# Volt Tab A new tab page with bookmark groups and open all controls. [![voltTab screenshot](asset/screenshot/screenshot-001.gif)](https://zombiefox.github.io/voltTab/) ## [See the demo in action](https://zombiefox.github.io/voltTab/) * * * ## Development When developing use: - `npm start` A development server will automatically open the project in your browser. Normally here: `http://localhost:8080`. To build the project use: - `npm run build` A web ready folder will be created in `/dist/web/`. A browser addon/extension ready zip will be created in `/dist/extension/`. ## Customise Edit the [`src/config.js`](src/config.js) file to change the bookmarks, colours and background. All colours are defined as [HSL](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value/hsl) values in an array. Eg: A colour defined as: ``` hsl: [204, 100, 72] ``` Will be converted to CSS as: ``` selector { color: hsl(204, 100%, 72%); } ```