test: sha256 repositories

This commit is contained in:
oliverpool 2024-05-07 09:02:43 +02:00
parent 8c3511a8b3
commit 0f156da255
4 changed files with 188 additions and 169 deletions

View File

@ -117,10 +117,10 @@ func doGitCloneFail(u *url.URL) func(*testing.T) {
func doGitInitTestRepository(dstPath string) func(*testing.T) {
func doGitInitTestRepository(dstPath string, objectFormat git.ObjectFormat) func(*testing.T) {
return func(t *testing.T) {
// Init repository in dstPath
assert.NoError(t, git.InitRepository(git.DefaultContext, dstPath, false, git.Sha1ObjectFormat.Name()))
assert.NoError(t, git.InitRepository(git.DefaultContext, dstPath, false, objectFormat.Name()))
// forcibly set default branch to master
_, _, err := git.NewCommand(git.DefaultContext, "symbolic-ref", "HEAD", git.BranchPrefix+"master").RunStdString(&git.RunOpts{Dir: dstPath})
assert.NoError(t, err)

View File

@ -24,90 +24,101 @@ import (
func forEachObjectFormat(t *testing.T, f func(t *testing.T, objectFormat git.ObjectFormat)) {
for _, objectFormat := range []git.ObjectFormat{git.Sha256ObjectFormat, git.Sha1ObjectFormat} {
t.Run(objectFormat.Name(), func(t *testing.T) {
f(t, objectFormat)
func TestGitPush(t *testing.T) {
onGiteaRun(t, testGitPush)
func testGitPush(t *testing.T, u *url.URL) {
t.Run("Push branches at once", func(t *testing.T) {
runTestGitPush(t, u, func(t *testing.T, gitPath string) (pushed, deleted []string) {
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
branchName := fmt.Sprintf("branch-%d", i)
pushed = append(pushed, branchName)
doGitCreateBranch(gitPath, branchName)(t)
pushed = append(pushed, "master")
doGitPushTestRepository(gitPath, "origin", "--all")(t)
return pushed, deleted
forEachObjectFormat(t, func(t *testing.T, objectFormat git.ObjectFormat) {
t.Run("Push branches at once", func(t *testing.T) {
runTestGitPush(t, u, objectFormat, func(t *testing.T, gitPath string) (pushed, deleted []string) {
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
branchName := fmt.Sprintf("branch-%d", i)
pushed = append(pushed, branchName)
doGitCreateBranch(gitPath, branchName)(t)
pushed = append(pushed, "master")
doGitPushTestRepository(gitPath, "origin", "--all")(t)
return pushed, deleted
t.Run("Push branches one by one", func(t *testing.T) {
runTestGitPush(t, u, func(t *testing.T, gitPath string) (pushed, deleted []string) {
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
branchName := fmt.Sprintf("branch-%d", i)
doGitCreateBranch(gitPath, branchName)(t)
doGitPushTestRepository(gitPath, "origin", branchName)(t)
pushed = append(pushed, branchName)
return pushed, deleted
t.Run("Push branches one by one", func(t *testing.T) {
runTestGitPush(t, u, objectFormat, func(t *testing.T, gitPath string) (pushed, deleted []string) {
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
branchName := fmt.Sprintf("branch-%d", i)
doGitCreateBranch(gitPath, branchName)(t)
doGitPushTestRepository(gitPath, "origin", branchName)(t)
pushed = append(pushed, branchName)
return pushed, deleted
t.Run("Delete branches", func(t *testing.T) {
runTestGitPush(t, u, func(t *testing.T, gitPath string) (pushed, deleted []string) {
doGitPushTestRepository(gitPath, "origin", "master")(t) // make sure master is the default branch instead of a branch we are going to delete
pushed = append(pushed, "master")
t.Run("Delete branches", func(t *testing.T) {
