# Based on the "trust" template v0.1.2 # https://github.com/japaric/trust/tree/v0.1.2 dist: xenial language: rust rust: - nightly services: docker sudo: required env: global: # TODO Update this to match the name of your project. - CRATE_NAME=bin matrix: include: # Linux - env: TARGET=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi - env: TARGET=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu - env: TARGET=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl # OSX - env: TARGET=x86_64-apple-darwin os: osx # *BSD # - env: TARGET=x86_64-unknown-freebsd DISABLE_TESTS=1 - env: TARGET=x86_64-unknown-netbsd DISABLE_TESTS=1 # Windows - env: TARGET=x86_64-pc-windows-gnu before_install: - set -e - command -v apt-get && sudo apt-get install -y libclang-dev - rustup self update install: - sh ci/install.sh - source ~/.cargo/env || true script: - bash ci/script.sh after_script: set +e before_deploy: - sh ci/before_deploy.sh deploy: # TODO update `api_key.secure` # - Create a `public_repo` GitHub token. Go to: https://github.com/settings/tokens/new # - Encrypt it: `travis encrypt 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789 # - Paste the output down here api_key: secure: "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" file_glob: true file: $CRATE_NAME-$TRAVIS_TAG-$TARGET.* on: # TODO Here you can pick which targets will generate binary releases # In this example, there are some targets that are tested using the stable # and nightly channels. This condition makes sure there is only one release # for such targets and that's generated using the stable channel condition: $TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION = nightly tags: true provider: releases skip_cleanup: true cache: cargo before_cache: # Travis can't cache files that are not readable by "others" - chmod -R a+r $HOME/.cargo branches: only: # release tags - /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+.*$/ - master notifications: email: on_success: never