Adds new copy for homepage header and feature list

This commit is contained in:
Alicia Sykes 2021-08-25 23:13:46 +01:00
parent 15aa2e4083
commit 7d430ef79a
2 changed files with 90 additions and 102 deletions

View File

@ -23,18 +23,26 @@ export default function HomepageHeader() {
<Button to="/docs" color="yellow"><IconBannerDocs />Documentation</Button>
<div className={styles.dashyDescription}>
Dashy is an easy-to-deploy, highly-customizable self-hosted dashboard.
It helps you keep your apps and services organized in a single place,
and makes launching your apps super quick, with customizable keyboard
shortcuts and instant search.
Dashy is an open source, highly customizable, easy to use, privacy-respecting dashboard app.
{showMore && (
<p className={styles.dashyDescription}>
It's packed full of useful features, to help you build your perfect dashboard.
Including status checks, keyboard shortcuts, auto-fetched favicon icons and
font-awesome support, built-in authentication, tons of themes, a UI config
editor, many display layouts plus loads more.
All the code is free and open source, and everything is thoroughly documented,
you can get support with any questions on GitHub.
<span className={styles.keepReading} onClick={() => setShowMore(!showMore)}>
{!showMore ? 'Keep Reading...' : 'Show Less'}
{showMore && (
<p className={styles.dashyDescription}>See me now</p>
<a href="">
<img className={styles.starButton}

