
98 lines
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* Class encapsulating the functionality that enables the user to
* navigate through tiles/ search result grid using the arrow keys
* This code is very hacky, it's best not to look at it for too long
export default class ArrowKeyNavigation {
constructor(index) {
this.index = index;
resetIndex() {
this.index = 0;
/* Figures out which element is next, based on the key pressed *
* current index and total number of items. Then calls focus function */
arrowNavigation(key) {
if (this.index === undefined) this.index = 0; // Start at beginning
else if (key === 37) { // Left --> Previous
this.index -= 1;
} else if (key === 38) { // Up --> Previous
this.index = ArrowKeyNavigation.goToPrevious(this.index);
} else if (key === 39) { // Right --> Next
this.index += 1;
} else if (key === 40) { // Down --> Next
this.index = ArrowKeyNavigation.goToNext(this.index);
/* Ensure the index is within bounds, then focus element */
this.index = ArrowKeyNavigation.getSafeElementIndex(this.index);
/* Returns the number of visible items / results */
static getNumResults() {
return document.getElementsByClassName('item').length;
/* Returns the index for an element, ensuring that it's within bounds */
static getSafeElementIndex(index) {
const numResults = ArrowKeyNavigation.getNumResults();
if (index < 0) return numResults - 1;
else if (index >= numResults) return 0;
return index;
/* Selects a given element, by it's ID. If out of bounds, returns element 0 */
static selectItemByIndex(index) {
return (index >= 0 && index <= ArrowKeyNavigation.getNumResults())
? document.getElementsByClassName('item')[index] : [document.getElementsByClassName('item')];
/* Returns the index of the first cell in the previous/ above row */
static findPreviousRow(startingIndex) {
const isSameRow = (indx, pos) => ArrowKeyNavigation.selectItemByIndex(indx).offsetTop === pos;
const checkPreviousIndex = (currentIndex, yPos) => {
if (currentIndex >= ArrowKeyNavigation.getNumResults()) return checkPreviousIndex(0, yPos);
else if (isSameRow(currentIndex, yPos)) return checkPreviousIndex(currentIndex - 1, yPos);
return currentIndex;
const position = ArrowKeyNavigation.selectItemByIndex(startingIndex).offsetTop;
return checkPreviousIndex(startingIndex, position);
/* Moves to the cell directly above the current */
static goToPrevious(startingIndex) {
const isBelow = (start, end) => (ArrowKeyNavigation.selectItemByIndex(start).offsetTop
< ArrowKeyNavigation.selectItemByIndex(end).offsetTop);
const nextIndex = ArrowKeyNavigation.findPreviousRow(startingIndex);
const count = nextIndex - startingIndex;
const rowLen = nextIndex - ArrowKeyNavigation.findNextRow(startingIndex) + 1;
const adjustment = isBelow(startingIndex, nextIndex) ? 0 : rowLen - count;
return nextIndex + adjustment;
/* Returns the index of the first cell in the next/ below row */
static findNextRow(startingIndex) {
const isSameRow = (indx, pos) => ArrowKeyNavigation.selectItemByIndex(indx).offsetTop === pos;
const checkNextIndex = (currentIndex, yPos) => {
if (currentIndex >= ArrowKeyNavigation.getNumResults()) return checkNextIndex(0, yPos);
else if (isSameRow(currentIndex, yPos)) return checkNextIndex(currentIndex + 1, yPos);
return currentIndex;
const position = ArrowKeyNavigation.selectItemByIndex(startingIndex).offsetTop;
return checkNextIndex(startingIndex, position);
/* Moves to the cell directly below the current */
static goToNext(startingIndex) {
const isAbove = (start, end) => (ArrowKeyNavigation.selectItemByIndex(start).offsetTop
> ArrowKeyNavigation.selectItemByIndex(end).offsetTop);
const nextIndex = ArrowKeyNavigation.findNextRow(startingIndex);
const count = nextIndex - startingIndex;
const rowLen = nextIndex - ArrowKeyNavigation.findPreviousRow(startingIndex) - 1;
const adjustment = isAbove(startingIndex, nextIndex) ? 0 : rowLen - count;
return nextIndex + adjustment;