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# you can pass in most config options through environment variables,
# for example `DATABASE_URL` will override the databaseUrl in this config file.
# remove the .yaml extension or change it to .json to use JSON-with-comments
# ref: https://github.com/sylv/venera#sources
databaseUrl: postgresql://micro:youshallnotpass@postgres/micro
# this is the secret used to sign json web tokens. this *must* be a secure, random string that no one else has.
# if you dont change this, any user will be able to act as any other user by creating a token for someone else.
# 32+ characters is recommended.
# the email that will show on the home page. in the future the home page will be customisable,
# until then change this to your own email.
inquiries: admin@example.com
# where to store files, can be relative to the cwd or absolute.
storagePath: /data
# whether files uploaded to one domain should be available on other domains.
# you should leave this enabled as it stops users uploading to {{username}}
# domains as other users, for example user "one" could upload to one.example.com
# then replace "one" with "two" and it would look like user "two" uploaded it.
restrictFilesToHost: true
# whether to allow anyone to paste without an account.
# pastes are cheap to store so i'd recommend leaving this enabled
publicPastes: true
# purging can be used to clean up old files, useful if you want to allow large files to be uploaded
# but dont want to store them forever. this is commented by default to prevent accidental purging
# uncomment the section below to enable it.
# purge:
# overLimit: 1MB # files over this size will be purged
# afterTime: 1d # after this many days
# allowTypes is a list of file types that can be uploaded.
# a prefix will be expanded into known types, so `video` becomes `video/mp4`, `video/webm`, etc.
# omit entirely to allow all types to be uploaded.
# allowTypes:
# - video
# - image
# - image/png
# the first host in the list is the default host
- url: https://i.example.com
# {{username}} will become the users name when they use this host
- url: https://{{username}}.example.com
- url: https://i.example.net
# redirect when users go to this hosts url without a file
redirect: https://example.net
# only allow users with the "admin" tag to use this host
tags: ["admin"]