
871 lines
28 KiB

import * as dbutils from '../db/utils';
import * as metrics from '../opentelemetry/metrics';
import {
} from '../typings';
import { JacksonError } from './error';
import { IndexNames, appID, transformConnections, transformConnection, isConnectionActive } from './utils';
import oidcConnection from './connection/oidc';
import samlConnection from './connection/saml';
import { OryController } from '../ee/ory/ory';
export class ConnectionAPIController implements IConnectionAPIController {
private connectionStore: Storable;
private opts: JacksonOption;
private eventController: IEventController;
private oryController: OryController;
constructor({ connectionStore, opts, eventController, oryController }) {
this.connectionStore = connectionStore;
this.opts = opts;
this.eventController = eventController;
this.oryController = oryController;
* @swagger
* definitions:
* Connection:
* type: object
* example:
* {
* "idpMetadata": {
* "sso": {
* "postUrl": "https://dev-20901260.okta.com/app/dev-20901260_jacksonnext_1/xxxxxxxxxxxsso/saml",
* "redirectUrl": "https://dev-20901260.okta.com/app/dev-20901260_jacksonnext_1/xxxxxxxxxxxsso/saml"
* },
* "entityID": "http://www.okta.com/xxxxxxxxxxxxx",
* "thumbprint": "Eo+eUi3UM3XIMkFFtdVK3yJ5vO9f7YZdasdasdad",
* "loginType": "idp",
* "provider": "okta.com"
* },
* "defaultRedirectUrl": "https://hoppscotch.io/",
* "redirectUrl": ["https://hoppscotch.io/"],
* "tenant": "hoppscotch.io",
* "product": "API Engine",
* "name": "Hoppscotch-SP",
* "description": "SP for hoppscotch.io",
* "clientID": "Xq8AJt3yYAxmXizsCWmUBDRiVP1iTC8Y/otnvFIMitk",
* "clientSecret": "00e3e11a3426f97d8000000738300009130cd45419c5943",
* "deactivated": false
* }
* validationErrorsPost:
* description: Please provide rawMetadata or encodedRawMetadata | Please provide a defaultRedirectUrl | Please provide redirectUrl | redirectUrl is invalid | Exceeded maximum number of allowed redirect urls | defaultRedirectUrl is invalid | Please provide tenant | Please provide product | Please provide a friendly name | Description should not exceed 100 characters | Strategy: xxxx not supported | Please provide the clientId from OpenID Provider | Please provide the clientSecret from OpenID Provider | Please provide the discoveryUrl for the OpenID Provider
* parameters:
* nameParamPost:
* name: name
* description: Name/identifier for the connection
* type: string
* in: formData
* labelParamPost:
* name: label
* description: An internal label to identify the connection
* type: string
* in: formData
* descriptionParamPost:
* name: description
* description: A short description for the connection not more than 100 characters
* type: string
* in: formData
* encodedRawMetadataParamPost:
* name: encodedRawMetadata
* description: Base64 encoding of the XML metadata
* in: formData
* type: string
* rawMetadataParamPost:
* name: rawMetadata
* description: Raw XML metadata
* in: formData
* type: string
* metadataUrlParamPost:
* name: metadataUrl
* description: URL containing raw XML metadata
* in: formData
* type: string
* defaultRedirectUrlParamPost:
* name: defaultRedirectUrl
* description: The redirect URL to use in the IdP login flow
* in: formData
* required: true
* type: string
* redirectUrlParamPost:
* name: redirectUrl
* description: JSON encoded array containing a list of allowed redirect URLs
* in: formData
* required: true
* type: string
* tenantParamPost:
* name: tenant
* description: Tenant
* in: formData
* required: true
* type: string
* productParamPost:
* name: product
* description: Product
* in: formData
* required: true
* type: string
* oidcDiscoveryUrlPost:
* name: oidcDiscoveryUrl
* description: well-known URL where the OpenID Provider configuration is exposed
* in: formData
* type: string
* oidcMetadataPost:
* name: oidcMetadata
* description: metadata (JSON) for the OpenID Provider in the absence of discoveryUrl
* in: formData
* type: string
* oidcClientIdPost:
* name: oidcClientId
* description: clientId of the application set up on the OpenID Provider
* in: formData
* type: string
* oidcClientSecretPost:
* name: oidcClientSecret
* description: clientSecret of the application set up on the OpenID Provider
* in: formData
* type: string
* sortOrder:
* name: sortOrder
* description: Indicate the position of the connection in the IdP selection screen
* in: formData
* type: number
* required: false
* /api/v1/sso:
* post:
* summary: Create SSO connection
* operationId: create-sso-connection
* tags: [Single Sign On]
* produces:
* - application/json
* consumes:
* - application/x-www-form-urlencoded
* - application/json
* parameters:
