error if `code` is missing', async (t) => {
const body = {
grant_type: 'authorization_code',
try {
await oauthController.token(<OAuthTokenReq>body);
t.fail('Expecting JacksonError.');
} catch (err) {
const { message, statusCode } = err as JacksonError;
t.equal(message, 'Please specify code', 'got expected error message');
t.equal(statusCode, 400, 'got expected status code');
t.test('Should throw an error if `code` or `client_secret` is invalid', async (t) => {
try {
await oauthController.token(<OAuthTokenReq>bodyWithInvalidCode);
t.fail('Expecting JacksonError.');
} catch (err) {
const { message, statusCode } = err as JacksonError;
t.equal(message, 'Invalid code', 'got expected error message');
t.equal(statusCode, 403, 'got expected status code');
try {
await oauthController.token(<OAuthTokenReq>bodyWithInvalidRedirectUri);
t.fail('Expecting JacksonError.');
} catch (err) {
const { message, statusCode } = err as JacksonError;
t.equal(message, 'Invalid request: redirect_uri mismatch', 'got expected error message');
t.equal(statusCode, 400, 'got expected status code');
try {
await oauthController.token(<OAuthTokenReq>bodyWithMissingRedirectUri);
t.fail('Expecting JacksonError.');
} catch (err) {
const { message, statusCode } = err as JacksonError;
t.equal(message, 'Invalid request: redirect_uri missing', 'got expected error message');
t.equal(statusCode, 400, 'got expected status code');
try {
await oauthController.token(<OAuthTokenReq>bodyWithInvalidClientSecret);
t.fail('Expecting JacksonError.');
} catch (err) {
const { message, statusCode } = err as JacksonError;
t.equal(message, 'Invalid client_secret', 'got expected error message');
t.equal(statusCode, 401, 'got expected status code');
try {
const bodyWithUnencodedClientId_InvalidClientSecret =
await oauthController.token(<OAuthTokenReq>bodyWithUnencodedClientId_InvalidClientSecret);
t.fail('Expecting JacksonError.');
} catch (err) {
const { message, statusCode } = err as JacksonError;
t.equal(message, 'Invalid client_id or client_secret', 'got expected error message');
t.equal(statusCode, 401, 'got expected status code');
try {
await oauthController.token(<OAuthTokenReq>bodyWithDummyCredentials);
t.fail('Expecting JacksonError.');
} catch (err) {
const { message, statusCode } = err as JacksonError;
t.equal(message, 'Invalid client_secret', 'got expected error message');
t.equal(statusCode, 401, 'got expected status code');
'Should return the tokens [id_token (if openid requested), access_token] and userprofile for a valid request',
async (t) => {
t.test('encoded client_id', async (t) => {
const body = token_req_encoded_client_id;
const stubRandomBytes = sinon
.stub(crypto, 'randomBytes')
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
const response = await oauthController.token(<OAuthTokenReq>body);
t.ok(stubRandomBytes.calledOnce, 'randomBytes called once');
t.ok('access_token' in response, 'includes access_token');
t.ok('token_type' in response, 'includes token_type');
t.ok('expires_in' in response, 'includes expires_in');
t.notOk('id_token' in response, 'does not include id_token');
t.match(response.access_token, token);
t.match(response.token_type, 'bearer');
t.match(response.expires_in, 300);
t.test('unencoded client_id', async (t) => {
// have to call authorize, because previous happy path deletes the code.
const authBody = authz_request_normal;
const { redirect_url } = (await oauthController.authorize(<OAuthReq>authBody)) as {
redirect_url: string;
const relayState = new URLSearchParams(new URL(redirect_url!).search).get('RelayState');
const rawResponse = await fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, '/data/saml_response'), 'utf8');
const responseBody = {
SAMLResponse: rawResponse,
RelayState: relayState,
const stubValidate = sinon
.stub(saml, 'validate')
.resolves({ audience: '', claims: {}, issuer: '', sessionIndex: '' });
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
const stubRandomBytes = sinon.stub(crypto, 'randomBytes').returns(code).onSecondCall().returns(token);
await oauthController.samlResponse(<SAMLResponsePayload>responseBody);
const body = token_req_unencoded_client_id_gen(connections);
const tokenRes = await oauthController.token(<OAuthTokenReq>body);
t.ok('access_token' in tokenRes, 'includes access_token');
t.ok('token_type' in tokenRes, 'includes token_type');
t.ok('expires_in' in tokenRes, 'includes expires_in');
t.notOk('id_token' in tokenRes, 'does not include id_token');
t.match(tokenRes.access_token, token);
t.match(tokenRes.token_type, 'bearer');
t.match(tokenRes.expires_in, 300);
const profile = await oauthController.userInfo(tokenRes.access_token);
t.notOk('sub' in profile, 'does not include sub');
t.equal(profile.requested.client_id, authz_request_normal.client_id);
t.equal(profile.requested.state, authz_request_normal.state);
t.equal(profile.requested.tenant, new URLSearchParams(authz_request_normal.client_id).get('tenant'));
new URLSearchParams(authz_request_normal.client_id).get('product')
t.test('openid flow', async (t) => {
const authBody = authz_request_normal_oidc_flow;
const { redirect_url } = (await oauthController.authorize(<OAuthReq>authBody)) as {
redirect_url: string;
