
71 lines
2.1 KiB

import { EMBEDDABLE_IMAGE_TYPES } from "@micro/common";
import { Entity, ManyToOne, OneToOne, PrimaryKey, Property } from "@mikro-orm/core";
import { Expose } from "class-transformer";
import mimeType from "mime-types";
import { generateDeleteKey } from "../../helpers/generate-delete-key.helper";
import { TimestampType } from "../../timestamp.type";
import { Thumbnail } from "../thumbnail/thumbnail.entity";
import { User } from "../user/user.entity";
@Entity({ tableName: "files" })
export class File {
id!: string;
type!: string;
size!: number;
hash!: string;
@Property({ nullable: true })
host?: string;
@Property({ type: String, lazy: true })
deleteKey = generateDeleteKey();
@Property({ nullable: true })
name?: string;
@OneToOne({ entity: () => Thumbnail, inversedBy: "file", nullable: true, orphanRemoval: true })
thumbnail?: Thumbnail;
@ManyToOne(() => User)
owner!: User;
@Property({ type: TimestampType })
createdAt = new Date();
@Property({ persist: false })
get displayName() {
const extension = mimeType.extension(this.type);
return this.name ? this.name : extension ? `${this.id}.${extension}` : this.id;
@Property({ persist: false })
get urls() {
const extension = mimeType.extension(this.type);
const supportsThumbnail = EMBEDDABLE_IMAGE_TYPES.includes(this.type);
const viewUrl = `/f/${this.id}`;
const directUrl = `/f/${this.id}.${extension}`;
const metadataUrl = `/api/file/${this.id}`;
const thumbnailUrl = supportsThumbnail ? `/t/${this.id}` : null;
// todo: this.deleteKey is lazy which means the only time it should be present
// is when the file is created or its explicitly asked for. that said, we should
// still make sure we aren't leaking delete keys by accident.
const deleteUrl = this.deleteKey ? `/f/${this.id}/delete?key=${this.deleteKey}` : null;
return {
view: viewUrl,
direct: directUrl,
metadata: metadataUrl,
thumbnail: thumbnailUrl,
delete: deleteUrl,