
375 lines
11 KiB

package unhanger
import (
"math/rand" //#nosec // this is only used for shuffling an array to pick random jobs to unhang
const (
// HungJobDuration is the duration of time since the last update to a job
// before it is considered hung.
HungJobDuration = 5 * time.Minute
// HungJobExitTimeout is the duration of time that provisioners should allow
// for a graceful exit upon cancellation due to failing to send an update to
// a job.
// Provisioners should avoid keeping a job "running" for longer than this
// time after failing to send an update to the job.
HungJobExitTimeout = 3 * time.Minute
// MaxJobsPerRun is the maximum number of hung jobs that the detector will
// terminate in a single run.
MaxJobsPerRun = 10
// HungJobLogMessages are written to provisioner job logs when a job is hung and
// terminated.
var HungJobLogMessages = []string{
"Coder: Build has been detected as hung for 5 minutes and will be terminated.",
// acquireLockError is returned when the detector fails to acquire a lock and
// cancels the current run.
type acquireLockError struct{}
// Error implements error.
func (acquireLockError) Error() string {
return "lock is held by another client"
// jobInelligibleError is returned when a job is not eligible to be terminated
// anymore.
type jobInelligibleError struct {
Err error
// Error implements error.
func (e jobInelligibleError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("job is no longer eligible to be terminated: %s", e.Err)
// Detector automatically detects hung provisioner jobs, sends messages into the
// build log and terminates them as failed.
type Detector struct {
ctx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
done chan struct{}
db database.Store
pubsub pubsub.Pubsub
log slog.Logger
tick <-chan time.Time
stats chan<- Stats
// Stats contains statistics about the last run of the detector.
type Stats struct {
// TerminatedJobIDs contains the IDs of all jobs that were detected as hung and
// terminated.
TerminatedJobIDs []uuid.UUID
// Error is the fatal error that occurred during the last run of the
// detector, if any. Error may be set to AcquireLockError if the detector
// failed to acquire a lock.
Error error
// New returns a new hang detector.
func New(ctx context.Context, db database.Store, pub pubsub.Pubsub, log slog.Logger, tick <-chan time.Time) *Detector {
//nolint:gocritic // Hang detector has a limited set of permissions.
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(dbauthz.AsHangDetector(ctx))
d := &Detector{
ctx: ctx,
cancel: cancel,
done: make(chan struct{}),
db: db,
pubsub: pub,
log: log,
tick: tick,
stats: nil,
return d
// WithStatsChannel will cause Executor to push a RunStats to ch after
// every tick. This push is blocking, so if ch is not read, the detector will
// hang. This should only be used in tests.
func (d *Detector) WithStatsChannel(ch chan<- Stats) *Detector {
d.stats = ch
return d
// Start will cause the detector to detect and unhang provisioner jobs on every
// tick from its channel. It will stop when its context is Done, or when its
// channel is closed.
// Start should only be called once.
func (d *Detector) Start() {
go func() {
defer close(d.done)
defer d.cancel()
for {
select {
case <-d.ctx.Done():
case t, ok := <-d.tick:
if !ok {
stats :=
if stats.Error != nil && !xerrors.As(stats.Error, &acquireLockError{}) {
d.log.Warn(d.ctx, "error running workspace build hang detector once", slog.Error(stats.Error))
if d.stats != nil {
select {
case <-d.ctx.Done():
case d.stats <- stats:
// Wait will block until the detector is stopped.
func (d *Detector) Wait() {
// Close will stop the detector.
func (d *Detector) Close() {
func (d *Detector) run(t time.Time) Stats {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(d.ctx, 5*time.Minute)
defer cancel()
stats := Stats{
TerminatedJobIDs: []uuid.UUID{},
Error: nil,
// Find all provisioner jobs that are currently running but have not
// received an update in the last 5 minutes.
jobs, err := d.db.GetHungProvisionerJobs(ctx, t.Add(-HungJobDuration))
if err != nil {
stats.Error = xerrors.Errorf("get hung provisioner jobs: %w", err)
return stats
// Limit the number of jobs we'll unhang in a single run to avoid
// timing out.
if len(jobs) > MaxJobsPerRun {
// Pick a random subset of the jobs to unhang.
rand.Shuffle(len(jobs), func(i, j int) {
jobs[i], jobs[j] = jobs[j], jobs[i]
jobs = jobs[:MaxJobsPerRun]
// Send a message into the build log for each hung job saying that it
// has been detected and will be terminated, then mark the job as
// failed.
for _, job := range jobs {
log := d.log.With(slog.F("job_id", job.ID))
err := unhangJob(ctx, log, d.db, d.pubsub, job.ID)
if err != nil {
if !(xerrors.As(err, &acquireLockError{}) || xerrors.As(err, &jobInelligibleError{})) {
log.Error(ctx, "error forcefully terminating hung provisioner job", slog.Error(err))
stats.TerminatedJobIDs = append(stats.TerminatedJobIDs, job.ID)
return stats
func unhangJob(ctx context.Context, log slog.Logger, db database.Store, pub pubsub.Pubsub, jobID uuid.UUID) error {
var lowestLogID int64
err := db.InTx(func(db database.Store) error {
locked, err := db.TryAcquireLock(ctx, database.GenLockID(fmt.Sprintf("hang-detector:%s", jobID)))
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("acquire lock: %w", err)
if !locked {
// This error is ignored.