runTestGitPush(t, u, objectFormat, func(t *testing.T, gitPath string) (pushed, deleted []string) {
doGitPushTestRepository(gitPath, "origin", "master")(t) // make sure master is the default branch instead of a branch we are going to delete
pushed = append(pushed, "master")
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
branchName := fmt.Sprintf("branch-%d", i)
pushed = append(pushed, branchName)
doGitCreateBranch(gitPath, branchName)(t)
doGitPushTestRepository(gitPath, "origin", "--all")(t)
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
branchName := fmt.Sprintf("branch-%d", i)
pushed = append(pushed, branchName)
doGitCreateBranch(gitPath, branchName)(t)
doGitPushTestRepository(gitPath, "origin", "--all")(t)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
branchName := fmt.Sprintf("branch-%d", i)
doGitPushTestRepository(gitPath, "origin", "--delete", branchName)(t)
deleted = append(deleted, branchName)
return pushed, deleted
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
branchName := fmt.Sprintf("branch-%d", i)
doGitPushTestRepository(gitPath, "origin", "--delete", branchName)(t)
deleted = append(deleted, branchName)
return pushed, deleted
t.Run("Push to deleted branch", func(t *testing.T) {
runTestGitPush(t, u, func(t *testing.T, gitPath string) (pushed, deleted []string) {
doGitPushTestRepository(gitPath, "origin", "master")(t) // make sure master is the default branch instead of a branch we are going to delete
pushed = append(pushed, "master")
t.Run("Push to deleted branch", func(t *testing.T) {
runTestGitPush(t, u, objectFormat, func(t *testing.T, gitPath string) (pushed, deleted []string) {
doGitPushTestRepository(gitPath, "origin", "master")(t) // make sure master is the default branch instead of a branch we are going to delete
pushed = append(pushed, "master")
doGitCreateBranch(gitPath, "branch-1")(t)
doGitPushTestRepository(gitPath, "origin", "branch-1")(t)
pushed = append(pushed, "branch-1")
doGitCreateBranch(gitPath, "branch-1")(t)
doGitPushTestRepository(gitPath, "origin", "branch-1")(t)
pushed = append(pushed, "branch-1")
// delete and restore
doGitPushTestRepository(gitPath, "origin", "--delete", "branch-1")(t)
doGitPushTestRepository(gitPath, "origin", "branch-1")(t)
// delete and restore
doGitPushTestRepository(gitPath, "origin", "--delete", "branch-1")(t)
doGitPushTestRepository(gitPath, "origin", "branch-1")(t)
return pushed, deleted
return pushed, deleted
func runTestGitPush(t *testing.T, u *url.URL, gitOperation func(t *testing.T, gitPath string) (pushed, deleted []string)) {
func runTestGitPush(t *testing.T, u *url.URL, objectFormat git.ObjectFormat, gitOperation func(t *testing.T, gitPath string) (pushed, deleted []string)) {
user := unittest.AssertExistsAndLoadBean(t, &user_model.User{ID: 2})
repo, err := repo_service.CreateRepository(db.DefaultContext, user, user, repo_service.CreateRepoOptions{
Name: "repo-to-push",
Description: "test git push",
AutoInit: false,
DefaultBranch: "main",
IsPrivate: false,
Name: "repo-to-push",
Description: "test git push",
AutoInit: false,
DefaultBranch: "main",
IsPrivate: false,
ObjectFormatName: objectFormat.Name(),
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotEmpty(t, repo)
gitPath := t.TempDir()
doGitInitTestRepository(gitPath, objectFormat)(t)
oldPath := u.Path
oldUser := u.User
@ -158,83 +169,87 @@ func TestOptionsGitPush(t *testing.T) {
func testOptionsGitPush(t *testing.T, u *url.URL) {