* - $ref: '#/parameters/nameParamPost'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/labelParamPost'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/descriptionParamPost'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/encodedRawMetadataParamPost'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/rawMetadataParamPost'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/metadataUrlParamPost'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/defaultRedirectUrlParamPost'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/redirectUrlParamPost'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/tenantParamPost'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/productParamPost'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/oidcDiscoveryUrlPost'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/oidcMetadataPost'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/oidcClientIdPost'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/oidcClientSecretPost'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/sortOrder'
* responses:
* 200:
* description: Success
* schema:
* $ref: '#/definitions/Connection'
* 400:
* $ref: '#/definitions/validationErrorsPost'
* 401:
* description: Unauthorized
public async createSAMLConnection(
body: SAMLSSOConnectionWithEncodedMetadata | SAMLSSOConnectionWithRawMetadata
): Promise<SAMLSSORecord> {
const connection = await samlConnection.create(body, this.connectionStore, this.oryController);
await this.eventController.notify('sso.created', connection);
return connection;
// For backwards compatibility
public async config(
...args: Parameters<ConnectionAPIController['createSAMLConnection']>
): Promise<SAMLSSORecord> {
return this.createSAMLConnection(...args);
public async createOIDCConnection(
body: OIDCSSOConnectionWithDiscoveryUrl | OIDCSSOConnectionWithMetadata
): Promise<OIDCSSORecord> {
if (!this.opts.oidcPath) {
throw new JacksonError('Please set OpenID response handler path (oidcPath) on Jackson', 500);
const connection = await oidcConnection.create(body, this.connectionStore, this.oryController);
await this.eventController.notify('sso.created', connection);
return connection;
* @swagger
* definitions:
* validationErrorsPatch:
* description: Please provide clientID | Please provide clientSecret | clientSecret mismatch | Tenant/Product config mismatch with IdP metadata | Description should not exceed 100 characters| redirectUrl is invalid | Exceeded maximum number of allowed redirect urls | defaultRedirectUrl is invalid | Tenant/Product config mismatch with OIDC Provider metadata
* parameters:
* clientIDParamPatch:
* name: clientID
* description: Client ID for the connection
* type: string
* in: formData
* required: true
* clientSecretParamPatch:
* name: clientSecret
* description: Client Secret for the connection
* type: string
* in: formData
* required: true
* nameParamPatch:
* name: name
* description: Name/identifier for the connection
* type: string
* in: formData
* labelParamPatch:
* name: label
* description: An internal label to identify the connection
* type: string
* in: formData
* descriptionParamPatch:
* name: description
* description: A short description for the connection not more than 100 characters
* type: string
* in: formData
* encodedRawMetadataParamPatch:
* name: encodedRawMetadata
* description: Base64 encoding of the XML metadata
* in: formData
* type: string
* rawMetadataParamPatch:
* name: rawMetadata
* description: Raw XML metadata
* in: formData
* type: string
* metadataUrlParamPatch:
* name: metadataUrl
* description: URL containing raw XML metadata
* in: formData
* type: string
* oidcDiscoveryUrlPatch:
* name: oidcDiscoveryUrl
* description: well-known URL where the OpenID Provider configuration is exposed
* in: formData
* type: string
* oidcMetadataPatch:
* name: oidcMetadata
* description: metadata (JSON) for the OpenID Provider in the absence of discoveryUrl
* in: formData
* type: string
* oidcClientIdPatch:
* name: oidcClientId
* description: clientId of the application set up on the OpenID Provider
* in: formData
* type: string
* oidcClientSecretPatch:
* name: oidcClientSecret
* description: clientSecret of the application set up on the OpenID Provider
* in: formData
* type: string
* defaultRedirectUrlParamPatch:
* name: defaultRedirectUrl
* description: The redirect URL to use in the IdP login flow
* in: formData
* type: string
* redirectUrlParamPatch:
* name: redirectUrl
* description: JSON encoded array containing a list of allowed redirect URLs
* in: formData
* type: string
* tenantParamPatch:
* name: tenant
* description: Tenant
* in: formData
* required: true
* type: string
* productParamPatch:
* name: product
* description: Product
* in: formData
* required: true
* type: string
* deactivatedParamPatch:
* name: deactivated
* description: Connection status
* in: formData
* required: false
* type: boolean
* sortOrderParamPatch:
* name: sortOrder
* description: Indicate the position of the connection in the IdP selection screen
* in: formData