return acquireLockError{}
// Refetch the job while we hold the lock.
job, err := db.GetProvisionerJobByID(ctx, jobID)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("get provisioner job: %w", err)
// Check if we should still unhang it.
if !job.StartedAt.Valid {
// This shouldn't be possible to hit because the query only selects
// started and not completed jobs, and a job can't be "un-started".
return jobInelligibleError{
Err: xerrors.New("job is not started"),
if job.CompletedAt.Valid {
return jobInelligibleError{
Err: xerrors.Errorf("job is completed (status %s)", db2sdk.ProvisionerJobStatus(job)),
if job.UpdatedAt.After(time.Now().Add(-HungJobDuration)) {
return jobInelligibleError{
Err: xerrors.New("job has been updated recently"),
ctx, "detected hung provisioner job, forcefully terminating",
"threshold", HungJobDuration,
// First, get the latest logs from the build so we can make sure
// our messages are in the latest stage.
logs, err := db.GetProvisionerLogsAfterID(ctx, database.GetProvisionerLogsAfterIDParams{
JobID: job.ID,
CreatedAfter: 0,
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("get logs for hung job: %w", err)
logStage := ""
if len(logs) != 0 {
logStage = logs[len(logs)-1].Stage
if logStage == "" {
logStage = "Unknown"
// Insert the messages into the build log.
insertParams := database.InsertProvisionerJobLogsParams{
JobID: job.ID,
CreatedAt: nil,
Source: nil,
Level: nil,
Stage: nil,
Output: nil,
now := dbtime.Now()
for i, msg := range HungJobLogMessages {
// Set the created at in a way that ensures each message has
// a unique timestamp so they will be sorted correctly.
insertParams.CreatedAt = append(insertParams.CreatedAt, now.Add(time.Millisecond*time.Duration(i)))
insertParams.Level = append(insertParams.Level, database.LogLevelError)
insertParams.Stage = append(insertParams.Stage, logStage)
insertParams.Source = append(insertParams.Source, database.LogSourceProvisionerDaemon)
insertParams.Output = append(insertParams.Output, msg)
newLogs, err := db.InsertProvisionerJobLogs(ctx, insertParams)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("insert logs for hung job: %w", err)
lowestLogID = newLogs[0].ID
// Mark the job as failed.
now = dbtime.Now()
err = db.UpdateProvisionerJobWithCompleteByID(ctx, database.UpdateProvisionerJobWithCompleteByIDParams{
ID: job.ID,
UpdatedAt: now,
CompletedAt: sql.NullTime{
Time: now,
Valid: true,
Error: sql.NullString{
String: "Coder: Build has been detected as hung for 5 minutes and has been terminated by hang detector.",
Valid: true,
ErrorCode: sql.NullString{
Valid: false,
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("mark job as failed: %w", err)
// If the provisioner job is a workspace build, copy the
// provisioner state from the previous build to this workspace
// build.
if job.Type == database.ProvisionerJobTypeWorkspaceBuild {
build, err := db.GetWorkspaceBuildByJobID(ctx, job.ID)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("get workspace build for workspace build job by job id: %w", err)
// Only copy the provisioner state if there's no state in
// the current build.
if len(build.ProvisionerState) == 0 {
// Get the previous build if it exists.
prevBuild, err := db.GetWorkspaceBuildByWorkspaceIDAndBuildNumber(ctx, database.GetWorkspaceBuildByWorkspaceIDAndBuildNumberParams{
WorkspaceID: build.WorkspaceID,
BuildNumber: build.BuildNumber - 1,
if err != nil && !xerrors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
return xerrors.Errorf("get previous workspace build: %w", err)
if err == nil {
err = db.UpdateWorkspaceBuildProvisionerStateByID(ctx, database.UpdateWorkspaceBuildProvisionerStateByIDParams{
ID: build.ID,
UpdatedAt: dbtime.Now(),
ProvisionerState: prevBuild.ProvisionerState,
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("update workspace build by id: %w", err)
return nil
}, nil)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("in tx: %w", err)
// Publish the new log notification to pubsub. Use the lowest log ID
// inserted so the log stream will fetch everything after that point.
data, err := json.Marshal(provisionersdk.ProvisionerJobLogsNotifyMessage{
CreatedAfter: lowestLogID - 1,
EndOfLogs: true,
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("marshal log notification: %w", err)
err = pub.Publish(provisionersdk.ProvisionerJobLogsNotifyChannel(jobID), data)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("publish log notification: %w", err)
return nil