user := unittest.AssertExistsAndLoadBean(t, &user_model.User{ID: 2})
repo, err := repo_service.CreateRepository(db.DefaultContext, user, user, repo_service.CreateRepoOptions{
Name: "repo-to-push",
Description: "test git push",
AutoInit: false,
DefaultBranch: "main",
IsPrivate: false,
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotEmpty(t, repo)
gitPath := t.TempDir()
u.Path = repo.FullName() + ".git"
u.User = url.UserPassword(user.LowerName, userPassword)
doGitAddRemote(gitPath, "origin", u)(t)
t.Run("Unknown push options are rejected", func(t *testing.T) {
logChecker, cleanup := test.NewLogChecker(log.DEFAULT, log.TRACE)
logChecker.Filter("unknown option").StopMark("Git push options validation")
defer cleanup()
branchName := "branch0"
doGitCreateBranch(gitPath, branchName)(t)
doGitPushTestRepositoryFail(gitPath, "origin", branchName, "-o", "repo.template=false", "-o", "uknownoption=randomvalue")(t)
logFiltered, logStopped := logChecker.Check(5 * time.Second)
assert.True(t, logStopped)
assert.True(t, logFiltered[0])
t.Run("Owner sets private & template to true via push options", func(t *testing.T) {
branchName := "branch1"
doGitCreateBranch(gitPath, branchName)(t)
doGitPushTestRepository(gitPath, "origin", branchName, "-o", "repo.private=true", "-o", "repo.template=true")(t)
repo, err := repo_model.GetRepositoryByOwnerAndName(db.DefaultContext, user.Name, "repo-to-push")
forEachObjectFormat(t, func(t *testing.T, objectFormat git.ObjectFormat) {
repo, err := repo_service.CreateRepository(db.DefaultContext, user, user, repo_service.CreateRepoOptions{
Name: "repo-to-push",
Description: "test git push",
AutoInit: false,
DefaultBranch: "main",
IsPrivate: false,
ObjectFormatName: objectFormat.Name(),
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, repo.IsPrivate)
require.True(t, repo.IsTemplate)
require.NotEmpty(t, repo)
gitPath := t.TempDir()
doGitInitTestRepository(gitPath, objectFormat)(t)
u.Path = repo.FullName() + ".git"
u.User = url.UserPassword(user.LowerName, userPassword)
doGitAddRemote(gitPath, "origin", u)(t)
t.Run("Unknown push options are rejected", func(t *testing.T) {
logChecker, cleanup := test.NewLogChecker(log.DEFAULT, log.TRACE)
logChecker.Filter("unknown option").StopMark("Git push options validation")
defer cleanup()
branchName := "branch0"
doGitCreateBranch(gitPath, branchName)(t)
doGitPushTestRepositoryFail(gitPath, "origin", branchName, "-o", "repo.template=false", "-o", "uknownoption=randomvalue")(t)
logFiltered, logStopped := logChecker.Check(5 * time.Second)
assert.True(t, logStopped)
assert.True(t, logFiltered[0])
t.Run("Owner sets private & template to true via push options", func(t *testing.T) {
branchName := "branch1"
doGitCreateBranch(gitPath, branchName)(t)
doGitPushTestRepository(gitPath, "origin", branchName, "-o", "repo.private=true", "-o", "repo.template=true")(t)
repo, err := repo_model.GetRepositoryByOwnerAndName(db.DefaultContext, user.Name, "repo-to-push")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, repo.IsPrivate)
require.True(t, repo.IsTemplate)
t.Run("Owner sets private & template to false via push options", func(t *testing.T) {
branchName := "branch2"
doGitCreateBranch(gitPath, branchName)(t)
doGitPushTestRepository(gitPath, "origin", branchName, "-o", "repo.private=false", "-o", "repo.template=false")(t)
repo, err = repo_model.GetRepositoryByOwnerAndName(db.DefaultContext, user.Name, "repo-to-push")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.False(t, repo.IsPrivate)
