/** * An endpoint for confirming that the application is up and running * Used for better Docker healthcheck results * Note that exiting with code 1 indicates failure, and 0 is success */ const isSsl = !!process.env.SSL_PRIV_KEY_PATH && !!process.env.SSL_PUB_KEY_PATH; // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-dynamic-require const http = require(isSsl ? 'https' : 'http'); /* Location of the server to test */ const isDocker = !!process.env.IS_DOCKER; /* Get the port to use (depending on, if docker, if SSL) */ const sslPort = process.env.SSL_PORT || (isDocker ? 443 : 4001); const normalPort = process.env.PORT || (isDocker ? 8080 : 4000); const port = isSsl ? sslPort : normalPort; const host = process.env.HOST || ''; const timeout = 2000; const agent = new http.Agent({ rejectUnauthorized: false, // Allow self-signed certificates }); const requestOptions = { host, port, timeout, agent, }; const startTime = new Date(); // Initialize timestamp to calculate time taken console.log(`[${startTime}] Running health check...`); /* Creates an HTTP Request to attempt to send GET to app, then exits with appropriate exit code */ const healthCheck = http.request(requestOptions, (response) => { const totalTime = (new Date() - startTime) / 1000; const status = response.statusCode; const color = status === 200 ? '\x1b[32m' : '\x1b[31m'; const message = `${color}Status: ${status}\nRequest took ${totalTime} seconds\n\x1b[0m---`; console.log(message); // Print out healthcheck response process.exit(status === 200 ? 0 : 1); // Exit with 0 (success), if response is 200 okay }); /* If the server is not running, then print the error code, and exit with 1 */ healthCheck.on('error', (err) => { console.error(`\x1b[31mHealthceck Failed, Error: ${'\x1b[33m'}${err.code}\x1b[0m`); process.exit(1); }); healthCheck.end();