* type: number
* required: false
* /api/v1/sso:
* patch:
* summary: Update SSO Connection
* operationId: update-sso-connection
* tags: [Single Sign On]
* consumes:
* - application/json
* - application/x-www-form-urlencoded
* parameters:
* - $ref: '#/parameters/clientIDParamPatch'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/clientSecretParamPatch'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/nameParamPatch'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/labelParamPatch'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/descriptionParamPatch'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/encodedRawMetadataParamPatch'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/rawMetadataParamPatch'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/metadataUrlParamPatch'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/oidcDiscoveryUrlPatch'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/oidcMetadataPatch'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/oidcClientIdPatch'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/oidcClientSecretPatch'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/defaultRedirectUrlParamPatch'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/redirectUrlParamPatch'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/tenantParamPatch'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/productParamPatch'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/deactivatedParamPatch'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/sortOrderParamPatch'
* responses:
* 204:
* description: Success
* 400:
* $ref: '#/definitions/validationErrorsPatch'
* 401:
* description: Unauthorized
* 500:
* description: Please set OpenID response handler path (oidcPath) on Jackson
public async updateSAMLConnection(body: UpdateSAMLConnectionParams): Promise<void> {
const connection = await samlConnection.update(
if ('deactivated' in body) {
if (isConnectionActive(connection)) {
await this.eventController.notify('sso.activated', connection);
} else {
await this.eventController.notify('sso.deactivated', connection);
// For backwards compatibility
public async updateConfig(
...args: Parameters<ConnectionAPIController['updateSAMLConnection']>
): Promise<void> {
await this.updateSAMLConnection(...args);
public async updateOIDCConnection(body: UpdateOIDCConnectionParams): Promise<void> {
if (!this.opts.oidcPath) {
throw new JacksonError('Please set OpenID response handler path (oidcPath) on Jackson', 500);
const connection = await oidcConnection.update(
if ('deactivated' in body) {
if (isConnectionActive(connection)) {
await this.eventController.notify('sso.activated', connection);
} else {
await this.eventController.notify('sso.deactivated', connection);
public getIDPEntityID(body: GetIDPEntityIDBody): string {
const tenant = 'tenant' in body ? body.tenant : undefined;
const product = 'product' in body ? body.product : undefined;
if (!tenant || !product) {
throw new JacksonError('Please provide `tenant` and `product`.', 400);
} else {
return `${this.opts.samlAudience}/${appID(tenant, product)}`;
* @swagger
* parameters:
* tenantParamGet:
* in: query
* name: tenant
* type: string
* description: Tenant
* productParamGet:
* in: query
* name: product
* type: string
* description: Product
* clientIDParamGet:
* in: query
* name: clientID
* type: string
* description: Client ID
* strategyParamGet:
* in: query
* name: strategy
* type: string
* description: Strategy which can help to filter connections with tenant/product query
* sortParamGet:
* in: query
* name: sort
* type: string
* description: If present, the connections will be sorted by `sortOrder`. It won't consider if pagination is used.
* definitions:
* Connection:
* type: object
* properties:
* clientID:
* type: string
* description: Connection clientID
* clientSecret:
* type: string
* description: Connection clientSecret
* name:
* type: string
* description: Connection name
* label:
* type: string
* description: Connection label
* description:
* type: string
* description: Connection description
* redirectUrl:
* type: string
* description: A list of allowed redirect URLs
* defaultRedirectUrl:
* type: string
* description: The redirect URL to use in the IdP login flow
* tenant:
* type: string
* description: Connection tenant
* product:
* type: string
* description: Connection product
* idpMetadata:
* type: object
* description: SAML IdP metadata
* oidcProvider:
* type: object
* description: OIDC IdP metadata
* deactivated:
* type: boolean
* description: Connection status
* sortOrder:
* type: number
* description: Connection sort order
* responses:
* '200Get':
* description: Success
* schema:
* type: array
* items:
* $ref: '#/definitions/Connection'
* '400Get':
* description: Please provide `clientID` or `tenant` and `product`.