require.False(t, repo.IsTemplate)
// create a collaborator with write access
collaborator := unittest.AssertExistsAndLoadBean(t, &user_model.User{ID: 5})
u.User = url.UserPassword(collaborator.LowerName, userPassword)
doGitAddRemote(gitPath, "collaborator", u)(t)
repo_module.AddCollaborator(db.DefaultContext, repo, collaborator)
t.Run("Collaborator with write access is allowed to push", func(t *testing.T) {
branchName := "branch3"
doGitCreateBranch(gitPath, branchName)(t)
doGitPushTestRepository(gitPath, "collaborator", branchName)(t)
t.Run("Collaborator with write access fails to change private & template via push options", func(t *testing.T) {
logChecker, cleanup := test.NewLogChecker(log.DEFAULT, log.TRACE)
logChecker.Filter("permission denied for changing repo settings").StopMark("Git push options validation")
defer cleanup()
branchName := "branch4"
doGitCreateBranch(gitPath, branchName)(t)
doGitPushTestRepositoryFail(gitPath, "collaborator", branchName, "-o", "repo.private=true", "-o", "repo.template=true")(t)
repo, err = repo_model.GetRepositoryByOwnerAndName(db.DefaultContext, user.Name, "repo-to-push")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.False(t, repo.IsPrivate)
require.False(t, repo.IsTemplate)
logFiltered, logStopped := logChecker.Check(5 * time.Second)
assert.True(t, logStopped)
assert.True(t, logFiltered[0])
require.NoError(t, repo_service.DeleteRepositoryDirectly(db.DefaultContext, user, repo.ID))
t.Run("Owner sets private & template to false via push options", func(t *testing.T) {
branchName := "branch2"
doGitCreateBranch(gitPath, branchName)(t)
doGitPushTestRepository(gitPath, "origin", branchName, "-o", "repo.private=false", "-o", "repo.template=false")(t)
repo, err = repo_model.GetRepositoryByOwnerAndName(db.DefaultContext, user.Name, "repo-to-push")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.False(t, repo.IsPrivate)
require.False(t, repo.IsTemplate)
// create a collaborator with write access
collaborator := unittest.AssertExistsAndLoadBean(t, &user_model.User{ID: 5})
u.User = url.UserPassword(collaborator.LowerName, userPassword)
doGitAddRemote(gitPath, "collaborator", u)(t)
repo_module.AddCollaborator(db.DefaultContext, repo, collaborator)
t.Run("Collaborator with write access is allowed to push", func(t *testing.T) {
branchName := "branch3"
doGitCreateBranch(gitPath, branchName)(t)
doGitPushTestRepository(gitPath, "collaborator", branchName)(t)
t.Run("Collaborator with write access fails to change private & template via push options", func(t *testing.T) {
logChecker, cleanup := test.NewLogChecker(log.DEFAULT, log.TRACE)
logChecker.Filter("permission denied for changing repo settings").StopMark("Git push options validation")
defer cleanup()
branchName := "branch4"
doGitCreateBranch(gitPath, branchName)(t)
doGitPushTestRepositoryFail(gitPath, "collaborator", branchName, "-o", "repo.private=true", "-o", "repo.template=true")(t)
repo, err = repo_model.GetRepositoryByOwnerAndName(db.DefaultContext, user.Name, "repo-to-push")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.False(t, repo.IsPrivate)
require.False(t, repo.IsTemplate)
logFiltered, logStopped := logChecker.Check(5 * time.Second)
assert.True(t, logStopped)
assert.True(t, logFiltered[0])
require.NoError(t, repo_service.DeleteRepositoryDirectly(db.DefaultContext, user, repo.ID))

