# Jackson settings # Change this to your deployment public URL EXTERNAL_URL=http://localhost:5225 SAML_AUDIENCE=https://saml.boxyhq.com JACKSON_API_KEYS="secret" ADMIN_PORTAL_SSO_TENANT="_jackson_boxyhq" ADMIN_PORTAL_SSO_PRODUCT="_jackson_admin_portal" IDP_ENABLED= PRE_LOADED_CONNECTION= CLIENT_SECRET_VERIFIER= # Database settings DB_ENGINE=sql DB_URL=postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres DB_TYPE=postgres DB_TTL=300 DB_CLEANUP_LIMIT=1000 DB_PAGE_LIMIT=50 # You can use openssl to generate a random 32 character key: openssl rand -base64 24 DB_ENCRYPTION_KEY= # Uncomment below if you wish to run DB migrations manually. #DB_MANUAL_MIGRATION=true # Admin Portal settings # SMTP details for Magic Links SMTP_HOST= SMTP_PORT= SMTP_USER= SMTP_PASSWORD= SMTP_FROM= # Access Control for Magic Links. Set this to a comma separated string of email addresses # or glob patterns like: `tonystark@gmail.com,*@marvel.com`. # Access will be denied to email addresses which don't match. If you don't specify any value access is denied to all. NEXTAUTH_ACL= # Change this to your deployment public URL (https://next-auth.js.org/configuration/options#nextauth_url) NEXTAUTH_URL=http://localhost:5225 # Change this to a real secret when deploying to production # You can use openssl to generate a secret key: openssl rand -base64 32 NEXTAUTH_SECRET=secret # Admin credentials (In the format email:password. Comma separated values if you want multiple logins). Alternative to Magic Links. NEXTAUTH_ADMIN_CREDENTIALS= # Admin Portal for Retraced (Audit Logs) RETRACED_HOST_URL= RETRACED_EXTERNAL_URL= RETRACED_ADMIN_ROOT_TOKEN= # Admin Portal for Terminus (Privacy Vault) TERMINUS_PROXY_HOST_URL= TERMINUS_ADMIN_ROOT_TOKEN= # OpenTelemetry OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_METRICS_ENDPOINT= OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_METRICS_HEADERS= # If you want to use grpc # OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_METRICS_PROTOCOL=grpc # If you have any issues with using the otel exporter and want to enable debug logs # OTEL_EXPORTER_DEBUG=true # JWS Algorithm to be used for signing e.g., RS256 # https://github.com/panva/jose/issues/114#digital-signatures OPENID_JWS_ALG= # JWT signing keys # Generate keys: https://www.scottbrady91.com/openssl/creating-rsa-keys-using-openssl, # Load into env: https://developer.vonage.com/blog/20/07/29/using-private-keys-in-environment-variables # openssl genrsa -out private-key.pem 3072 # convert to pkcs8 format: openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform PEM -nocrypt -in private-key.pem -out private_key.pem # cat private_key.pem | base64 OPENID_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY= # openssl rsa -in private_key.pem -pubout -out public_key.pem # cat public_key.pem | base64 OPENID_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY= # You can use `openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout key.pem -out public.crt -sha256 -days 365000 -nodes` to generate one # Base64 encoded value of public key `cat public.crt | base64` PUBLIC_KEY= # Base64 encoded value of private key `cat key.pem | base64` PRIVATE_KEY= # To enable enterprise-only features, fill your license key in here. BOXYHQ_LICENSE_KEY= # To turn off our anonymous analytics uncomment the line below #BOXYHQ_NO_ANALYTICS=1 # Set Webhook URL and secret to enable webhook notifications WEBHOOK_URL= WEBHOOK_SECRET= # Directory sync webhook event batch size (Eg: 50) DSYNC_WEBHOOK_BATCH_SIZE= DSYNC_WEBHOOK_BATCH_CRON_INTERVAL= # Google workspace directory sync DSYNC_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID= DSYNC_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET= DSYNC_GOOGLE_CRON_INTERVAL= # Only applicable for BoxyHQ SaaS deployments BOXYHQ_HOSTED=0 # Setup link expiry in days SETUP_LINK_EXPIRY_DAYS=3 # Ory integration. You need BOXYHQ_LICENSE_KEY to be set to use this. ENTERPRISE_ORY_SDK_TOKEN= ENTERPRISE_ORY_PROJECT_ID= # Uncomment below if you wish to opt-out of sending `profile` scope in OIDC Provider Authorization Request #OPENID_REQUEST_PROFILE_SCOPE=false