View File

@ -15,30 +15,13 @@ import IconThemes from '../../static/icons/features_themes.svg';
import IconUiConfig from '../../static/icons/features_ui-configuration.svg';
const FeatureList = [
title: 'Search & Shortcuts',
description: (
Arguably one of the most important features for any start page is the ability to find
and launch applications as quickly as possible.
<br />
To filter services, in Dashy - just start typing. No need to select the search bar or use any special key.
You can then use either the tab key or arrow keys to navigate the results,
and hit enter to launch the currently selected application.
icon: (<IconShortcuts />),
demo: '../../static/img/homepage-assets/searching-demo.gif',
title: 'Theming',
description: (
Dashy comes with a ton of built-in themes, so you'll easily find one that suits you.
But it's also easy to write you're own. All colors, and most other CSS properties
make use of variables, which make customizing the look and feel of Dashy simple.
You can apply custom styles directly through the UI,
or pass an external stylesheet into the config file
With tons of built-in themes to choose form, plus a UI color palette editor,
you can have a unique looking dashboard in no time. There is also support for
custom CSS, and since all properties use CSS variables, it is easy to override.
icon: (<IconThemes />),
@ -48,123 +31,106 @@ const FeatureList = [
title: 'Icons',
description: (
Both sections and items can have an icon associated with them, and defined under the icon attribute.
There are many options for icons, including Font Awesome support, automatic fetching from favicon,
programmatically generated icons and direct local or remote URLs.
<b>Favicon</b>: Set icon: favicon to fetch a services icon automatically from the URL of the corresponding application
<b>Font-Awesome</b>: To use any font-awesome icon, specify the category,
followed by the icon name, e.g. `fas fa-rocket` or `fab fa-monero`.
You can also use Pro icons if you have a license key, just set it under `appConfig.fontAwesomeKey`.
<b>Generative</b>: Setting `icon: generative`, will generate a unique for a given service, based on it's URL or IP.
<b>URL</b>: You can also pass in a URL to an icon asset, hosted either locally or
using any CDN service. E.g. icon: ``.
<b>Local Image</b>: To use a local image, store it in `./public/item-icons/`
(or create a volume in Docker: `-v /local/image/directory:/app/public/item-icons/`) ,
and reference it by name and extension - e.g. set `icon: image.png` to use `./public/item-icon/image.png`.
You can also use sub-folders here if you have a lot of icons, to keep them organized.
Dashy can auto-fetch icons from the favicon of each of your apps/ services.
There is also native support for Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, emoji
icons and of course normal images.
icon: (<IconIconography />),
title: 'Customizable Layouts',
description: (
Structure your dashboard to fit your use case. Choose between multiple different layouts,
item sizes and show/ hide components based on what you need. Less frequently used
sections can be collapsed, and large sections can be set to span multiple
columns or rows.
icon: (<IconLayout />),
title: 'Status Indicators',
description: (
Display the status of each service as a small dot, indicating which applications are down or running slowly.
This is useful if you are using Dashy to organize your self-hosted services,
as it gives a quick overview of the health of your lab. Hovering over the status will show
additional data, including response time, host info and status message.
<br />
Status checks are off by default, but can be enabled globally with `appConfig.statusCheck: true`,
or turned on or off on a per-item basis with `item[n].statusCheck`. You can also make use of
continuous status checking, by specifying `statusCheckInterval` in seconds. If needed, you can
call a different URL, by setting it in `statusCheckUrl`, and also pass in custom headers
using `statusCheckHeaders`.
Get an instant overview of the health of each of your apps with status indicators.
Once enabled, a small dot next to each app will show weather it is up and online,
with more info like response time visible on hover.
icon: (<IconStatusIndicators />),
demo: '../../static/img/homepage-assets/status-check-demo.gif',
title: 'Launching Methods',
title: 'Authentication',
description: (
There are several different options for launching services from within Dashy.
You can specify the default method with the `target` attribute, or right-click
on any item to select an alternate method.
<li>`sametab` - The app will be launched in the current tab</li>
<li>`newtab` - The app will be launched in a new tab</li>
<li>`modal` - Launch app in a resizable/ movable popup modal on the current page</li>
<li>`workspace` - Changes to Workspace view, and launches app</li>
Need to protect your dashboard, the simple auth feature is super quick to enable,
and has support for multiple users with granular controls. Dashy also has built-in
support for Keycloak and other SSO providers.
icon: (<IconAuth />),
title: 'Alternate Views',
description: (
As well as the default home, there is also a minimal view, which makes a great
fast-loading browser startpage. Plus a workspace view useful for working on
multiple apps at once, all without having to leave your dashboard.
icon: (<IconOpeningMethods />),
demo: '../../static/img/homepage-assets/workspace-demo.gif',
title: 'Authentication',
title: 'Launching Methods',
description: (
Dashy has a built-in login feature, which can be used for basic access control.
To enable this feature, add an `auth` attribute under `appConfig`, containing an array of users.
Each with a username, SHA-256 hashed password and optional user type.
Choose how to launch each of your apps by default, or right click for all options.
Apps can be opened in a new tab, the same tab, a quick pop-up modal or in the
workspace view.
icon: (<IconAuth />),
icon: (<IconOpeningMethods />),
demo: '../../static/img/homepage-assets/workspace-demo.gif',
title: 'Search & Shortcuts',
description: (
To search, just start typing, results will be filtered instantly.Then use the
arrow keys or tab to navigate through results, and press enter to launch.
You can also create custom shortcuts for frequently used apps.
icon: (<IconShortcuts />),
demo: '../../static/img/homepage-assets/searching-demo.gif',
title: 'Cloud Backup & Sync',
description: (
Dashy has an optional built-in feature for securely backing up your config to
a hosted cloud service, and then restoring it on another instance.
This feature is totally optional, and is off by default.
<br />
All data is end-to-end encrypted with AES using your password as the key.
It is processed with a CF worker, and stored in KV. You can delete your data
at any time.
There is an optional, end-to-end encrypted, free backup cloud service.
This enables you to have your config backed up off-site, and to sync
data between multiple instances easily.
icon: (<IconCloudSync />),
title: 'Configuration through UI',
title: 'Configuration',
description: (
Dashy's config is stored in YAML format. It is possible to modify all settings
directly through the config editor in the UI, which will then update your YAML file,
and rebuild the app automatically.
Dashy's config is specified in a simple YAML file. But you can also configure
the directly through the UI, and have changes written to, and backed up on disk.
Real-time validation and hints are in place to help you.
icon: (<IconUiConfig />),
demo: '../../static/img/homepage-assets/config-editor-demo.gif',
title: 'Multi-Language Support',
description: (
Dashy's UI has been translated into several languages by several amazing contributors.
Currently English, German, French, Dutch and Slovenian are supported.
Your language should be applied automatically, or you can change it in the config menu.
icon: (<IconDeploy />),
title: 'Easy Deployment',
description: (
@ -175,6 +141,20 @@ const FeatureList = [
icon: (<IconDeploy />),
title: 'Customizable Layouts',
description: (
Structure your dashboard to fit your use case. From the UI, you can choose between
different layouts, item sizes, show/ hide components, switch themes plus more.
You can customize pretty much every area of your dashboard. There are config
options for custom header, footer, nav bar links, title etc. You can also
choose to hide any elements you don't need.
icon: (<IconLayout />),
function Feature({ title, description, icon, demo, index }) {