View File

@ -597,40 +597,42 @@ func doPushCreate(ctx APITestContext, u *url.URL) func(t *testing.T) {
ctx.Reponame = fmt.Sprintf("repo-tmp-push-create-%s", u.Scheme)
u.Path = ctx.GitPath()
// Create a temporary directory
tmpDir := t.TempDir()
forEachObjectFormat(t, func(t *testing.T, objectFormat git.ObjectFormat) {
// Create a temporary directory
tmpDir := t.TempDir()
// Now create local repository to push as our test and set its origin
t.Run("InitTestRepository", doGitInitTestRepository(tmpDir))
t.Run("AddRemote", doGitAddRemote(tmpDir, "origin", u))
// Now create local repository to push as our test and set its origin
t.Run("InitTestRepository", doGitInitTestRepository(tmpDir, objectFormat))
t.Run("AddRemote", doGitAddRemote(tmpDir, "origin", u))
// Disable "Push To Create" and attempt to push
setting.Repository.EnablePushCreateUser = false
t.Run("FailToPushAndCreateTestRepository", doGitPushTestRepositoryFail(tmpDir, "origin", "master"))
// Disable "Push To Create" and attempt to push
setting.Repository.EnablePushCreateUser = false
t.Run("FailToPushAndCreateTestRepository", doGitPushTestRepositoryFail(tmpDir, "origin", "master"))
// Enable "Push To Create"
setting.Repository.EnablePushCreateUser = true
// Enable "Push To Create"
setting.Repository.EnablePushCreateUser = true
// Assert that cloning from a non-existent repository does not create it and that it definitely wasn't create above
t.Run("FailToCloneFromNonExistentRepository", doGitCloneFail(u))
// Assert that cloning from a non-existent repository does not create it and that it definitely wasn't create above
t.Run("FailToCloneFromNonExistentRepository", doGitCloneFail(u))
// Then "Push To Create"x
t.Run("SuccessfullyPushAndCreateTestRepository", doGitPushTestRepository(tmpDir, "origin", "master"))
// Then "Push To Create"x
t.Run("SuccessfullyPushAndCreateTestRepository", doGitPushTestRepository(tmpDir, "origin", "master"))
// Finally, fetch repo from database and ensure the correct repository has been created
repo, err := repo_model.GetRepositoryByOwnerAndName(db.DefaultContext, ctx.Username, ctx.Reponame)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.False(t, repo.IsEmpty)
assert.True(t, repo.IsPrivate)
// Finally, fetch repo from database and ensure the correct repository has been created
repo, err := repo_model.GetRepositoryByOwnerAndName(db.DefaultContext, ctx.Username, ctx.Reponame)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.False(t, repo.IsEmpty)
assert.True(t, repo.IsPrivate)
// Now add a remote that is invalid to "Push To Create"
invalidCtx := ctx
invalidCtx.Reponame = fmt.Sprintf("invalid/repo-tmp-push-create-%s", u.Scheme)
u.Path = invalidCtx.GitPath()
t.Run("AddInvalidRemote", doGitAddRemote(tmpDir, "invalid", u))
// Now add a remote that is invalid to "Push To Create"
invalidCtx := ctx
invalidCtx.Reponame = fmt.Sprintf("invalid/repo-tmp-push-create-%s", u.Scheme)
u.Path = invalidCtx.GitPath()
t.Run("AddInvalidRemote", doGitAddRemote(tmpDir, "invalid", u))
// Fail to "Push To Create" the invalid
t.Run("FailToPushAndCreateInvalidTestRepository", doGitPushTestRepositoryFail(tmpDir, "invalid", "master"))
// Fail to "Push To Create" the invalid
t.Run("FailToPushAndCreateInvalidTestRepository", doGitPushTestRepositoryFail(tmpDir, "invalid", "master"))

View File

@ -61,21 +61,23 @@ func testPushDeployKeyOnEmptyRepo(t *testing.T, u *url.URL) {
withKeyFile(t, keyname, func(keyFile string) {
t.Run("CreatePushDeployKey", doAPICreateDeployKey(ctx, keyname, keyFile, false))
// Setup the testing repository
dstPath := t.TempDir()
forEachObjectFormat(t, func(t *testing.T, objectFormat git.ObjectFormat) {
// Setup the testing repository
dstPath := t.TempDir()
t.Run("InitTestRepository", doGitInitTestRepository(dstPath))
t.Run("InitTestRepository", doGitInitTestRepository(dstPath, objectFormat))
// Setup remote link
sshURL := createSSHUrl(ctx.GitPath(), u)
// Setup remote link
sshURL := createSSHUrl(ctx.GitPath(), u)
t.Run("AddRemote", doGitAddRemote(dstPath, "origin", sshURL))
t.Run("AddRemote", doGitAddRemote(dstPath, "origin", sshURL))
t.Run("SSHPushTestRepository", doGitPushTestRepository(dstPath, "origin", "master"))
t.Run("SSHPushTestRepository", doGitPushTestRepository(dstPath, "origin", "master"))
t.Run("CheckIsNotEmpty", doCheckRepositoryEmptyStatus(ctx, false))
t.Run("CheckIsNotEmpty", doCheckRepositoryEmptyStatus(ctx, false))
t.Run("DeleteRepository", doAPIDeleteRepository(ctxWithDeleteRepo))
t.Run("DeleteRepository", doAPIDeleteRepository(ctxWithDeleteRepo))