const relayState = new URLSearchParams(new URL(redirect_url!).search).get('RelayState');
const rawResponse = await fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, '/data/saml_response'), 'utf8');
const responseBody = {
SAMLResponse: rawResponse,
RelayState: relayState,
const stubLoadJWSPrivateKey = sinon.stub(utils, 'loadJWSPrivateKey').resolves(keyPair.privateKey);
const stubValidate = sinon.stub(saml, 'validate').resolves({
audience: '',
claims: { id: 'id', firstName: 'john', lastName: 'doe', email: 'johndoe@example.com' },
issuer: '',
sessionIndex: '',
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
const stubRandomBytes = sinon.stub(crypto, 'randomBytes').returns(code).onSecondCall().returns(token);
await oauthController.samlResponse(<SAMLResponsePayload>responseBody);
const body = token_req_encoded_client_id;
const tokenRes = await oauthController.token(<OAuthTokenReq>body);
t.ok('access_token' in tokenRes, 'includes access_token');
t.ok('token_type' in tokenRes, 'includes token_type');
t.ok('expires_in' in tokenRes, 'includes expires_in');
t.ok('id_token' in tokenRes, 'includes id_token');
if (tokenRes.id_token) {
const claims = jose.decodeJwt(tokenRes.id_token);
const { protectedHeader } = await jose.jwtVerify(tokenRes.id_token, keyPair.publicKey);
t.match(protectedHeader.alg, databaseOptions.openid?.jwsAlg);
t.match(claims.aud, authz_request_normal_oidc_flow.client_id);
t.match(claims.iss, databaseOptions.samlAudience);
t.match(tokenRes.access_token, token);
t.match(tokenRes.token_type, 'bearer');
t.match(tokenRes.expires_in, 300);
const profile = await oauthController.userInfo(tokenRes.access_token);
t.equal(profile.sub, 'id');
t.equal(profile.requested.client_id, authz_request_normal_oidc_flow.client_id);
t.equal(profile.requested.state, authz_request_normal_oidc_flow.state);
new URLSearchParams(authz_request_normal_oidc_flow.client_id).get('tenant')
new URLSearchParams(authz_request_normal_oidc_flow.client_id).get('product')
t.test('PKCE check', async (t) => {
const authBody = authz_request_normal_with_code_challenge;
const { redirect_url } = (await oauthController.authorize(<OAuthReq>authBody)) as {
redirect_url: string;
const relayState = new URLSearchParams(new URL(redirect_url!).search).get('RelayState');
const rawResponse = await fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, '/data/saml_response'), 'utf8');
const responseBody = {
SAMLResponse: rawResponse,
RelayState: relayState,
// const stubLoadJWSPrivateKey = sinon.stub(utils, 'loadJWSPrivateKey').resolves(keyPair.privateKey);
const stubValidate = sinon.stub(saml, 'validate').resolves({
audience: '',
claims: { id: 'id', firstName: 'john', lastName: 'doe', email: 'johndoe@example.com' },
issuer: '',
sessionIndex: '',
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
const stubRandomBytes = sinon.stub(crypto, 'randomBytes').returns(code).onSecondCall().returns(token);
await oauthController.samlResponse(<SAMLResponsePayload>responseBody);
try {
await oauthController.token(<OAuthTokenReq>token_req_cv_mismatch);
t.fail('Expecting JacksonError.');
} catch (err) {
const { message, statusCode } = err as JacksonError;
t.equal(message, 'Invalid code_verifier', 'got expected error message');
t.equal(statusCode, 401, 'got expected status code');
const tokenRes = await oauthController.token(<OAuthTokenReq>token_req_with_cv);
t.ok('access_token' in tokenRes, 'includes access_token');
t.ok('token_type' in tokenRes, 'includes token_type');
t.ok('expires_in' in tokenRes, 'includes expires_in');
t.match(tokenRes.access_token, token);
t.match(tokenRes.token_type, 'bearer');
t.match(tokenRes.expires_in, 300);
const profile = await oauthController.userInfo(tokenRes.access_token);
t.equal(profile.requested.client_id, authz_request_normal_with_code_challenge.client_id);
t.equal(profile.requested.state, authz_request_normal_with_code_challenge.state);
new URLSearchParams(authz_request_normal_with_code_challenge.client_id).get('tenant')
new URLSearchParams(authz_request_normal_with_code_challenge.client_id).get('product')
tap.test('IdP initiated flow should return token and profile', async (t) => {
const rawResponse = await fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, '/data/saml_response'), 'utf8');
const responseBody = {
SAMLResponse: rawResponse,
const stubValidate = sinon.stub(saml, 'validate').resolves({
audience: '',
claims: { id: 'id', firstName: 'john', lastName: 'doe', email: 'johndoe@example.com' },
issuer: '',
sessionIndex: '',
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
const stubRandomBytes = sinon.stub(crypto, 'randomBytes').returns(code).onSecondCall().returns(token);
await idpEnabledOAuthController.samlResponse(<SAMLResponsePayload>responseBody);
const body = token_req_idp_initiated_saml_login;
const tokenRes = await idpEnabledOAuthController.token(<OAuthTokenReq>body);
t.ok('access_token' in tokenRes, 'includes access_token');
t.ok('token_type' in tokenRes, 'includes token_type');
t.ok('expires_in' in tokenRes, 'includes expires_in');
t.match(tokenRes.access_token, token);
t.match(tokenRes.token_type, 'bearer');
t.match(tokenRes.expires_in, 300);
const profile = await oauthController.userInfo(tokenRes.access_token);
t.equal(profile.id, 'id');