
144 lines
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* This mixin can be extended by any component or view which needs to manage themes
* It handles fetching and applying themes from the store, updating themes,
* applying custom CSS variables and loading external stylesheets.
* */
import Keys from '@/utils/StoreMutations';
import ErrorHandler from '@/utils/ErrorHandler';
import { builtInThemes, localStorageKeys, mainCssVars } from '@/utils/defaults';
const ThemingMixin = {
data: () => ({
selectedTheme: '', // Used only to bind current them to theme dropdown
computed: {
/* This is the theme from the central store. When it changes, the UI will update */
themeFromStore() {
return this.$store.getters.theme;
appConfig() {
return this.$store.getters.appConfig;
/* Any extra user-defined themes, to add to dropdown */
extraThemeNames() {
const userThemes = this.appConfig?.cssThemes || [];
if (typeof userThemes === 'string') return [userThemes];
return userThemes;
/* If user specified external stylesheet(s), format and return */
externalThemes() {
const availableThemes = {};
if (this.appConfig?.externalStyleSheet) {
const externals = this.appConfig.externalStyleSheet;
if (Array.isArray(externals)) {
externals.forEach((ext, i) => {
availableThemes[`External Stylesheet ${i + 1}`] = ext;
} else if (typeof externals === 'string') {
availableThemes['External Stylesheet'] = this.appConfig.externalStyleSheet;
} else {
ErrorHandler('External stylesheets must be of type string or string[]');
return availableThemes;
/* Combines all theme names for dropdown (built-in, user-defined and stylesheets) */
themeNames() {
const externalThemeNames = Object.keys(this.externalThemes);
return [...this.extraThemeNames, ...externalThemeNames, ...builtInThemes];
watch: {
/* When theme in VueX store changes, then update theme */
themeFromStore(newTheme) {
if (newTheme) {
this.selectedTheme = newTheme;
methods: {
/* Called when user changes theme through the UI
* Updates store, which will in turn update theme through watcher
themeChangedInUI() {
this.$store.commit(Keys.SET_THEME, this.selectedTheme); // Update store
this.updateTheme(this.selectedTheme); // Apply theme to UI
* Gets any custom styles the user has applied, wither from local storage, or from the config
* @returns {object} An array of objects, one for each theme, containing kvps for variables
getCustomColors() {
const localColors = JSON.parse(localStorage[localStorageKeys.CUSTOM_COLORS] || '{}');
const configColors = this.appConfig.customColors || {};
return Object.assign(configColors, localColors);
/* Gets user custom color preferences for current theme, and applies to DOM */
applyCustomVariables(theme) {
mainCssVars.forEach((vName) => { document.documentElement.style.removeProperty(`--${vName}`); });
const themeColors = this.getCustomColors()[theme];
if (themeColors) {
Object.keys(themeColors).forEach((customVar) => {
document.documentElement.style.setProperty(`--${customVar}`, themeColors[customVar]);
/* Sets the theme, by updating data-theme attribute on the html tag */
applyLocalTheme(newTheme) {
const htmlTag = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0];
if (htmlTag.hasAttribute('data-theme')) htmlTag.removeAttribute('data-theme');
htmlTag.setAttribute('data-theme', newTheme);
/* If using an external stylesheet, load it in */
applyRemoteTheme(href) {
const element = document.createElement('link');
element.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
element.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
element.setAttribute('id', 'user-defined-stylesheet');
element.setAttribute('href', href);
/* Determines if a given theme is local / not a custom user stylesheet */
isThemeLocal(themeToCheck) {
const localThemes = [...builtInThemes, ...this.extraThemeNames];
return localThemes.includes(themeToCheck);
/* Updates theme. Checks if the new theme is local or external,
and calls appropriate updating function. Updates local storage */
updateTheme(newTheme) {
if (newTheme.toLowerCase() === 'default') {
} else if (this.isThemeLocal(newTheme)) {
} else if (this.externalThemes[newTheme]) {
/* Removes any applied themes, and deletes any externally loaded stylesheets */
resetToDefault() {
const externalStyles = document.getElementById('user-defined-stylesheet');
if (externalStyles) document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].removeChild(externalStyles);
/* Call within mounted hook within a page to apply the correct theme */
initializeTheme() {
const initialTheme = this.themeFromStore;
this.selectedTheme = initialTheme;
const hasExternal = this.externalThemes && Object.entries(this.externalThemes).length > 0;
if (this.isThemeLocal(initialTheme)) {
} else if (hasExternal) {
export default ThemingMixin;