
65 lines
2.2 KiB

import clsx from 'clsx';
import type { Language } from 'prism-react-renderer';
import { Children, Fragment, memo } from 'react';
import ReactMarkdown from 'react-markdown';
import remarkGfm from 'remark-gfm';
import { SyntaxHighlighter } from './syntax-highlighter/syntax-highlighter';
const LANGUAGE_REGEX = /(^| )language-(?<language>.+)$/u;
export const Markdown = memo<{ children: string; className?: string }>(({ children, className }) => {
const classes = clsx(
'prose prose-invert max-w-none',
// remove "" quotes from blockquotes
'prose-p:before:content-none prose-p:after:content-none',
// make links purple
'prose-a:text-primary hover:prose-a:underline prose-a:no-underline',
// remove italics from blockquotes
'prose-blockquote:font-normal prose-blockquote:not-italic',
// make inline `code` blocks purple
return (
<div className={classes}>
// rehypePlugins={[rehypeRaw]}
pre({ children }) {
// the code block is wrapped in a pre tag, but we already do that in the
// prism syntax highlighter. so this just doesnt render the pre tag.
return <Fragment>{children}</Fragment>;
code({ className, children, ...rest }) {
const languageMatch = className && LANGUAGE_REGEX.exec(className);
const text = languageMatch
? Children.toArray(children)
.filter((child) => typeof child === 'string')
.join(' ')
: null;
if (!languageMatch || !text) {
return (
<code className={className} {...rest}>
const language = languageMatch.groups!.language as Language;
return (
<SyntaxHighlighter language={language} className={className} {...(rest as any)}>