* '401Get':
* description: Unauthorized
* /api/v1/sso:
* get:
* summary: Get SSO Connections
* parameters:
* - $ref: '#/parameters/tenantParamGet'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/productParamGet'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/clientIDParamGet'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/strategyParamGet'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/sortParamGet'
* operationId: get-connections
* tags: [Single Sign On]
* responses:
* '200':
* $ref: '#/responses/200Get'
* '400':
* $ref: '#/responses/400Get'
* '401':
* $ref: '#/responses/401Get'
public async getConnections(body: GetConnectionsQuery): Promise<Array<SAMLSSORecord | OIDCSSORecord>> {
const clientID = 'clientID' in body ? body.clientID : undefined;
const tenant = 'tenant' in body ? body.tenant : undefined;
const product = 'product' in body ? body.product : undefined;
const strategy = 'strategy' in body ? body.strategy : undefined;
const entityId = 'entityId' in body ? body.entityId : undefined;
let connections: (SAMLSSORecord | OIDCSSORecord)[] | null = null;
// Fetch connections by entityId
if (entityId) {
const result = await this.connectionStore.getByIndex({
name: IndexNames.EntityID,
value: entityId,
if (!result || typeof result !== 'object') {
connections = [];
} else {
connections = result.data;
// Fetch connections by clientID
else if (clientID) {
const result = await this.connectionStore.get(clientID);
if (!result || typeof result !== 'object') {
connections = [];
} else {
connections = [result];
// Fetch connections by multiple tenants
else if (tenant && product && Array.isArray(tenant)) {
const tenants = tenant.filter((t) => t).filter((t, i, a) => a.indexOf(t) === i);
const result = await Promise.all(
tenants.map(async (t) =>
name: IndexNames.TenantProduct,
value: dbutils.keyFromParts(t, product),
if (!result || !result.length) {
connections = [];
} else {
connections = result.flatMap((r) => r.data);
// Fetch connections by tenant and product
else if (tenant && product && !Array.isArray(tenant)) {
const result = await this.connectionStore.getByIndex({
name: IndexNames.TenantProduct,
value: dbutils.keyFromParts(tenant, product),
if (!result || !result.data.length) {
connections = [];
} else {
connections = result.data;
// Filter connections by strategy
if (connections && connections.length > 0 && strategy) {
connections = connections.filter((connection) => {
if (strategy === 'saml') {
return 'idpMetadata' in connection;
if (strategy === 'oidc') {
return 'oidcProvider' in connection;
return false;
if (connections) {
const sort = 'sort' in body ? body.sort : false;
if (sort) {
connections.sort((a, b) => (b.sortOrder || 0) - (a.sortOrder || 0));
return transformConnections(connections);
throw new JacksonError('Please provide `clientID` or `tenant` and `product`.', 400);
public async getConfig(body: GetConfigQuery): Promise<SAMLSSORecord | Record<string, never>> {
const clientID = 'clientID' in body ? body.clientID : undefined;
const tenant = 'tenant' in body ? body.tenant : undefined;
const product = 'product' in body ? body.product : undefined;
if (clientID) {
const samlConfig = await this.connectionStore.get(clientID);
return samlConfig || {};
if (tenant && product) {
const samlConfigs = (
await this.connectionStore.getByIndex({
name: IndexNames.TenantProduct,
value: dbutils.keyFromParts(tenant, product),
if (!samlConfigs || !samlConfigs.length) {
return {};
return { ...samlConfigs[0] };
throw new JacksonError('Please provide `clientID` or `tenant` and `product`.', 400);
* @swagger
* parameters:
* clientIDDel:
* name: clientID
* in: query
* type: string
* description: Client ID
* clientSecretDel:
* name: clientSecret
* in: query
* type: string
* description: Client Secret
* tenantDel:
* name: tenant
* in: query
* type: string
* description: Tenant
* productDel:
* name: product
* in: query
* type: string
* description: Product
* strategyDel:
* name: strategy
* in: query
* type: string
* description: Strategy which can help to filter connections with tenant/product query
* /api/v1/sso:
* delete:
* parameters:
* - $ref: '#/parameters/clientIDDel'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/clientSecretDel'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/tenantDel'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/productDel'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/strategyDel'
* summary: Delete SSO Connections
* operationId: delete-sso-connection
* tags: [Single Sign On]
* responses:
* '200':
* description: Success
* '400':
* description: clientSecret mismatch | Please provide `clientID` and `clientSecret` or `tenant` and `product`.
* '401':
* description: Unauthorized
public async deleteConnections(body: DelConnectionsQuery): Promise<void> {
const clientID = 'clientID' in body ? body.clientID : undefined;
const clientSecret = 'clientSecret' in body ? body.clientSecret : undefined;
const tenant = 'tenant' in body ? body.tenant : undefined;
const product = 'product' in body ? body.product : undefined;
const strategy = 'strategy' in body ? body.strategy : undefined;
if (clientID && clientSecret) {
const connection = await this.connectionStore.get(clientID);
if (!connection) {
if (connection.clientSecret === clientSecret) {
await this.connectionStore.delete(clientID);
await this.eventController.notify('sso.deleted', transformConnection(connection));
} else {
throw new JacksonError('clientSecret mismatch', 400);
if (tenant && product) {
const connections = (
await this.connectionStore.getByIndex({
name: IndexNames.TenantProduct,
value: dbutils.keyFromParts(tenant, product),
if (!connections || !connections.length) {
// filter if strategy is passed
const filteredConnections = strategy
? connections.filter((connection) => {
if (strategy === 'saml') {
if (connection.idpMetadata) {
return true;
if (strategy === 'oidc') {
if (connection.oidcProvider) {
return true;
return false;
: connections;
for (const conf of transformConnections(filteredConnections)) {
await this.connectionStore.delete(conf.clientID);
await this.eventController.notify('sso.deleted', conf);
throw new JacksonError('Please provide `clientID` and `clientSecret` or `tenant` and `product`.', 400);
public async deleteConfig(body: DelConnectionsQuery): Promise<void> {
await this.deleteConnections({ ...body, strategy: 'saml' });
* @swagger
* parameters:
* productParamGet:
* in: query
* name: product
* type: string
* description: Product
* required: true
* definitions:
* Connection:
* type: object
* properties:
* clientID:
* type: string
* description: Connection clientID
* clientSecret:
* type: string
* description: Connection clientSecret
* name:
* type: string
* description: Connection name
* description:
* type: string
* description: Connection description
* redirectUrl:
* type: string
* description: A list of allowed redirect URLs
* defaultRedirectUrl:
* type: string
* description: The redirect URL to use in the IdP login flow
* tenant:
* type: string
* description: Connection tenant
* product:
* type: string
* description: Connection product
* idpMetadata:
* type: object
* description: SAML IdP metadata
* oidcProvider:
* type: object
* description: OIDC IdP metadata
* responses:
* '200GetByProduct':
* description: Success
* content:
* application/json:
* schema:
* type: object
* properties:
* data:
* type: array
* items:
* $ref: '#/definitions/Connection'
* pageToken:
* type: string
* description: token for pagination
* '400Get':
* description: Please provide a `product`.
* '401Get':
* description: Unauthorized
* /api/v1/sso/product:
* get:
* summary: Get SSO Connections by product
* parameters:
* - $ref: '#/parameters/productParamGet'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/pageOffset'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/pageLimit'
* - $ref: '#/parameters/pageToken'
* operationId: get-connections-by-product
* tags: [Single Sign On]
* responses:
* '200':
* $ref: '#/responses/200GetByProduct'
* '400':
* $ref: '#/responses/400Get'
* '401':
* $ref: '#/responses/401Get'
public async getConnectionsByProduct(
body: GetByProductParams
): Promise<{ data: (SAMLSSORecord | OIDCSSORecord)[]; pageToken?: string }> {
const { product, pageOffset, pageLimit, pageToken } = body;
if (!product) {
throw new JacksonError('Please provide a `product`.', 400);
const connections = await this.connectionStore.getByIndex(
name: IndexNames.Product,
value: product,
return { data: transformConnections(connections.data), pageToken };
public async getCount(idx?: Index) {
return await this.connectionStore.getCount(idx);